Wow what a journey this has been. It both feels like it's been forever, as well as just yesterday...that Great Awakening came about. It's truly been such a blessing to be here with each of you. Im gonna be honest with you all. I often feel out of place here. The amount of sheer brains, digs and determination to uncover all truth...leaves me in awe. Since the beginning I have always tried to play what part I can. That often comes out as a Prayer Warrior and support guy. Which I have learned to love. However as far as the deep deep dives you all do...WOW just WOW.
However as Q stated God WINS. We are all here for a purpose. The digs, Q, and all that is super important, so I don't wanna take away from anything Those will eventually fade though. The ultimate truth at the center of this all is Jesus Christ. He is what ever red pill, deep dig, delta and hopium is ultimately leading up to. Jesus is WITH us. He is calling out to each of us for a personal intimate relationship.
In 1 week Trump will Be President. We control the government, we are the news.. all of these things play into our favor. However the last step is for us to make this a Christian movement. This isn't to say that otherz cant latch on to it. Just that at it's heart Jesus is in Control.
So I would like to invite each of you to c/Christianity . A place that God is gathering the called out ones. Are you called out by Jesus. Come grow with us. The power of the United Body of Christ is like no other.. let's begin to show the World and rise from the darkness of Internet and begin Shining the light of Christ in the world for all to see. The best is yet to come. This is that best :)
I appreciate your presence here. I was dooming at one point and you reached out and offered an ear to listen. Thank you fren. In the end, God wins.
All glory to God. I am truly just blessed to be here with each of you. I appreciate your kind words and glad that I could be used by Jesus in the way you needed. Love you fren. God bless
I know I suck at writing. I just want to see the body come together in a new, stronger way. My heart has a passion that won't go out.
So true. We feel the revival coming - don’t we? Drawing closer and closer to God. The devil has means motive and opportunity and a thrist for power and we have to change that dynamic through our declarative prayer to God the Father. ( I needed your words this morning - fighting w my husband over piddly 34 years of marriage nit picking). Thanks for putting the day into perspective. God bless.
Yes we do. Revival is coming. Sorry to hear you are fighting but glad to hear Jesus working in the moment. He is awesome like that. Much love
Beautiful and timely 🙏❤️🙏
God bless you fren. Much love
And what a heart it is, His Most Precious Sacred Heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️
God bless you fren. Much love
Amen, Slechta. You are one of our core strengths here. Don’t sell yourself short. Btw, I’ve watched you grow so much here. We have all grown into warriors for God! It’s awesome! What a time to be alive!
Thanks sis. Really appreciate the uplifting words. much love
I've always Believed, but just had this notion of being to small & insignificant to matter or ask Him stuff.
That was a huge learning curve for me, now I just feel humbly unworthy and incredibly Blessed.
Such a beautiful comment fren. I have felt that same thing. It's awesome when Jesus flips things and gives us purpose. All glory to God
We get the World we deserve. This internet is the brightest lite , short of the Sun/Son we have ever experienced/known in human history. The best is yet to come if we all can ,as Melania said , "Be Best" we each can be.
Amen God bless fren
Thank you christ Jesus for your healing grace, your holy sacrifice, and your ressurection of reassurance for our everlasting salvation. My praise is yours, my soul bound to your eternity. Where we go one, we go all. Gods wins. Hallelujah. AMEN 🙏
Amen beautiful prayer fren. God bless
I hope you are doing well! I really appreciate the PMs from a while back. Keep fighting the good fight my friend.
Thanks fren God bless. Hope all is well with you
Any prayer requests today?
Not in particular, I've been doing a bit better since we talked, so allow a prayer for me to be for someone who doesn't realize they need it!
Jesus is Lord
The Great Awakening is Free Thought. Jesus is hardly mentioned.
Who do you think was speaking to those military minds...the 10 that Q says knows the whole plan. Their commander is Jesus.
Yes it had to be free thought first. However those free thoughts lead to Jesus sooner or later. Has he found you yet?
It's not free if you can't imagine anything but what you believe to be true. Just think: others with different religious beliefs, let alone the entire spectrum of human belief, have the exact same attitude as you toward their gods. I do my best to bypass the belief paradigm and simply observe.
Oh I can image all sorts of un true things
I respect there right to not Choose Jesus.
