They've sent their scapegoats to absorb the blame for the CA fires. Terms such as "incompetence" and "DEI" are mocking their way through twitter making it seem as if the lack of federal hurricane/flood relief and water shortage are due to incompetence. These scapegoats will hold the burden of blame until Trump is back in office, then the blame will shift over to him. This is the great reset in action.
Comments (13)
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I would prefer that by midnight on inauguration day, President Trump takes care of the people of western North Carolina. They have suffered for way too long.
Agreed. check my post.
There are more places in the US that have been set up in similar ways.
Single family homes in area that now has low water pressure?
New infrastructure going in like new transit stops?
Does your city hall use terms like "Smart City"?
Have hotels in your area been converted to immigrant places where they stay for free? Near wooded areas and trail systems?
You are set up to be burned down.
Not everyplace is susceptible to fires. Watch for hurricanes and tornadoes. Capable of just as much if not more destruction. Spring and summer.
Received a letter from Homeowner insurance. They changed the deductible for roof and siding damage from wind and hail starting January 1st. 🤔 Why now? Last year wasn't necessarily any worse than any previous. Some may say that too many claims in one year from a zip code causes this, on the other hand, didn't some people say that they lost their fire insurance in California a few months before everything burned? 🤔 ✌️ ✌️
I'm pretty sure they changed our policy years ago to not cover any named storms. so every hurricane we're on our own. But I haven't filed a claim in 20 years, last time I got screwed. Had a very small claim for a hurricane, and they raised my rates to something insulting. I never bothered again. I'm forced to pay as long as I have a mortgage, but i pay for damages out of pocket to keep my insurance premiums as low as i can until our home is paid off.
So basically home owners insurance has become, or has always been, a mandatory tax paid in which if you try to submit a claim they can raise your rates or even drop you. Reminds me of the gangsters that would show up to a business and say it would be a shame if your building burned down, while holding a Molotov and a lighter.
The Great Awakening is truly happening, I pray we get there before they destroy everything. ✌️
That is a good check-list.
Asbestos is actually quite good, provided you don't touch it or move it or drill it.
Where is all that friggin tax money? California is taking in bazillions! Their gas tax alone brings in billions!
I think we all know where it went.
No-one is mentioning the deepening housing crisis that had just had an influx of 150 000 odd people in LA. (add to that the numbers already homeless - oh and it's winter - there, and also don't forget, numbers from the East coast debacle). Kudos to the Amish, BTW, who built those cottages. Can we get a building-code-friendly design on the net for those? Asking for a fren.
Some people need to have something onsite, now, now, and they already have a site.
Most architecture-firms are too one-off and charge heaps. IT is all about the grand looks and many don't address the basics.
In grander terms: I believe it is possible to get something standard like those Amish cottages, free-ly available (make a donation?). The aim, politically, is to have 'trusted plans', (and don't expect consultants and architects to design this (LOL tiny-home OMG - all u will find is insane sh*t on the internets), while incessantly talking about it. Trust me, I have been there.
Because the Amish already did it. So the plan is: that those open-source printed-from-the-net plans pass the city council easily, (yeah someone has to put it through the building-code paces beforehand). The plans should be definitely easy to understand for pepes, and OFC the houses must be easy to build, with lots of hands, using bog-standard materials.
They will still need proper elelelectrimagicians, and plumbos to come in and do a few things. But still, each one of those visits should only be a couple of days, max. Oh, and there should be a programme or app (even a workflowy?), so that the owners can get inspections/milestones and order-of-events, and even, reasons for doing a thing a certain way, sorted in their mind.
IDK, maybe insurance companies can come on-board, by 'passing' such a design as a recognized 'trusted' design. Such magic would have to come about legislatively (i.e. from the top), so that 'the way' is greased, if you like. That is, insurance say yes, by law, and banks also, and bureaucrats say yes at a click of a button. No need to analyse from scratch, because the design has been pre-vetted by the Government, etc.
JAzinda tried to do something like this in NZ, [Google KiwiBuild). It was a disaster, the final houses were too expensive for the common man (attempts to achieve allsorts of nonsense Green standards, too big, too difficult, too much glass, ugly, for example, as the call for a 'design' was used as an architecture competition) and they only built a few (not 100 000), before the whole thing was hidden forever. A total junket.
AMA, BTW have been researching the subject for decades.
They are already blaming Trump for the fires:
I wouldn't mind them burning down the forest in my area. It would definitely clear out the homeless. They live in the woods and if cover is burned off, well, it gets cold in the winter.