The controversy surrounding Elon Musk's claims of being an "elite gamer" continues to heat up. Recently, he leaked private DMs with popular Twitch and YouTube creator Asmongold and stripped him of his blue checkmark status, further fueling the debacle. "UPDATE: Asmongold's blue check mark was just recently restored. This could have been a system-related issue, but is still questionable given that it happened at the same time of Elon's post in addition to him unfollowing Asmongold."
Elon has long portrayed himself as not just a gamer, but one of the best in the world in every game he plays. Currently, he's been playing Path of Exile 2, a hardcore action RPG. However, Elon has started to come under fire, with people noticing that his account was likely being boosted by someone else. Several red flags have been raised:
- Trade messages are in a different language: Cantonese or Mandarin
- Character is located on the Hong Kong server
- Tabs suspiciously labeled as "Elon's map" populated with the easiest endgame maps
- Lack of fundamental understanding of core game mechanics
- Engaging in suspicious trades, which is against the game's Terms of Service
- Video of streamers reacting to his gameplay:
Top players must dedicate the vast majority of their time every single day to reach the level of progress Elon has achieved in Hardcore mode. The controversy has blown up in the gaming world, with a large number of major creators reacting to or commenting on it, making it a full-blown meme.
Asmongold, known for fighting against DEI practices and the woke agenda in gaming and media, was one of the last creators to expose Elon's claims. This is likely due to him seemingly being a fan of Elon, praising him for his game-related achievements and what he's accomplished X, and also Elon followed him on X before this all went down. "As referenced above, he has since unfollowed him." Upon reviewing his gameplay and the many red flags other big Path of Exile streamers and players have brought up, Asmon stated that it is clear to see that it is not Elon playing his account. Then he issued Elon a challenge, saying he would stream exclusively on X for a year if Elon proved the character was his.
Apparently, it seems that Elon and Asmon were talking in private after this and Elon ended up leaking a snapshot of their messages. In the leaked DMs, Asmongold discussed having his editors create a second account to manage his content on the platform. Elon responded, "Who are these mysterious editors?". Included with the screenshot Elon also wrote this: "Asmon behaves like a maverick “independent”, but in reality has to ask his boss for permission before he can do anything. He is not his own man." Seemingly unbeknownst to Elon, this did not achieve the outcome he thought it would. This screenshot failed to expose Asmon and instead exposed his severe lack of understanding on how the content creation process works.
Full conversation in the DMs for those that don't want to click the link:
- Asmon: "I'm gonna see if my editors might want to make a second account for it even"
- Elon: "Sure" "Who are these mysterious editors"
- Asmon: "Two guys @DAsmongold and @CatDanyRU they basically run the entire YouTube account lol" "So basically any content I post is edited or uploaded by them and they just get a cut of the ad rev, it's a super good system tbh almost everyone on YT does it"
People who keep up with the gaming and streaming world can easily see this as the flub it is. Those two people referenced in the screenshots used to post Asmon's content as fans, then later Asmon seeing how well their clips of his Twitch streams were doing brought them on as his editors for his official YT channel and offered them a cut. This is something he has been very open with in the past.
So why the fuck should anyone care? It's just another red flag, and another check on the list. This whole debacle right on the heels of the H-1B episode, raises many questions about Elon's character. If someone is willing to lie to you about the small matters, what do you think they will do on the larger issues? Additionally, this isn't just a single instance of lying, this is an ongoing lie about a supposed core aspect of his identity.
Also, like the H-1B debate, in this instance too he has shown his willing to lash out at people who dare to question him. Not only did he unfollow him and leak a part of their DMs, but he also went on to attack Asmon as not being a good gamer with his attack dog Ian Miles Cheong that he continues to interact with regularly. "I really hope that people here on GAW of all places are aware of who Ian is and how problematic he is and has been. Those that have been around since Gamergate and the first Great Meme Wars should be hyper aware of this slug of a person.
Their interaction:
Do we all need to be reminded of Elon's past?
- The occultic symbolism of X and the fact that he comes from an illuminati-linked family with a witch for a mom
- His relationships "Grimes also a practicing witch, coincidence? What is the occulted symbolism hidden in their child's name?"
- Perverting a child or family member's gender is a common practice with the elite and Baphomet worshipping witches. "Was his son really lost to the woke mind virus?"
- Self-avowed socialist
- Still pushes the climate hoax agenda
- Recently got ratio'd pushing Israel propoganda
- The H-1B debacle
- The Satan armor "yes I know it might have been an instance of comms, but still questionable"
- Claims if we get to Mars he wants a direct democracy over a republic. "We know why our founders were adamant for establishing a republic and their understanding of the many great problems with a direct democracy."
- Has a history of anti-maga stances, but has seemingly switched up on most of them with his recent conversion that happened not that long ago.
- Has failed to live up to his promises in terms restoration of accounts on X and has actively been ramping up censorship
- What does this tweet symbolize:
- Why was it posted on 2/22/222? What is the Saturn death cult? What is the black cube?
