I had become defeated by drugs and alcohol, overcome by fear and an inability to generate rational thoughts and decisions. I cried out to the lord as a final hail mary of faith as i traveled the field to nowhere. As a bolt of lightning strikes the ground and the vibrations shake the walls of your home, my soul was penetrated and enlightened, and a new way of life was established. I checked into rehab on Dec.03/24, unable to check GAW or receive news of the outside world around me, i sat patiently in surrender to the will of our father who is in heaven. I completed the 30 day program and by my own choosing and the graceful guiding hand of god, i admitted myself into another program, one with home like qualities, in these walls i sit currently. Sober, grateful, and wearing the full armor of god, an armor so comforting it has become lighter than the clothing i wear. I am now 33 days sober, and i thank you all for letting me share. God is good, and he is with us, and together we will be joined in the new Jerusalem that awaits us beyond the demise of Babylon. I pray for those who still sleep, and to the addict who has yet to recover. In the name of the father son and the holy spirit i pray these lost souls become blessed and awakened for them to find guidance toward the path of the righteous. In Jesus name, Amen.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Psalm 40:1-3 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him. Proverbs 21:12-13 12 The Righteous One, takes note of the house of the wicked and brings the wicked to ruin.
13 Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered
Hallelujah Thank you Jesus!
Love to see this fren.
I was there as well. Keep pushing forward..each day is a new chance to grow closer to Jesus. Feel free to reach out if you ever need prayer or a fren to vent to..
Together through Christ we have endless Potential
I don't post these a lot here. So I will also use this comment to say this.
If anyone here would like to come on the show and share their testimony...we would love to have you. I'm willing to work with you however to ensure your safety and security..including voice only. Let me know. Love you all
Amen, thank you for your kind words. Upon obtaining and reading my bible, i have encountered many blessings and lessons and i share the word of our father with any and all i encounter. These blessings are not my own, for the little i have can be taken away, but my path is leading toward everlasting and eternal life as long as i continue walking in the steps of our lord. May jesus be with us all
Amen fren!!
So grateful to Our Father for Guiding you out of the pit of despair and so grateful for you reaching out your hand to Him!
Your walk will hopefully guide the way for others! Thank you for sharing and May God's blessings continue to lighten your load! 🙏🙌
One foot in front of the other, one day at a time. May God continue to bless your journey, fren.
Adding to this. THINK one day or moment at a time. Fight this moment, this thought. Don't worry about tomorrows fights. Just todays thoughts / fights. After a while the thoughts will become bearable and diminished over time. Battle your thoughts NOW, don't worry about tomorrows thoughts.
one day at a time... be of service... Remember Freedom isn't Free..
Amen. i intend to get my CDCA licensure so i can help the addict who still suffers, and once my resources become bountiful i intend to establish a food stand on sundays to give free meals to those in need, no questions asked, all will be welcome.
the longest and hardest journey I traveled was 12 inches from my head to my heart I got given a second chance at life, I was a wicked, dishonest, and unpleasant man the 12 step program showed me how to unravel and repair the mess I made, but most vital it taught me how to live after I got clean and sober. live free and remember attraction is way more powerful than promotion. (walk the walk) god bless you.
I’m so happy to hear the great news. Many, including myself, have gone down this road. Jesus never fails. Never. I’m so happy for your recovery and your walk with the Lord. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and you will do well. 🙏
If you go to Ryan Slechta’s YouTube page my testimony is there as well 🥰
I will absolutely check it out. Recovery is a beautiful thing that at one time felt so impossibly far away. Each day becomes easier through gratitude and surrender to our lord. Thank you for your kind words and may jesus bless your many days to come
Here is the video u/ThisIsHowItStarts testimony. She has some great testimony
I'm still fighting and struggling.. sadly. Good Luck to you🙏
Prayers just sent up for you. Hang in there.
Well done. It's been 35 years for me.
It gets much easier,i never even think about it anymore.
Hallelujah 🤗
Acts 2:38
God’s grace is new every day. Congratulations fren. I’m praying for your continued victory!
Bless you, and thank you for posting the good news. Never give up, except to the One who deserves all praise and glory.
This is wonderful news, fren. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your 33 days sober. God is Good, God is GREAT. Please continue to allow Him to comfort and guide you.
You know, you have a flair with words, fren. You should seriously consider doing some writing. Maybe even tell THIS story and this journey you're making so that others might be blessed and inspired. All the best to you.
Praise God for your healing! He will use it for good in your life.
Do not linger in shame and guilt. Your trials are not failings. They are warfare against foes beyond your comprehension, the ramifications of which echo through eternity. You were not chosen by accident. None of God's children were. The fight is not yet over, but now you have a sword and shield - the word. When the battle seems to go ill for you, remember His word. Return to the word often, and He will strengthen you. But leave shame and guilt alone. Do not return to them, nor shut the door on the past. Do not fear, for fear is faith in the wrong kingdom. He does not choose his warriors lightly, or in error. His son has already given you the victory. Follow him.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
You've got this. Just keep depending and trusting on God. Praying for you!!!
Another warrior for Christ enters the battle...welcome friend! Your strength will only grow from here on out, so stay humble.
We are with you all the way, anon.
Find a meeting.
Keep going to meetings till you like going to meetings.
Bring the body the mind will follow
God bless brother
Im on a 14 day blackout where i cant leave but as soon as thats over im going to hit the meetings head on. Ive been trying to do mobile meetings on my phone in the mean time but i havent quite figured it out lol
I'm 10 years sober for drugs 8 years for alcohol 2 years for lust
I run a N/A meeting, a Celebrate Recovery program in a local prison and a S/A meeting
We do recover
Congrats on your 33 days sober and clear. Having been thru rehab myself years ago, I know how difficult it is, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You are strong enough to get thru rehab and now on to one day at a time. Little hint, if you don't think you can get thru a day at a time, break it down. It's easier to get thru one hour at a time, or even 15 minutes if that is all you can do. Welcome back to GA and may God bless you
I pray for your release from Satan and that God puts him beneath your foot. Crush him and all the evil he puts on your lifes path. You are strong enough to easily accomplish that. One day at a time, and don't ever look back. Your future is full of wonderful things, get there and experience freedom!
AMEN, a wonderful reminder !!!!!
One day at a time. Having the insanity removed of needing a drug or drink is a great feeling. Fight for your sobriety harder than you fought for your next drug or drink. Christ first. Continue to lay it down daily to him. Congrats on your time. I have received that gift myself.
Amen Dagoosie, Amen.
Congrats Fren! Proud of you. I hate to say it but I think God used Kamala to spread his word. "We are being unburdened by what has been". Everyone I know is going through a mass unraveling right now. Including me.
Keep the faith that is all that matters and keep sharing your story. So many folks got bit by the globalist ponzi scheme of drugs and alcohol.