The Luciferians have to tell us what they're doing. That absolves them of all guilt, as they told us what they were doing and we allowed it. The fact that they tell us in such a way that we have no idea that they're telling us anything is apparently irrelevant.
Thinking about it logically, anyone can trick someone through pure lying, but it they can’t be considered to have sinned if the truth was completely hidden from them.
When we die, we will have to give an account before the throne, and each side is trying to win souls, one to try and overthrow the throne, and one out of love.
Every little sin will be brought up by The Accuser. Revelation 12:10 - I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now is come the salvation, the power, and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah; for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night.
If Satanists are very literally trying to win him souls, and not merely kill people for the most part, it doesn’t entirely help if they don’t tell them things to help condemn them, right?
They always tell the truth when it has to do with the plans they have. Probably because we don't believe our government would be out to hurt us, intentionally. But, as we found out--they really are.
Naturally occurring or from aluminum and steel processing slag? May make a meaningful difference.
Back in the 1950's-60's, teeth of American Indian tribes were studied by the American Dental Association and found to be in a particularly healthy condition, and it was attributed at the time to the fact that their ground water contained a meaningful amount of fluoride. Based on this, the metal processing industry used this finding to justify the disposal of metal processing run off environmentally containing "fluoride," promoting the adding of "Fluoride" to municipal water supplies, and prevailing upon FDA to approve its use in formulations by toothpaste manufacturers under the guise of promoting healthy teeth in the populace at large. Detection of fluoride in ground water vs. being present as a matter of municipal fluoro-fortification of water would be obfuscated.
Costly waste disposal floated under the guise of "heath" promotion. What a concept!
Consider arsenic for instance. Organic arsenic is present in soil everywhere. It is generally not toxic to humans. Inorganic arsenic by contrast is extremely toxic to humans. It may be that organically bound fluoride as might be present in the water where the Indian tribes lived that was studied by ADA is beneficial to teeth maintenance, but the fluoride generated from metal processing is of a different type that results in deleterious health effects, but the concept of "fluoridation" has been normalized in public policy for American society for over 60 years.
Even teas containing fluoride: Yeah, there seems to be quite the ambition by the cabal to screw up perfectly good humans any way they can. It's almost like they realize God made us and we'll help be their downfall.
The wrong side won.
Sure, it might in your face but he comes off as a nut job.
Yeah it’s to smear people who talk about it by associating it with a crazy person. Now THAT is how a hardcore commie works
What if it had to be presented that way in order to get the information out at all?
Same approach Alex Jones may have taken.
The Luciferians have to tell us what they're doing. That absolves them of all guilt, as they told us what they were doing and we allowed it. The fact that they tell us in such a way that we have no idea that they're telling us anything is apparently irrelevant.
I don't disagree. Question: do you know where this rule comes from? Why is it a rule, so to speak?
Thinking about it logically, anyone can trick someone through pure lying, but it they can’t be considered to have sinned if the truth was completely hidden from them.
When we die, we will have to give an account before the throne, and each side is trying to win souls, one to try and overthrow the throne, and one out of love.
Every little sin will be brought up by The Accuser. Revelation 12:10 - I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now is come the salvation, the power, and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah; for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night.
If Satanists are very literally trying to win him souls, and not merely kill people for the most part, it doesn’t entirely help if they don’t tell them things to help condemn them, right?
They want the people to choose to do it to themselves.
Truth is presented like fiction and comedy
Now that is interesting. Denying karmic retribution.
One of our favorites Horseman!
You can't fight in here! It's the War Room!
Oh yes! A comic genius! 😸
The original, The Pink Panther is a Classic! 💕
I love that movie 🍿
Lots O'butter makes it better!
They always tell the truth when it has to do with the plans they have. Probably because we don't believe our government would be out to hurt us, intentionally. But, as we found out--they really are.
Most teas contains fluoride.
Naturally occurring or from aluminum and steel processing slag? May make a meaningful difference.
Back in the 1950's-60's, teeth of American Indian tribes were studied by the American Dental Association and found to be in a particularly healthy condition, and it was attributed at the time to the fact that their ground water contained a meaningful amount of fluoride. Based on this, the metal processing industry used this finding to justify the disposal of metal processing run off environmentally containing "fluoride," promoting the adding of "Fluoride" to municipal water supplies, and prevailing upon FDA to approve its use in formulations by toothpaste manufacturers under the guise of promoting healthy teeth in the populace at large. Detection of fluoride in ground water vs. being present as a matter of municipal fluoro-fortification of water would be obfuscated.
Costly waste disposal floated under the guise of "heath" promotion. What a concept!
Consider arsenic for instance. Organic arsenic is present in soil everywhere. It is generally not toxic to humans. Inorganic arsenic by contrast is extremely toxic to humans. It may be that organically bound fluoride as might be present in the water where the Indian tribes lived that was studied by ADA is beneficial to teeth maintenance, but the fluoride generated from metal processing is of a different type that results in deleterious health effects, but the concept of "fluoridation" has been normalized in public policy for American society for over 60 years.
I think Thailand has the highest fluoride tea.
Even teas containing fluoride: Yeah, there seems to be quite the ambition by the cabal to screw up perfectly good humans any way they can. It's almost like they realize God made us and we'll help be their downfall.
I didn’t know this wth
I have made my own Yaupon tea ---- a little less caffeine, but you can brew it stronger without going bitter.
Thank you so much