Hard to say. But after he ran this scam he used the money to create an investment firm with guess who... JD VANCE. So yeah I don't know what to make of it but there you go
After he sells his stocks then out comes the news: "Oooh well actually now that we did our testing it appears that this drug is only as effective as placebo. Oh shoot. Anyway guess I'll keep the money - thanks everybody!"
Scumbag. I always knew there was something about him that made my skin crawl
Is it really sauceless when all of the info is 15 keystrokes away from being on your screen too? I’ve been shouting from the rooftops about Vivek since his first appearance in his run for presidential nominee. These people are all the same.
I really hope all of the “literally everything is a psyop” people are right. The only reason to give Vivek any position in a presidential administration would be to expose him for what he is.
Well said and thank you. It's not hard to tell who is a scammer and who is not. Vivek is a scammer it's easy to see and he has proven it in documented cases. Only thing I can think is that trump is just waiting to crush him when he is tired of his song and dance.
There are many reports that Vivek Ramaswamy engaged in a pump and dump scheme during his time as a biotech CEO.
The following video conducts a deep analysis of the claim.
Basically he dumped the stock of the parent company instead of the sub-company to shield himself from the legal jeopardy of a traditional pump-and-dump. Pretty smart actually - and only something an advanced psychopathic scammer could come up with and pull off. So my original position remains not only unchanged, but strengthened by watching this video.
And this WHY I stay out of the rig stock market. The big boys plays the little boys, some make money most lose money, my bad but I still have my gold and silver
"There's s sucker born every minute." Did Vivek do something that is illegal? Or did he fool people into giving away their money for a worthless product. If he was guilty only of the later, then he is nothing more that a slick politician, akin to the entire uniparty who continually get people to vote for them with a false promise of fixing all the problems with a "fake pill".
Lmao what?? Are you serious? Pump and dump is very much securities fraud. I’m not sure what you’re even saying here but yes Vivek is your typical Indian scammer guilty of breaking the law.
If you watch the video above you can see that technically he dumped stock for the parent company (they started a sub-company for the IPO) which was bound to lose money on the IPO so he shielded himself from being 'technically' in violation. This shows either a very lucky investor or more likely someone who was such an advanced scammer he knew how to avoid the common way of getting caught and took steps to insulate himself. So followed the letter of the law but not the spirit. So yeah, still an Indian Scammer in my book, just a really really slick one.
….running against Trump is treason? This is not a monarchy, my friend. I fully support President Trump and have since day one, but suggesting that allowing opposition is a crime punishable by death is fucking insane.
The way he portrayed himself as good was to always slip in his Catholic participation.
The show was so long ago so I’m not sure what I thought exactly, but I probably didn’t think he was actually anti-American just because he mocked the Republican persona. Now I understand the purpose of the mockery and that it is part of a larger anti-American operation.
So why is he on the Trump team?
How many swamp creatures are there?
Hard to say. But after he ran this scam he used the money to create an investment firm with guess who... JD VANCE. So yeah I don't know what to make of it but there you go
Well you figured it out.
I would suggest that if that's causing you discomfort, then surely Trump's second term is a sham also.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
They are moths to the light. Everyone that is bad gets shown by their own hand. Only the good guys go to jail or suffer financial loss.
... altruism is not a billionaire personality trait...
Trump is a billionaire.
...I stand by my statement...
Trump is the definiton of Altruism
...doggy winks...
ashland...just don't dig any holes, you just might find gold!!!! Just sayin'!!!
...mostly very used bones here...
...let's pray you will not be disappointed in the forthcoming year...
After he sells his stocks then out comes the news: "Oooh well actually now that we did our testing it appears that this drug is only as effective as placebo. Oh shoot. Anyway guess I'll keep the money - thanks everybody!"
Scumbag. I always knew there was something about him that made my skin crawl
Too many sauceless and outlandish claims in this thread, frens.
Sounds like DS anti-DOGE shillery....
Is it really sauceless when all of the info is 15 keystrokes away from being on your screen too? I’ve been shouting from the rooftops about Vivek since his first appearance in his run for presidential nominee. These people are all the same.
I really hope all of the “literally everything is a psyop” people are right. The only reason to give Vivek any position in a presidential administration would be to expose him for what he is.
What I’m hoping. But what about Elon? Is he some sort of God we can’t cross?
Well said and thank you. It's not hard to tell who is a scammer and who is not. Vivek is a scammer it's easy to see and he has proven it in documented cases. Only thing I can think is that trump is just waiting to crush him when he is tired of his song and dance.
Dude I'm just a regular person you think this is shilling? These are true facts and vivek is a scammy jeet. GTFOH
There are many reports that Vivek Ramaswamy engaged in a pump and dump scheme during his time as a biotech CEO. The following video conducts a deep analysis of the claim.
Basically he dumped the stock of the parent company instead of the sub-company to shield himself from the legal jeopardy of a traditional pump-and-dump. Pretty smart actually - and only something an advanced psychopathic scammer could come up with and pull off. So my original position remains not only unchanged, but strengthened by watching this video.
And this WHY I stay out of the rig stock market. The big boys plays the little boys, some make money most lose money, my bad but I still have my gold and silver
"There's s sucker born every minute." Did Vivek do something that is illegal? Or did he fool people into giving away their money for a worthless product. If he was guilty only of the later, then he is nothing more that a slick politician, akin to the entire uniparty who continually get people to vote for them with a false promise of fixing all the problems with a "fake pill".
Lmao what?? Are you serious? Pump and dump is very much securities fraud. I’m not sure what you’re even saying here but yes Vivek is your typical Indian scammer guilty of breaking the law.
I am not familiar with the term, however, if he broke the law, he should be held accountable, just like every other person who did the same thing.
If you watch the video above you can see that technically he dumped stock for the parent company (they started a sub-company for the IPO) which was bound to lose money on the IPO so he shielded himself from being 'technically' in violation. This shows either a very lucky investor or more likely someone who was such an advanced scammer he knew how to avoid the common way of getting caught and took steps to insulate himself. So followed the letter of the law but not the spirit. So yeah, still an Indian Scammer in my book, just a really really slick one.
….running against Trump is treason? This is not a monarchy, my friend. I fully support President Trump and have since day one, but suggesting that allowing opposition is a crime punishable by death is fucking insane.
Exposure to other viewpoints is healthy.
You do understand there has to be a show still. Trump needed some opponents and the actors played their parts...
Even Stephen Colbert played the part of a patriotic American on his previous TV show the Colbert Report.
No he didn’t. He played the parody role of a Fox News reporter who was paid to suck Bush Jr. dick every day as an OBVIOUS gag.
Example: “So it first question for you today: President Bush—good president? Or great president?”
It was hilarious and I hope to God you got the joke at the time and didn’t actually think he was on our side.
The way he portrayed himself as good was to always slip in his Catholic participation. The show was so long ago so I’m not sure what I thought exactly, but I probably didn’t think he was actually anti-American just because he mocked the Republican persona. Now I understand the purpose of the mockery and that it is part of a larger anti-American operation.