Back in the day and after listening to testimony about sexual child abuse, I proposed a bill that would castrate pedophiles, without anesthesia, and then send them to the electric chair. Everyone thought I was joking. Not. I have more respect for a hit man from the mob.
This NEEDS to include the athletes, celebs and the people that for whatever reason were looked up to at one time. Democrat party will be gone, hollywood - gone. NO special treatment and it should be made available for ALL to view.
For the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this. They brought this upon themselves.
I understand what you're getting at, but some people do make mistakes, and celebrities could be useful. Maybe something like a prison sentence where they are locked away, but still can work by performing in movies. That way we can have justice as well as good movies.
Once the stronghold over the movie and the music industry are removed, I bet that there is tons of top notch talent available to make movies and music great again.
Why not just create a virtual avatar of them so they can be used in movies without actually physically being there. Then they can watch themselves from a prison cell.
No, we need to get back to practical effects. AI and digital avatars are too easy to manipulate. It used to be that when you saw someone on screen, you knew it was actually them. Now it is too easy for the Deep State to manipulate people. You don't even have to do something bad to be blackmailed these days. All they need to do now is create an AI video of you doing something, and everyone will believe it.
I agree with this 100%. You have to be really careful though. Had a neighbor kid who was emotionally disturbed, his mother was a nutcase too, who accused an older man who was an acquaintance of the family. Later found out the kid lied. Would have been a shame to waste the bullet on the wrong person.
The solution here is to have the same level of punishment on both ends. Harming children and false accusations should carry the same penalty. This is a good way to make sure neither happens.
The crazy neighbor's kid was working on being crazy too, thanks to his mom. Genetics and training. I hesitate to think his punishment should be as harsh as that of a grownup. Definitely needs some punishment but also whatever mental and emotional help they can take.
Before we get too carried away on this, remember how the Deep State had the ability to remotely plant "chilled pizza" upon the laptops/desktops of anyone deemed a "deplorable in a basket", or anyone deemed a threat to the Deep State?
This could happen, but the problem here is the technology itself. Excuses like this let predators escape justice. Instead, make the punishments severe and let people know that they are responsible for their devices. Concerned about being framed? Easy, don't have a device that can hold that information. This will help get people off their damn phones and make society more like it used to be. You want to talk to someone? Call them on the phone. Not a smartphone, a proper landline phone.
40 years ago, the internet wasn't even a thing, and life was great. All of these convenient internet connected devices have made people lazy and entitled. You don't need Google Maps, just grab a Rand McNally and hit the road. We all know that the deep state built all this tech and is using it to control and distract us while sucking us dry. Do you not see how messed up this technology is making us? Some may argue that it can be used for good, but the risk is too great. We need to wipe the slate clean. Some things will be a little more inconvenient, but maybe that's what it will take to make American great again. If people won't even give up a few personal luxuries, how can you expect to actually make any progress in our fight against the deep state?
40 years ago, the internet wasn't even a thing, and life was great
Demographics and the economy were better.
All of these convenient internet connected devices have made people lazy and entitled. You don't need Google Maps, just grab a Rand McNally and hit the road.
Physical maps are an extra expense.
Do you not see how messed up this technology is making us? Some may argue that it can be used for good, but the risk is too great
The technology will exist and be used against your regardless of if you use it or not, and even if you own nothing CP can still be physically planted on you, possession laws are insane because of how easy it is to be framed with nothing you can do to prevent it.
If people won't even give up a few personal luxuries
Electronics aren't personal luxuries when every job requires you to have them, to claim otherwise is just delusional cope
Not compared to a $1000 iPhone that needs to be replaced every few years.
The technology will exist and be used against your regardless of if you use it or not, and even if you own nothing CP can still be physically planted on you, possession laws are insane because of how easy it is to be framed with nothing you can do to prevent it.
Physically planting on someone would be much more difficult. Technology can be suppressed or restricted by the government. Do you know why you can't easily buy a fully automatic machine gun or dynamite? Because of regulation. Right now, people can plant CP evidence from another country. To physically do it, people would have to infiltrate the US, and then into people's private homes. This is much more difficult.