However right here and now I will gladly declare Jesus is the heart of this. The true living God. I pray on time you can see it and stop this lukewarm walk. Either you believe Jesus is the true God and you speak that. Or you don't. We can still do it in a respectful manner. This is the year though that the body of Christ rises up in new ways. I pray you will be part of it...rather then worry what other religions will think. Truth is truth and we are guiding people to the ultimate truth. Jesus Christ
Jesus is slowly unleashing my voice. So this is just the beginning of me sharing these messages. Let those with the ears to hear... HEAR
There you go. What I mean is to you there is no possibility your belief is incorrect. From an outside perspective that is folly.
I will address the small group of outsiders in other ways. For now I speak to those that understand what I'm saying and the truth to these words. You are free to continue observing if you choose.
I'm free to do as I like and you have nothing to say about it.
As we both are. Yet here you are :)
Planting seeds is fun. Love you fren.
More need to see these drops. Thank you...🙏
Only a couple (2) of actual mentions. One of these is a quote of an anon swearing "Jesus Fucking Christ!" Notice Q said "If you are religious, pray." Not "Our religious belief is the only way!"
Really, you're speaking out of ignorance or denial. Come to the light & the truth!
That's not very many, just like I said. Q talked about Freedom of Thought much more than Jesus.
Why do you think Q added those. Just a coincidence
I have no problem if someone in Q wants to give a religious message. At least they don't try to beat us over the head with it like you do.
If you could feel the fire in my soul you would realize how much I am actually holding back fren. Not trying to slap anyone but I can't contain this fire in my soul. I wish you could understand but only Jesus can show u
There are many more.
Thanks for sharing these brother. :) God bless.
God bless you also fren!
It's plain as day, for those who have eyes to see.
Free updoot, not because I agree, but just because there’s no reason to downdoot this comment, and it was probably done by shills trying to potstir.
At some point there will be a collision between the body of Christ and this whole new age...all religions are true..Jesus was just a person that awakened...type people.
We must start preparing now and not be ashamed to share the truth in love
This wasn't directed at you btw. Just sharing
I’ve definitely slapped a few gnostics, here. There usually is some truth in most religions, but that does not mean they are all true. Think, “limited hangout”.
As far as faith, if anyone ever wants, I can walk through, from practical approach, my beliefs - and for the record, I don’t believe anyone has things fully right at this time, most certainly not even myself.
I always believed, having been raised in church, but I walked rather astray a bit later with church teachings being largely useless and bland to me, before coming to faith through a combination of testing of my beliefs via secular philosophical testing of scripture (not Humanism, more “come, let us reason together”), and more importantly, grace. God can use anything for His glory. Many things tried to catch me as I walked through those foreign fields, yet here am I, having seen several enemy operations as something of a spiritual spy, and brought back witness.
When it was said, “the best is yet to come”, I suspect several of us are going to be very pleasantly surprised if some of my hunches on those specifics end up being true - forget the stupid “medbeds”, we won’t need them. Remember, if God can raise the dead, what more can He do for the living!
There is truly nothing without unmerited favor.
MAD respect for you, dear Brother Slechta. Your persistent presence here and your loving witness to the Lordship of Christ our Savior CONTINUES to be a mighty blessing to all persons willing to read what you share - especially me.
Q impressed me as a very highly intelligent believer in Christ as Lord and God - otherwise, I wouldn't be here at all. It is because our 'civilization' has been so VERY sick (re-trying everything but Jesus) that a great-awakening has become necessary. As I see it, hope in Christ is a primary reason for the existence of this forum. You are NOT 'forum sliding' by declaring 'Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and resurrected'. (paraphrase from Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:2)
Praise GOD I see some hope for revival in our nation and in our world - and I pray that is not just my wishful thinking. AND, while I don't want to push away our more secular Brothers and Sisters - and while I have no wish to alienate American patriots of other faiths - I see no other cure for our 'civilizational sickness' than in salvation by Grace, through Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and God. (my paraphrase of Acts 4:12)
Please don't stop, Brother. My prayers for you and for God's Glory in your work will continue. I hope to find time to visit with you at c/Christianity. MAY. JESUS CHRIST. BE. PRAISED!!
Love you fren. Sorry for the late response. Been very busy in my church. Hope all is well with you. May Christ be Praised.
Appreciate the heart in this message. Please don't let my short response say otherwise. Much love
My hat's off to you, brother. Keep doin' what you do for the Glory of God! My own Church is getting busy! The Holy Spirit of God is on the MOVE! HALLELUJAH!
Made a post on c/Christianity today if you wanna check it out.
Nothing complicated but you might enjoy the video.