Can we agree on one thing after this......
I do not I repeat DO NOT want to rewatch this movie when we are done with it. One time box office showing that is it. Never to return and only getting a sequel next time its necessary.
That is all. please lets agree to that haha.
Request denied. Sorry, there will be many that don't learn from history. They will need to see and experience it again otherwise history will repeat. That means, the corruption, the backstabbing, the traitorous actions, all of it. This movie isn't over. Hopefully it will end with justice being served. Those of us who lived through it might not want to see it again but we must make sure each succeeding generation watches and learns what happens when the constitution is ignored. When criminals are allowed to worm their way into the government and get into positions of power. I just hope it ends with a stomach churning end, like the Nuremberg trials. That will make it unforgettable.
That is what the precipice is going to fix. Whenever it comes...
My point was kinda that. I don't wanna see it again but if a sequel needs to made ill sit and watch that. Just don't want this exact same thing happening (not denying it will happen again because people forget. And and the younger generation slowly won't know the impact it had on our lives.)
We can just watch YouTube clips of the good parts.
I plan to watch the executions every year on Jan 6
National justice day? Lets make it a mandatory off-work holiday for all non infrastructural businesses
Oh I second that!
I dunno, I hear I'll get tired of winning...
Nope. I'm ready to keep winning!!!!! Just can't wait to not be in the midst of the movie portion and move onto a new film. Maybe a title like MAGA: The Renewal of The Nation, about how after all the Pedos, warmongers and other corrupt agents are finally served justice and America begins the new golden era
i dunno, i'm looking forward to a second playthrough on hardcore mode
I'm looking forward to the full DVD set to come out!
Directors cut
My wife is asleep, so I can't enjoy this movie.
We can be your side chick lol
A rude awakening is about to hit her.
At 73, I probably don't have 7 more years to watch it again!
But you have the wisdom to teach the younger generation to NOT do the same mistakes the Left has made. Your race is almost finished, make sure you have a great finish, though!
I have the wisdom??? Have you read my posts? Keke
Will we actually be shown a hood being placed over HRC's head and her being lead up to the gallows and the door opened or will we just hear about her execution on the television right before the next hemmoroid cream commercial?
Do we not think it's already happened, trials at g'mo videoed, body doubles in place in this season? Will the footage not be released as if it's realtime?
Grrrrrrrrr. How will we know the wicked witch of DC is dead? Cannot trust the MSM so I can only assume Q might post something up?
When everything is fixed lawfully and justice is more than generally restored to our country and then the world. "The news is fake. The war is real."
If the Second Trump Presidency is gonig to be the same as the first, most likely we'll get something similar to GHWB or McCain. Bill and Hillary will be diagnosed with some disease.
However there has been new precedent established, in terms of prosecuting someone as important as President. They jailed Trump, now Trump can do the same to them.
They also shot Trump in the head, but I won't go there.
We could pay off the national debt making it a cheap $20/household PayPerView!
We who dig into curricula design must dedicate ourselves to chronicling and periodically reviewing the events and comms in order to be knowledgeable enough to prepare summaries both in temporal context and with hindsight, so that we may teach the next generation about how it was before The Reveal and before The Golden Age. Credit where credit is due, the Q team, the supporting cast and crew, the anons, the leaders and the WHs, the new Unity team, etc.
We will also have to recover true history and toss all the woke crap. So yeah, we can't all just watch it once.
I definitely don’t want the woke remake to EVER get a green light. I know that for certain.
Just like fight club you gotta watch the whole thing!
We can be narrators. Or docents at the museums set up to tell and preserve the history. So it does not get lost or rewritten.
This is just one episode directed by Q. You're whole life has been part of a movie. We are in a matrix of sorts where God is the directer with his crew at his side and we are the cast.