come on, man! everyone knows miles become longer the further north you are. it;s like weight becomes heavier as you age. 300lbs when you are 50 is equal to 185lbs when you were 21. same thing. also like age of women. man and woman are equal age @ 21. when the man is 50, the woman is still 39. simple maths, man, COME ON!
I'm wondering what rare minerals are buried under the ice? There must be enough to make China lick their chops and Trump get edgy about not wanting the Chinese in our back door. Does this situation have the chance of China getting pissed off and tossing a nuke or two our way to tell us to back off of their globalist tendencies? Is Greenland a stand alone country with a working government or are they a vasil state of Norway?
I think it was Charlie Kirk that said on Twitter that they were pulling up rubies the size of baseballs but Denmark wouldn't let them sell them or bring them to market.. likely because they don't want Denmark to be a prosperous place, people get uppity when they have money, they demand rights
Dude, continental plates exist, that's what continents sit on and how they've slowly moved about the planet. Plate tectonics is a real thing. Sorry you don't like reality, can't help you there. shrug
Tectonic plates are real. Continents are defined as large landmasses surrounded by water. This means most of the continents aren't continents. Africa, asia, and Europe are connected. North and south america are connected. Tectonic plates have nothing to do with the definition of 'continent.' Sorry you don't like reality.
Not sure of the actual size, but I know Greenland is not bigger than Africa. If it was, we would be dealing with the Mexico River and Europe with the Atlantic River.
Smaller than Brazil but three times as cold.
Brazilian nipples would be bomb in Greenland
A Mardi Gras parade with dogsleds and frostbite.
It's about as big as Alaska and California added together and it has a population of about 10% of Wyoming.
Andre Walker has an interesting take on the situation.
come on, man! everyone knows miles become longer the further north you are. it;s like weight becomes heavier as you age. 300lbs when you are 50 is equal to 185lbs when you were 21. same thing. also like age of women. man and woman are equal age @ 21. when the man is 50, the woman is still 39. simple maths, man, COME ON!
I love science...
I'm wondering what rare minerals are buried under the ice? There must be enough to make China lick their chops and Trump get edgy about not wanting the Chinese in our back door. Does this situation have the chance of China getting pissed off and tossing a nuke or two our way to tell us to back off of their globalist tendencies? Is Greenland a stand alone country with a working government or are they a vasil state of Norway?
I’ve been under the assumption it was oil, or even commercially viable fishing in the territorial waters or economic exclusivity zone.
I think it was Charlie Kirk that said on Twitter that they were pulling up rubies the size of baseballs but Denmark wouldn't let them sell them or bring them to market.. likely because they don't want Denmark to be a prosperous place, people get uppity when they have money, they demand rights
Let’s google that…
It's still the largest island on the planet. (In before someone says Australia is, bro Australia is a continent.)
It's also a country though, so, I do think that counts
No such thing as a continent. Its an erroneous concept.
Dude, continental plates exist, that's what continents sit on and how they've slowly moved about the planet. Plate tectonics is a real thing. Sorry you don't like reality, can't help you there. shrug
Tectonic plates are real. Continents are defined as large landmasses surrounded by water. This means most of the continents aren't continents. Africa, asia, and Europe are connected. North and south america are connected. Tectonic plates have nothing to do with the definition of 'continent.' Sorry you don't like reality.
That is patently false. Here's the definition:
con·ti·nent1 /ˈkänt(ə)nənt/ noun noun: continent; plural noun: continents
Here are some other facts about continents:
Geologically -Continents are made up of lower-density rocks than the seafloor or mantle.
Tectonic plates -Continents correlate with the positions of tectonic plates. Geologists theorize that continents move due to plate tectonics.
Mountain formation -Mountains form on continents when tectonic plates crash together, creating wrinkles in the crust.
Name -The word "continent" comes from the Latin terra continēns, which means "land held together" or "connected land".
The definition has nothing to do with how much water is surrounding it. Try again homie.
Please share the source of the definition you provided. Thanks.
Australians sometimes refer to the country as their island home.
Okay, doesn't remove the fact that it's a continent.
There are no continents. We were lied to.
Down vote all you want, but its true... The idea of continents is erroneous.
That world map blew my mind when I was little 🤯
Then I grew up and understood map projection 😑
If the USA includes Canada then the USA becomes the largest country, beating Russia. Greenland is just the ICING on the cake
Looks a little larger than Texas ---about like Alaska.
Alaska is 2.3 times the size of Texas and Greenland is about 1.25 times larger than Alaska
I think Alaska would be a bit larger.
Could be!
Not sure of the actual size, but I know Greenland is not bigger than Africa. If it was, we would be dealing with the Mexico River and Europe with the Atlantic River.
Brings to mind what Q said: " Learn to read the map".