⚕️🙏Time We ALL Started Taking Care of People Here. NOW🙏⚕️
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What an interesting reply. I've never thought of our rulers as such, but it sure does make sense. Satan must stay pretty busy churning out these messed up leaders on a daily basis. Why does he get the dominion of our leaders, why not have Christ centered leaders? Thank for tickling my gray cells today. Now I'll have to ponder this for the rest of the day.
There’s been an argument floating around, I forget from who, but that this war is against psychopaths and sociopaths in large part.
If you haven’t played the Werewolf game, you should. https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Werewolf-(Party-Game)
The werewolves have a strong advantage in that game over the villagers.
The lesson of the game is that insider knowledge is very difficult to overcome, especially if it’s possessed by a small group that wants to eat the other group.
It may also be that rather than simply psycho and sociopaths, we are also fighting against demoniacs and secret societies run by them, per Ephesians 6:12.
Does the Bible say how to identify and deal with them, and we just haven’t been taught those scriptures?
Honestly my wife and I have learned more from reading/studying the Books of Enoch and others included within the Apocrypha.
Why did you name yourself “Death”?
I do need to read Enoch.
refers back to the days in the 'Corps. It's also significant, very much so, of a very important constant that exists whether or not you want it/need it -or believe in it Biblically. I miss that comradery, respect, friendship and feeling that you're safe, even in death -no matter what. As for Enoch. Yes. That one my friend I would definitely tell you to read. Sort of ' fills in the blanks that I was left with.
Werewolf = jew
The jews get one of their own into a higher level of influence within some organization. Could be a business, NGO, or government agency or department.
Then, they focus on bringing in more jews with them, hiring them over other non-jews who may be more qualified. Nepotism and tribalism is more important to them.
It seems that the White man is the one who believes in merit only, but the others do not.
This is how a tiny minority within a society can push their own kind up through the ranks, to the point where today they run ALL the main stream media outlets, ALL major Hollywood studios, 70% of Joe Biden's cabinet, most of the largest Wall Street firms, etc. The werewolfs don't eat the villagers, though. Instead, they are parasites upon them. That keeps the gravy train going much longer.
Yes, the Bible does tell this story, but the English versions of the Bible have been changed to obfuscate this message.
In John 8, Jesus tells these people that they are NOT of God, but rather they are of Satan.
In Hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary." They would be the adversary of God's people.
Jesus told them that their father was "the murderer from the beginning." Who was the murderer back in the beginning? Cain.
Cain was the biological son of Satan, and not of Adam.
Notice that the family tree in Genesis takes us from Adam through Seth (not Cain), down to Noah, Shem (the "Semites"), Eber (the "Hebrews"), Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the Israelite people -- God's Chosen.
To understand the full story, though, we also must look to secular sources of historians and archeological digs -- which were not available until 150 years ago.
What we ultimately find is that after the Israelites from the Kingdom of Israel were captured by the Assyrians and released, they never returned back to Palestine. Instead, they migrated north into the Caucasus Mountain region.
Later, they would migrate westard into Europe, which was a wilderness. They conquored that wilderness. Because they came from the Caucasus Mountain region, they became known as "Caucasians."
The Bible tells us that the Israelites would forget who they were. The Caucasians lost track of the fact that their ancestors were the Israelites of the Bible.
But each of the 12 tribes can be identifed in Europe. For example, the tribe of Dan became the Danish people in Denmark. The other tribes can also be identified as Europeans.
Also remember, Paul wrote is epistles ONLY to European men, and not to anyone else. Paul described himself as an Israelite, of the tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1). He wrote his letters to his brothers (blood brothers).
God said that Abraham's seed would (a) create many nations, (b) have many kings, and (c) be a blessing to the world.
This describes the White race, as we have created numerous nations/countries, had hundreds of kings in Europe, and created almost all of the inventions that have made the world a better place for everyone.
The jews have infiltrated Christianity (which they hate) and been able to alter enough of the Bible to convince others that they are the Israelites. But this is a lie. They have never created a single nation or country. Even the Israeli government in Palestine today was created by White Europeans, not the jews.
The jews have never had any kings, and have been a problem to the world, not a blessing. They have been kicked out of more than 100 countries for their dirty deeds, including child abduction, rape, and murder ("sacrifice").