Electronics aren't personal luxuries when every job requires you to have them, to claim otherwise is just delusional cope
Jobs may currently require them, but they aren't needed. A crack-down on unnecessary requirements could easily resolve this.
Not compared to a $1000 iPhone that needs to be replaced every few years.
Strawman, cheaper phones are available, and they don't need to be "replaced every few years". employers require phones.
Physically planting on someone would be much more difficult. Right now, people can plant CP evidence from another country
It's not at all hard to plant evidence at the time of the time of the arrest and I'm more worried about my own government planting evidence than I am about foreign involvement.
Jobs may currently require them, but they aren't needed. A crack-down on unnecessary requirements could easily resolve this.
How do you expect to be contacted without electronics? your boss physically tracking you down in person? mail that will take days or even weeks to arrive when you're needed in just a few hours? Workers have no bargaining leverage anyway.
It's not at all hard to plant evidence at the time of the time of the arrest and I'm more worried about my own government planting evidence than I am about foreign involvement.
I think it would be highly suspect if someone was arrested and just happened to have CP on them. Planting evidence is hard when the would be victim is aware of his surroundings and is well trained, as many of us are.
How do you expect to be contacted without electronics? your boss physically tracking you down in person? mail that will take days or even weeks to arrive when you're needed in just a few hours? Workers have no bargaining leverage anyway.
We can still have telephones. Landlines are great. I think we could probably compromise and have flip phones again. You can call and text, but no internet to get distracted by.
Also, we, as patriots, need to push back on the smartphone requirements. Employers want those to spy on their employees and to keep us docile. If all the true patriots stopped working for employers, they would be stuck with all the whiney liberals and fold in a year or two.
Jesus described what penalty was appropriate for anyone who led a child who believes in him astray.:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck ...and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
Matthew 18:6 NIV
You know I always read that as Jesus saying the lesser punishment would be a millstone and drowning as that would be better than what he would do to them.
I want to know what Jesus thinks is worse. I want that punishment.
Pedophiles and child abusers deserve to be executed. Whether it is slow and almost inhumane or quick and easy is okay. As long as they are executed and the world experiences TRUE shock and awe over it, either is fine with me. Executing monsters is inherent to the greatness of a country 🇺🇸 let’s get started asap.
Back in the day and after listening to testimony about sexual child abuse, I proposed a bill that would castrate pedophiles, without anesthesia, and then send them to the electric chair. Everyone thought I was joking. Not. I have more respect for a hit man from the mob.
This NEEDS to include the athletes, celebs and the people that for whatever reason were looked up to at one time. Democrat party will be gone, hollywood - gone. NO special treatment and it should be made available for ALL to view. For the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this. They brought this upon themselves.
These demons eliminated the death penalty in all the world to do their atrocities with no impunity, that’s why.
I understand what you're getting at, but some people do make mistakes, and celebrities could be useful. Maybe something like a prison sentence where they are locked away, but still can work by performing in movies. That way we can have justice as well as good movies.
Once the stronghold over the movie and the music industry are removed, I bet that there is tons of top notch talent available to make movies and music great again.
Why not just create a virtual avatar of them so they can be used in movies without actually physically being there. Then they can watch themselves from a prison cell.
No, we need to get back to practical effects. AI and digital avatars are too easy to manipulate. It used to be that when you saw someone on screen, you knew it was actually them. Now it is too easy for the Deep State to manipulate people. You don't even have to do something bad to be blackmailed these days. All they need to do now is create an AI video of you doing something, and everyone will believe it.
I thought we were talking about celebrities who are pedos.
Yep, hit men are better than electric chair because it is 💯 % these predators will be dead.
I agree with this 100%. You have to be really careful though. Had a neighbor kid who was emotionally disturbed, his mother was a nutcase too, who accused an older man who was an acquaintance of the family. Later found out the kid lied. Would have been a shame to waste the bullet on the wrong person.
The solution here is to have the same level of punishment on both ends. Harming children and false accusations should carry the same penalty. This is a good way to make sure neither happens.
The crazy neighbor's kid was working on being crazy too, thanks to his mom. Genetics and training. I hesitate to think his punishment should be as harsh as that of a grownup. Definitely needs some punishment but also whatever mental and emotional help they can take.
