posted ago by Young_Patriot ago by Young_Patriot +41 / -0


This video was mentioned a bit 4 years ago, but no one ever concluded how it was done. This really should be the best example that we are living in a matrix or we are being given a fake reality on TV if someone were intellectually honest.

In the video, you will see that standing behind Jill and Joe Biden there are two girls, his granddaughters, I assume. They're wearing white and pink.

Brandon raises his hand and begins to make his oath. At that moment the camera changes and the two girls vanish.

About 30 seconds later, the camera returns to the previous view and the granddaughters return in view.

My question is, how do you think they did this?

I have seen some people say they disappear just because they're not appearing in the video because of the camera angle change. Don't be retarded. Watch it again. The girl in pink is literally touching Jill before she disappears a second later.

If you do a camera change from left to right, then yes, you can maybe make some people disappear if they're not close enough to the camera, but you cannot make someone standing directly behind Jill disappear if the next camera view is still showing what is directly behind jill.

So how did they do this? Coerce entire Biden family to play along? Get actors that look exactly like the biden's? Use AI deepfakes?

The attitudes of normies that see this is basically "well, it is too crazy that this inauguration is fake, so I guess it's not so fake that my eyes are playing tricks on me. Everyone else tells me it's real, so it must be."

But anyways, how do you think they did it?