American citizens, in their own country, SHOULD NOT have to compete with the entire world for jobs in America... please DOWN VOTE if you disagree and then tell us why.
The Division Of Labor

The H1B Visa program needs to be scrutinized and reformed to cost EMPLOYERS more to use them than to hire American workers.
THAT is what Elon said!
Elon called us Americans "retarded" and "unskilled" and that we should flood our work force with foreigners.
A vaccinated person calling anyone retarded... is retarded themselves. Elon was stupid enough to take a jab, and a cuck enough to lose his child to the trans. Little Elon needs to sit down and fix his own life first.
100%! MSM creates a "Genius" who: smokes weed, uses pharma Ozempic instead of self restraint, loves the limelight, loves attention, never invents anything - just buys other peoples ideas, has sex with multiple women, gets involved in politics. If you ever had the opportunity to be around high IQ people than you know Elon is a grifter and at best a marketer. High IQ people barely know how to talk. They live in their work. You will never hear of them until after their death and only know them for their work. If Elon is a "Genius" - then Neil deGrasse Tyson is "Scientist."
Don’t forget about the first born sacrifice!
Most people can't even read proficiently. It's not our fault. These people have been raised to be this way. It's because of the way our education system is run.
Instead of hiring foreigners we should just teach our citizens.
The thing is there are more people in the workforce than a bunch of retarded snowflakes that just graduated. There are older workers--GenXer here, and I'm neither retarded nor lazy. I don't want my job taken by a damned foreigner just because companies (and the government) like filling the country with commies who will vote the dems in office.
I do agree we need to teach our citizens better. Public schools are a fucking joke, and colleges are nothing by liberal commie training grounds.
Look at our education system compared to China and Japan. Look at our College Graduates. I don’t agree with flooding our nation with aliens but he is spot on about our work force coming out of “higher education “.
Bannon disagrees with both Elon and Trump on this. Americans can be taught and this can be corrected very quickly. We don't need to alter ourselves demographically any further. Indians vote democrat and don't share any of our values! Look at their culture and life expectancy! People are not interchangeable cogs that can be yanked out and replaced by whatever - that is a communist notion. Look at Canada, Seattle, WA and London! We are suckers for letting foreigners that in turn claw their way to rule over us!
China and Japan aren't the ones abusing the visa program. India is.
And compare the average IQ to that of America to India.
China has almost no safety measures in place in their factories.
For real? I wouldn't be surprised after he told us to get "fucked in the face", such a throat fucker, Elon
If Elon was serious about hiring the best, he would pay more. Shouldn't the top tech companies pay the best salaries? If they need more workers they should be luring them away from other large companies. The fact that he hired H1Bs means its all about the money not the talent.
Yes, and not only that - his own personal ambitions are more important to him than the demographic, cultural, national interests of Americans. This is our only home! We are not globalists moving here and there at our pleasure!
Musk is a Globalist, for sure. Not a nationalist. He isn't on good terms with a lot of other globalists, but he is just a different globalist. Wanting access to the entire world's workforce
And that's exactly why people aren't applying for work either. It's humiliating to take a job that pays dramatically less and wants more experience. The whole game; they never intended to hire American anyway. It's a front.
Yeah, his companies actually pay a lot lower than other tech companies and he says stuff like "You come to work at space X to be part of history,. taking humanity to Mars, not for the pay"
He threatened war against us! He called us racist for prioritizing Americans over his life aspirations! He needs to open schools and train Americans to do these jobs! To him America is an economic zone not a home or even a country with boundaries and history. He needs to take his own advice and F! himself in that smug, arrogant face. We didn't vote for him! He jumped on the Maga movement right after Trump's assassination attempt. He is simply an opportunist. He tells us to reproduce and at the same time brings in Indians who take away good paying jobs that would allow men to support families. DISGUSTING!
He can say that because he can afford it.
I believe this H1B visa drama will be resolved by Trump in our favor.
Trump is a businessman who understands the importance of helping someone that helped him.
That being said, what I believe is happening: Trump seeming to take a 'soft approach' (at the moment) on H1B visas DOES NOT necessarily mean that's what he will do.
Everybody knows Trump is a master strategist.
Every day We read between the lines on Trump's "moves and counter moves."
Q and Trump told us it is "we the people" and that we "forgot how to play the game", "make our voices heard" etc.
Therefore I think, if the MAGA movement makes its voice heard on the H1B immigration issue, then it allows Trump to gracefully say to Elon "sorry Elon, I know you want more H1B immigration, and I appreciate your vigorous support, but the MAGA base is just too united against it ." and then he ends the H1B program.
It's likely a sort of charade vis-a-vis Elon.
To believe otherwise is to believe Trump would betray us, his base. Who here believes that?
Let's continue to let our voices be heard and let it play out. We will win!
It should be destroyed.