Cara-C 1 point ago +1 / -0

100 days from now, many of these leftists are going to deny ever having been leftists. Life will be demonstrably better, and many of the lies it takes to follow their demented ideology will have been exposed.

Cara-C 7 points ago +7 / -0

At least they kept ChurchOfCOVID, which mercilessly mocks Fauci and COVID propaganda, with posters pretending to be devout worshippers of all things COVID. I guess it's under the radar enough that Reddit doesn't care enough to delete it.

Cara-C 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a start. New York City was safer under Giuliani. I can only imagine how amazing it's going to be under Trump.

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump thought Facebook was important enough to meet with Zuckerberg.

Social media controls the flow of information to millions of people, and they have been using it to lie and manipulate us into destroying, killing, and enslaving ourselves while believing we're fighting disease, helping the poor, and being tolerant of the different.

While individuals alone can't do much to take Facebook down, experiences like killerspacerobot's can be used as part of a case against them that they were using their platform to undermine and destroy America.

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

After the manipulation we've been subjected to, I don't trust anyone until their actions prove, for many years, that their words were true.

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem has been that these people have been above the law. Their "big club" controls the government, the police and judges in major jurisdictions, and the media. A few years ago, people claiming to have been raped as children by major politicians, Hollywood stars, and others as part of some mysterious MKUltra program run by the government would have been considered attention seekers or nuts. They still are by most people.

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's wonderful! It's interesting that even when he didn't believe what you were telling him, he'd still asked, sarcastically, "What’s the newest thing that’s going to happen?,” indicating he had some interest and some hope it was true, even though he didn't want to allow himself to have hope, when what he was seeing in the 3D was so bleak.

Cara-C 16 points ago +16 / -0

If you don't want to be separated from your family members, go home together.

Someone could start a charity that lets liberals contribute, out of their own pockets, to support deported families in their home countries. I suspect this charity would be very poorly funded.

Cara-C 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but most people love carbs and the diet of most cultures includes carbs.

We should be able to eat carbs without becoming obese. We ate plenty of refined carbs, including sugar and white flours, in the 1950s-70s (and earlier, but I mention these years as we had modern processed foods) and we were almost all naturally and easily slim to normal weight. Something in our environment changed and we need to change it back.

Cara-C 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but now we're finally positioned for it to happen.

Cara-C 16 points ago +16 / -0

She was apparently asleep and engulfed in flames within seconds.

Setting a woman on fire, or even faking such an incident, isn't something white hats would do. It terrorizes subway riders. It could create copycats. Everyone knows illegals have committed horrific crimes. One more isn't going to change most people's minds on immigration.

Cara-C 3 points ago +3 / -0

Red meat is one of the most nourishing food sources for humans. The globalists demonized it as unhealthy, made it unhealthier by feeding cows Skittles and pumping them full of hormones, and are now trying to outlaw cows so we have to eat bugs.

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

We've seen pedophiles, psychopaths, and abusers in every religion: Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Muslim, and the many off-shoots of these religions, not just Judaism.

Unlike the Roman Catholic church, which had a horrible pedophile problem, the Jewish people don't have a central authority able to "clean out the riff-raff" of every practitioner of their religion, which, like most religions, has many off-shoots with their own rules and practices. How is a Reform Jewish congregation in Brooklyn, for example, responsible for a small abusive sect in Guatemala they'd never heard of?

Sometimes ignorance does equal innocence.

For example, we all know that horrors are occurring all over the world. We are not guilty of committing these crimes or of allowing them. There is a world population of 8 billion people, some of whom are sick and evil. As individuals, we don't have the knowledge, power, resources, ability, or authority to detect, identify, and stop all of them.

It's not like we, the decent citizens of the world, just shrug our shoulders and do nothing. The citizens of most developed countries pay a significant amount in taxes to fund operators to respond to crime reports, Child Protective Services to investigate child abuse, police to find and arrest perpetrators, courts to try the cases, and prisons to keep the criminals locked up.

Most of us thought these institutions were doing their best to arrest the criminals and protect the innocent. It took the Great Awakening to show us that the criminals have been taking over and running these institutions for some time.

Hopefully, the taking back of these institutions by the good guys should clean out the riff-raff of all religions.

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any time you reward behavior, you get more of it. The left rewards select victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, trans-discrimination, etc. So disturbed, attention-seeking, or immoral people within those groups sometimes stage "hate crimes" against themselves to gain attention, sympathy, status, political influence, or cash prizes.

Most Jewish people don't behave this way and would condemn this behavior.

Cara-C 1 point ago +1 / -0

All animals, even those we breed for food, should be treated humanely during their lifetimes. This is not just good for the animals, but good for those who eat them.

Cara-C 4 points ago +4 / -0

It will certainly get bumpy at some point, but I'm sure Trump and his team are not going to create a scenario in which we have 10 million starving invaders. It would be inhumane toward these human pawns of the globalists and dangerous for Americans, and the cost of feeding and housing them during the deportation process will be a pittance compared to the cost of letting them stay permanently.

Cara-C 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our "representatives" obviously never read most of the bills they pass. They might have made some little deals for themselves to be included in some bills. But in general, they rubber stamped whatever their Democrat-party overlords told them to rubber stamp. They'd get giant bills presented to them one day and vote on them the next. It became obvious to us that We the People we didn't actually have representation anymore, only the illusion of it.

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

And yet, I'm still not tired of winning. So much more winning to do!

Cara-C 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wikipedia defines it this way: "Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of violence against non-combatants to achieve political or ideological aims."

So yes, depending on the true motivations of the murderer, this could have been an act of terrorism.

Cara-C 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why didn't Trump mention this when he was running? Because his voters would have recognized it as a globalist dream?

The globalists have been pushing the North American Union, a combination of the US, Canada, and Mexico. They want a one-world government with regions instead of defined countries with their own laws, customs, rights, and military. One world government gives citizens nowhere to flee and no way out when the government gets too abusive.

Cara-C 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Luciferians have to tell us what they're doing. That absolves them of all guilt, as they told us what they were doing and we allowed it. The fact that they tell us in such a way that we have no idea that they're telling us anything is apparently irrelevant.

Cara-C 4 points ago +4 / -0

There was junk food in the 1960s. It just wasn't poisoned. We and almost everyone we knew often finished dinner (and often lunch) with some kind of dessert, such as a little cake, pie, or ice cream. Also, I went to schools that didn't have rigorous fitness programs. We might not have been as fit, but almost all the kids were slim to normal weight.

Cara-C 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Delay, Deny, Depose. You people are next."

This sounds more like a prediction than a threat. "You've seen what just happened when you treat people this way," not "I'm going to kill your CEO." Inappropriate, but not criminal.

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