I say let them have their little victory. Let them put up all the satanic displays they want. In order to effectively fight evil, it must be in your face, so you can see it and know it for what it truly is. Denying them just ends up hurting The People in the end as it keeps The People from seeing it and also denies The People their own agency of discernment. Devying Satan must bume done openly, so it stands to reason that Satan must also be out in the open, so he's readily identified. Suppressing evil under the guise of "protecting the innocent" is failed logic. It doesn't protect anyone, rather it allows for evil to grow and manifest itself in ways that can't be predicted or foreseen. This is why it seems to Normies that evil has suddenly had a major comeback. It was allowed to be suppressed, which is really the goal of the Globalists. To lie in wait among the shadows while working in the shadows to do Satan's bidding.
Satan wants to remain in the shadows, so he can subvert God and suppress humanity. But bringing him out and into the open denies him his own agency. It's the only way to truly defeat him. So let his followers do this. It only hurts them and denies Satan in the end because God uses evil in order to do good works and bring out the best in humanity.
Winter Solstice was time for Saturnalia and was pagan. Augustine used it as a way to bring in the pagans by tying the Birth of Logos to the holiday. same thing with Easter -
Jesus was born near April 1st - the FIRST MONTH of 13 months.....at 28 days longs each.....
Santa Claus is based on the old custom, going back at least two to three thousand years if not longer, of the Celtic and Scandinavian tribes in what's now Europe and the UK and Russia.
At the Winter Solstice - which is the midpoint of winter, not the beginning - the chief or king would call in his best men to load up sledges with food and warm clothes. These sledges were pulled by reindeer, oxen, ponies, or humans and taken out to the people living on farms and in small groups where they grew crops and tended the animals.
These supplies would be brought to a certain tree - an evergreen, which would stand out in the bare winter forest, and which was decorated with shiny things so it would be recognized - and left for anyone who might be in need with half the winter still to go.
It was quite likely that some toys were included, too, to amuse the children during the long dark days.
The chief or king, of course, was usually an older man with silver hair and beard and wearing the best furs. This is where our legends of Santa Claus come from.
The Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas" is set at a later time but is all about exactly this custom.
It is easy to see how this custom easily merged with the Christian ideal of generosity and giving, especially to those in need, and quickly became a Christmas tradition.
It is why we still give gifts of fine food, sweaters, socks, and toys at that time of year, and explains why we have such a strong tradition of going home for Christmas.
That’s how it works if you give one you gotta give somebody else the same rights and freedom of expression. Be ashamed of somehow they got toppled like the BLM did offer historic monuments.
If you are not allowed to display the Historical Ten Commandments then WHY is this allowed?
OH, that's right. Most politicians would catch on fire if they touched the Tablets containing the Commandments which go AGAINST everything they stand for!
Notice how they did this at Christmastime too, the most holy time of the year for Christians. It's meant to insult us in the biggest way possible. They could have done this any other time of year, but chose Christmas because of its significance to Christians. Hoping this "display" will get destroyed like the one at the Iowa capitol did a while back.
I am from minnesota, and this display is very appropriate for that building and the people in there
Same here, fellow Minnesota native. Do you think there's any hope for our state to ever not be in full demoncrat control?
Voter ID?
Such a simple thing but you're right, it may automatically fix about 50% of the issues.
Burn down the Walz!!!!....
was just gonna say BURN it down
I say let them have their little victory. Let them put up all the satanic displays they want. In order to effectively fight evil, it must be in your face, so you can see it and know it for what it truly is. Denying them just ends up hurting The People in the end as it keeps The People from seeing it and also denies The People their own agency of discernment. Devying Satan must bume done openly, so it stands to reason that Satan must also be out in the open, so he's readily identified. Suppressing evil under the guise of "protecting the innocent" is failed logic. It doesn't protect anyone, rather it allows for evil to grow and manifest itself in ways that can't be predicted or foreseen. This is why it seems to Normies that evil has suddenly had a major comeback. It was allowed to be suppressed, which is really the goal of the Globalists. To lie in wait among the shadows while working in the shadows to do Satan's bidding.
Satan wants to remain in the shadows, so he can subvert God and suppress humanity. But bringing him out and into the open denies him his own agency. It's the only way to truly defeat him. So let his followers do this. It only hurts them and denies Satan in the end because God uses evil in order to do good works and bring out the best in humanity.
Winter Solstice was time for Saturnalia and was pagan. Augustine used it as a way to bring in the pagans by tying the Birth of Logos to the holiday. same thing with Easter -
Jesus was born near April 1st - the FIRST MONTH of 13 months.....at 28 days longs each.....
I'll give you a different take on that -
Santa Claus is based on the old custom, going back at least two to three thousand years if not longer, of the Celtic and Scandinavian tribes in what's now Europe and the UK and Russia.
At the Winter Solstice - which is the midpoint of winter, not the beginning - the chief or king would call in his best men to load up sledges with food and warm clothes. These sledges were pulled by reindeer, oxen, ponies, or humans and taken out to the people living on farms and in small groups where they grew crops and tended the animals.
These supplies would be brought to a certain tree - an evergreen, which would stand out in the bare winter forest, and which was decorated with shiny things so it would be recognized - and left for anyone who might be in need with half the winter still to go.
It was quite likely that some toys were included, too, to amuse the children during the long dark days.
The chief or king, of course, was usually an older man with silver hair and beard and wearing the best furs. This is where our legends of Santa Claus come from.
The Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas" is set at a later time but is all about exactly this custom.
It is easy to see how this custom easily merged with the Christian ideal of generosity and giving, especially to those in need, and quickly became a Christmas tradition.
It is why we still give gifts of fine food, sweaters, socks, and toys at that time of year, and explains why we have such a strong tradition of going home for Christmas.
That’s how it works if you give one you gotta give somebody else the same rights and freedom of expression. Be ashamed of somehow they got toppled like the BLM did offer historic monuments.
If you are not allowed to display the Historical Ten Commandments then WHY is this allowed?
OH, that's right. Most politicians would catch on fire if they touched the Tablets containing the Commandments which go AGAINST everything they stand for!
No thanks, we don’t want this up and I will pray that it not even get to see the light of day
How long until it's beheaded?
Notice how they did this at Christmastime too, the most holy time of the year for Christians. It's meant to insult us in the biggest way possible. They could have done this any other time of year, but chose Christmas because of its significance to Christians. Hoping this "display" will get destroyed like the one at the Iowa capitol did a while back.