Ah yes...the people's bidding.
Sounds good to us. Wood chippers standing by for action...
Before we get too carried away on this, remember how the Deep State had the ability to remotely plant "chilled pizza" upon the laptops/desktops of anyone deemed a "deplorable in a basket", or anyone deemed a threat to the Deep State?
This could happen, but the problem here is the technology itself. Excuses like this let predators escape justice. Instead, make the punishments severe and let people know that they are responsible for their devices. Concerned about being framed? Easy, don't have a device that can hold that information. This will help get people off their damn phones and make society more like it used to be. You want to talk to someone? Call them on the phone. Not a smartphone, a proper landline phone.
Do you realize how insane you sound?
40 years ago, the internet wasn't even a thing, and life was great. All of these convenient internet connected devices have made people lazy and entitled. You don't need Google Maps, just grab a Rand McNally and hit the road. We all know that the deep state built all this tech and is using it to control and distract us while sucking us dry. Do you not see how messed up this technology is making us? Some may argue that it can be used for good, but the risk is too great. We need to wipe the slate clean. Some things will be a little more inconvenient, but maybe that's what it will take to make American great again. If people won't even give up a few personal luxuries, how can you expect to actually make any progress in our fight against the deep state?
Demographics and the economy were better.
Physical maps are an extra expense.
The technology will exist and be used against your regardless of if you use it or not, and even if you own nothing CP can still be physically planted on you, possession laws are insane because of how easy it is to be framed with nothing you can do to prevent it.
Electronics aren't personal luxuries when every job requires you to have them, to claim otherwise is just delusional cope
Not compared to a $1000 iPhone that needs to be replaced every few years.
Physically planting on someone would be much more difficult. Technology can be suppressed or restricted by the government. Do you know why you can't easily buy a fully automatic machine gun or dynamite? Because of regulation. Right now, people can plant CP evidence from another country. To physically do it, people would have to infiltrate the US, and then into people's private homes. This is much more difficult.
Jobs may currently require them, but they aren't needed. A crack-down on unnecessary requirements could easily resolve this.
Strawman, cheaper phones are available, and they don't need to be "replaced every few years". employers require phones.
It's not at all hard to plant evidence at the time of the time of the arrest and I'm more worried about my own government planting evidence than I am about foreign involvement.
How do you expect to be contacted without electronics? your boss physically tracking you down in person? mail that will take days or even weeks to arrive when you're needed in just a few hours? Workers have no bargaining leverage anyway.
I think it would be highly suspect if someone was arrested and just happened to have CP on them. Planting evidence is hard when the would be victim is aware of his surroundings and is well trained, as many of us are.
We can still have telephones. Landlines are great. I think we could probably compromise and have flip phones again. You can call and text, but no internet to get distracted by.
Also, we, as patriots, need to push back on the smartphone requirements. Employers want those to spy on their employees and to keep us docile. If all the true patriots stopped working for employers, they would be stuck with all the whiney liberals and fold in a year or two.
Jesus described what penalty was appropriate for anyone who led a child who believes in him astray.:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck ...and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Matthew 18:6 NIV
You know I always read that as Jesus saying the lesser punishment would be a millstone and drowning as that would be better than what he would do to them.
I want to know what Jesus thinks is worse. I want that punishment.
Anything that ends with "until dead" works for me. Rock & drowning may be a bit slower. Mafia boys knew their bible.
Schifty Schiff be sweatin' like Richard Simmons.
Hope it pass the Congress and Senate. There are many from these 2 which will vote it down = child abusers
This woman is what every conservative man wants.
Beautiful, smart, God-fearing, and based. Incredible woman.
Not life imprisonment because Demons or Rinos will release these other demons/predators. DEATH PENALTY FOR ALL.
Pedophiles and child abusers deserve to be executed. Whether it is slow and almost inhumane or quick and easy is okay. As long as they are executed and the world experiences TRUE shock and awe over it, either is fine with me. Executing monsters is inherent to the greatness of a country 🇺🇸 let’s get started asap.
Fuck that, whore mothers looking for a divorce often create false claims of child molestation.