Agree. Her treatment has been awful. But can Trump do anything? I asked the same as you as soon as Trump won, stating that I hope he immediately pardons all J6ers as well as Tina Peters. But someone said he couldn't pardon her bc it wasn't a federal case, but state-level. No idea if thats true, but I want her freed
It is correct unfortunately. Only a Governor (or a state pardon board depending on each state's laws) can pardon a state crime. The President can advocate for her but that is about all he can officially do.
I feel terrible about her ordeal. Pray for her safety and that Trump absolves her of the bogus charges.
Agree. Her treatment has been awful. But can Trump do anything? I asked the same as you as soon as Trump won, stating that I hope he immediately pardons all J6ers as well as Tina Peters. But someone said he couldn't pardon her bc it wasn't a federal case, but state-level. No idea if thats true, but I want her freed
The President only has jurisdiction over the federal cases. States are their own thing, and the President has no jurisdiction there.
True....but...A president has ways of applying pressure on governors that may persuade them to make the pardon or commute a sentence.
Yeah, revenue sharing is one... I am sure the President has hundreds of novel ways of applying pressure.
I read that he can't, that it's a states rights thing. I hope that's wrong.
It is correct unfortunately. Only a Governor (or a state pardon board depending on each state's laws) can pardon a state crime. The President can advocate for her but that is about all he can officially do.
So Trump can "lean" on the gov....
Mebbe a prisoner swap for denvers mayor
I hope he'll be able to persuade the governor to grant clemency.