On Fox and Friends this morning, Will Cain interviewed Dr. Redfield, former CDC Director, who ADMITTED that the CIA was involved IN THE WUHAN LAB LEAK!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!! PRAY that Dr. Redfield doesn't get Arkancided!!! Somebody post the video, pls. They had another revealing followup discussion a few minutes after in which they ask even more "inconvenient questions"....
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Personally, I think Wuhan is the red herring, which explains the CIA.
Covid came from Ft Dietrick and was released during the national war gaming thing in China in the Wuhan region.
No sauce. Just my memory of other stories that seemed much more credible.
^ THIS! The god-playing, "defensive-purposes" bio-BS that started here, and continued at the University of North Carolina Chappel-Hill until gain-of-function work was "shut down" and relocated to Wuhan for misdirection. I am ashamed that this great evil has it's roots in American soil.
You know, I have to really really wonder about that hurricane 🤔
It's no coincidence that OBama "banned bio labs" here. He just moved them away from prying eyes. Where did they move? Oh yeah, China and Ukraine. And, our universities are carrying on with this evil shit.
The military games seem an important part of the story because there is little reporting about it.
When the coop was first spreading. Mexico was basically coop free. They also never sent troops to the Wuhan military Olympics.
I think I remember something about the University of North Carolina (UNC) as well.
Watch: Former CDC director Robert Redfield testifies before House on COVID origins YouTube · USA TODAY Mar 8, 2023
I would say wuhan lab leak story helps keep the covid narrative alive as opposed to the rebranded flu narrative.
yup, the lab leak/bat soup dialectic was a distraction from the truth; Covid was just rebranded flu and they killed people with hospital protocols
I think the narrative was released around the time they were rolling out 5g because they didn't know if it was going to have immediate effects. The 5g effects are longer term but they couldn't afford the public outrage in case. It was also released around elections to control, etc as we all know.
They may have very well tried to release a virus but it failed miserably.
Hence the zero flu cases during the pandemic and no uptick in mortality rates.
Similar to aids being created as excuse for "treatments" for aids...the "treatments" being the actual killer.
WSJ: It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now. Here’s a Guide.
Ha ha. But not a second before we say you can!
This, by the appropriate named agent
This is long but explains everything.
This guy explains everything in detail.
Redfield is a scum bag.
Hes been letting slip truth for months now. We can only speculate on his motivations. Making declarations like yours with so little information in the middle of WW3 psywar probably isnt wise. In this I always like to keep room for new information. Im not saying your wrong though. On the surface he definitely appeared as a scumbag during covid.
‘lab leak theory’ isn’t ’truth’. It’s part of the psyop
‘Lab leak theory’ is part of the psyop. Anyone proposing lab leak theory is a government shill . People were killed with ventilators, sedation and remdesivir and mis-categorization of pre existing conditions. End of story.
No need to kill someone with ventilators and remdesivir if you have an actual virus.
Those in the know wouldn't have secret parties and orgies if they were afraid their lab created virus could spread.
and they would’ve been too afraid just to pretend to take the vax
Thought it was Chyna in Ukraine
A Chinese envoy came and visited a few Liberal cities in July and August of 2019. I always felt they had something to do with Covid. Either spreading it or warning Libshit governors and mayors.