The jews are the Edomite descendants. The Edomites were a racial mix of Esau (who was a Semite and Hebrew, but not an Israelite) and the Canaanites and Hittites, who were also mixed with the Kenites.
The Kenites were the descendants of Cain.
We can't see that clearly in our English language Bibles, but it becomes clear when you look at the Hebrew:
QYN = translated as Cain
QYNY = translated for some reason as Kenite
Cain was the child of Satan.
So, the Satanic blood ("blood of the adversary") runs through the jews today.
This explains why they do the things they do.
When you look at it from this perspective, the fog of history becomes crystal clear.
Spiritually maybe, but not biological:
That's because Cain fled the family as he murdered his brother Abel, so the patriarchical line then descended through the next son, Seth.
No, he clearly states that their father, who was a murder from the beginning, was the devil:
That's an interesting theory, but it sort of falls down with respect to the diversity of languages in Europe, which is explained by the dispersal from Babel in Genesis 11:
Genesis 10 breaks down each of the families:
Gen 10:2-5 explains that the Gentiles (Europe, I believe) were descended tom Japheth:
No, not spiritual. It's biological. There is a false translation in Genesis 4.
But that is an indepth discussion, and just not into it right now. Maybe we can debate it another time.
The point is that there is a particular biological branch of the family tree of Adam, which goes through Seth, and ends up as Isrealites, and ultimately to Jesus.
It goes through Seth, not Cain -- as you recognize.
God >> Adam >> Seth >> ... Jesus/God.
Most Christians never really think about what this means.
Who was the murderer from the beginning?
That's because he was the son of Satan.
That's WHY he committed murder.
John 8 --
Remember, long ago the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, and then Judahites (a branch of the Israelite family tree) became slaves in Babylon. Some of them returned to Judea after that captivity.
But these people say they were never slaves. Therefore, they could not have been the Israelites/Judahites. They were something else.
They tell Jesus they are Abraham's chlidren. But Jesus knows that is not exactly true.
So, Jesus' father (God) is not the same as their father (Satan).
Here, they are making a claim that is partially true. These people were Edomites (the ancestors to today's jews), living in Judea, where the Edomites controlled the area, subject to higher Roman authority, in the time of Jesus.
It's all right there in the listing of the family tree in Genesis.
Esau/Edom was a grandson of Abraham.
But Esau/Edom also mixed with the non-Semites/non-Hebrews and became a different, mixed race.
They mixed with the Canaanites, Hittites, and Kenites.
Thus, they became a mixed race with some of Abrahams' blood, but also the bloodlines of others.
So, they could make the claim that "Abraham is our father," but Jesus saw right through it. Abraham was a pure blood, as were the Israelites. But these people were not.
Again, telling them that neither God nor Abraham are their father.
Now, THIS is where the modern churches all ignore and get wrong this word "fornication."
They want us to believe that it means "sex outside of marriage." But this exchange between Jesus and these Edomites has nothing at all to do with sex outside of marriage.
They are claiming they are children of God (through Abraham), like the Israelites.
But Jesus knows it is a lie.
The respond by saying they are not born of fornication.
But they are.
Because fornication means RACE MIXING.
Due to the race mixing of Esau/Edom, the Edomites became a mixed race, and were never of the Israelite part of the biological family tree.
They were a different branch.
They were the Edomite branch.
Jesus knows this.
They cannot hear his word because they are not his people -- they are not of God.
Cain was a murderer from the beginning -- because he was the son of Satan (the "Adversary" in Hebrew).
Who dishonors Jesus and Christianity?
The modern day jews.
These Edomites (ancestors of modern jews -- which the jews themselves acknowledge) were a mixed race: part Abraham (from Seth), part Canaanite and Hittite (from Ham), and part Kenite (from Cain).
This is why they would not, could not, and did not agree with anything Jesus said.
"Satan" in Hebrew means "Adversary."
These people were/are the adversaries of God's people.
This is a BIOLOGICAL bloodline. It comes ultimately from Cain, the murderer from the beginning.
Eve did not eat an apple in the Garden of Eden. That was a euphamism.
It never said apple. It said fruit. And original Hebrew said "Fruit of the Loin."
This was a term used for sex.
The Serpent seduced Eve, and the result was Cain.
As we are later told in Revelation 12:
The Serpent is the Devil or Satan or the Adversary or the Deceiver.
That Serpent was cast out, and was in the Garden of Eden.
Why didn't it say that in Genesis?
Because Jesus said, in Matthew 13:
We cannot understand the OT without the NT, or the NT without the OT.
This is why jews and muslims will never understand.
That Serpent in the Garden of Even could be called Satanic blood (or, "blood of the adversary" or deceiver). It runs through the biological descendants of Cain.
This explains much of the turmoil in the world, for the past many thousands of years.
Babel was long before the eventual migration to Europe and the development of the various European languages.
One has nothing to do with the other.
You have to be careful with certain words. Some of them do not mean what we are told to believe.
"Gentile" is an English word. It comes from the Latin "Gentilus," which meant someone who was not a Roman citizen.
It has nothing to do with jew or non-jew, which is what most people think today.
The Hebrew word "goy" (and "goyim," which is the plural) means "nation." It does not mean "non-jew." It has nothing at all to do with jews.
Likewise, the Greek word "Ethnos" also means "nation."
"Nation" itself comes from the latin word "nacio," and it means "of birth" and refers to a blood relation.
Today, people use the word "nation" but they do not use it in its proper context.
Nation is a group of people, or a society, that are all related by blood.
In Japan, they have a nation. They are all related by blood (not counting the visitors, which they call "gaijin."
It would be accurate to say that in Japan, the Japanese people are "goy" (individual) or "goyim" (all of them), because they are a nation, and the non-Japanese people are "gentiles," because they are non-Japanese.
These are the true meanings of the words. Not just for Japanese, but just using them to demonstrate the point.
In 1930's Germany, the White German people could have been called the goy/goyim (the "nation"), and the jews and others would have been the gentiles.
The jews have just subverted the true meanings of these words.
Regarding Japeth, we know that Noah's 3 sons were all White because Noah and his wife were White. You can't get anything but White from White/White.
God chose Noah to build the ark and carry out this mission BECAUSE he was "perfect in his generations" (or "ancestry") [see: Genesis 6:9].
Shem's ancestors became the Semites, the Hebrews, and the Israelites. Esau/Edom also came from this line, but unlike Jacob/Israel, he did not stay within his own bloodline.
He mixed with Canaanites, who were from Ham.
Canaan was cursed because he was the product of incest (Ham had sex with his own mother).
Some of Japeth's ancestors may have also ended up in Europe, but his is not of the Israelite family tree. That went through Shem. And the Israelites became the Caucasians and Europeans.
Interesting subject.
You can make a case that those things are really the same thing, just with different names. And you're absolutely right that this war is Normals vs Sociopaths and always has been.
I think it's to 'sort' the children of God from the tares...
The Parable of the Tares Explained
36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.”
37 He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. 39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. 40 Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. 41 The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, 42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Don't miss this point:
Jesus only told the parable to the multitudes. He did NOT explain what it meant until he was speaking ONLY to his people.
He explains elsewhere why he did that, namely that the "others" would not understand it, would not like it, and would be a waste of time.
definitely^ and that's why my favorite part is the 'let him hear' at the end. many people don't have the ability...they'll never 'hear'. realizing that helps to explain this world.
Psychopaths always wind up on top because when you have no conscience, it's easy to do the horrible things needed to get everyone else out of the way.
They stay on top because the normal people do NOT recognize them as such. They assume that our leaders are also normal people who have our best interests at heart.
But that's not the case. Unfortunately, most leaders are sociopaths who will do anything to hold on to their power. That's why they hate Trump so much: Because he is the rare leader who isn't one of them.
If the normals ever understand this, that's when it's Game Over. But not before. That is the real "Great Awakening."
You might want to read Political Ponerology. https://www.amazon.com/Political-Ponerology-Science-Adjusted-Purposes/dp/1897244258
Long story short, about 10% of the population are outright psychopaths or psychopathically-inclined. Power attracts psychopaths. The less intelligent get caught. The more intelligent become CEOs, judges, law enforcement or politicians.