Edit: Removed some of post and transferring to comments due to length.
Moving some of my post to the comments because the OP was way too long and unpolished for my liking:
This is just a quick list of issues off the top of my head, I know there could be much more questions brought into play. However, I am going to close this out in a way that is consistent with my post history. I am not saying Elon Musk cannot be a useful tool for the White Hats. I used to entertain the position that he could be a converted White Hat, I feel like that was more copium than anything on my part.
As a nerd and a gamer I really wanted to like Elon, and you can check my history iirc I don't have much of anything negative to say about him at all before the H-1B situation. However, seeing both his messaging, what he was willing to go to war over, and his actions during that whole debacle really caused me to start questioning his motives again. Could he still be a Grey Hat? Maybe. Could he be a compromised Black Hat that is on the leash of the White Hats? Sure. Could he be a full on Black Hat Trojan Horse? I think this is also a possibility, and one that I hope and think Trump would be accutely aware of.
The biggest conclusion to all of this that I want to be the main take away here is: Nobody should be beyond questioning. There is no holy figure in this movement that is beyond reproach. The founder's built this system with the intent that an active citizenry was necessary to uphold it. Q never wanted us to sit back and be fully passive. That is what the "operation trust" critics would argue about the movement, and I think when people shut down critical discussion here over figures that we are just supposed to "trust".
That sort of thinking and behavior is exactly what would be needed for an operation trust sort of scenario. I feel like there has been way too much groupthink present lately, and way too much zealotry to be quite frank. We should welcome the questioning and we should dispel criticism with actual facts and debate. "The Great Awakening" is about the ability to think beyond our past limitations, question established narratives, and to be ever seeking towards the direction of the truth.
Anyways, this post is getting to be way too long now. Running out of time to post it, and am not able to polish and trim it down like I wanted to. Was supposed to be out the door 10 minutes ago, but I felt it was important to get his one out because I feel like there has been too much thought police regulating in regards to Musk and other critical topics recently.
Well said.
Elon is very sus.
Thanks glad you found the post to be of some value.
I have heard that, like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, Elon is not some super genius who created the companies he runs. Rather, his entire persona is created, and his job is to be the figurehead for us plebs to fawn over, while the real "geniuses" are actually just agencies of the Federal Government, specifically DARPA / IARPA...
Remember Kash Patel saying Elon was the largest recipient of DoD funding? Gee, I wonder what that money went to. Paypal? X purchase? Neuralink? Tesla? Rockets?
This appears to be a repeating pattern, and you're right I forgot about Kash saying that.
Also, on the topic of DARPA, I've talked about this recently in another comment. But do you find it curious that DARPA had an AI project called XAI that started in 2017 and ended in 2021.
Then after purchasing twitter and renaming it to X, Elon decided to challenge OpenAI, Google, and other AI companies by launching xAI in 2023.
Billionaire who cultivated image of relatable nerdy gaming Autist acts like Billionaire when it’s revealed he’s not the nerdy gamer he pretends to be. Stop the Presses!
Somewhat Ironically. Many of the ancient thinkers that inspired our founders saw just as many problems with a Republic as a Direct Democracy. And even many of our Founders weren’t completely sold on establishing a Republic. Which is at least in part related to why precisely we saw Political Parties form from the outset as a feature of our system. Not a Bug. Despite what is often claimed today.
Somewhat ironically they were formed by men who warned voraciously against the formation of Political Parties and political tribalism. Until they became concerned they wouldn’t get their way in politics and shocked people they considered friends actually had different opinions.
The Jefferson and Adam’s split was most famous of the feuds between Founders. But far from the only one.
And in a more modern report on the state of Democracy and Republics. On the ground elements of the U.S Military command structure allegedly at least in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wanted the establishment, or restoration of Monarchies in Afghanistans case. And viewed it as being easier and more stable than trying to build new Democracies/Republics. At least until the State Department shot them down.
Interesting post friend. I don't have much debate to offer here other than on the "stop the presses" part. Idk if that was meant to diminish what was being put forth, but I do think there is more to it than that.
As far as the republic part goes, I would argue at least from a results based standpoint that we've seen in our own nations case instances of why a direct democracy "likely" would have been much worse. The 2016 election for example. There's a reason I think the left is always quick to remind us we are a "democracy", because I do think they would prefer if we were a direct democracy rather than a constitutional republic.
As far as the historical intricacies of the argument, I can't really debate you much there without doing more learning myself. I am willing to cede that you are clearly more knowledgeable on this topic than myself. Thanks for the insightful post though, I do appreciate it.
“Stop the Presses” wasn’t an attempt to diminish more so a general statement on this is the norm. And shouldn’t be all that noteworthy. I admit it was probably a poor choice of words on my part.
But you rarely see an earnest picture of what the Mega Wealthy are really like. They construct various identities to make themselves seem more relatable to the average person. Because they live dramatically different lives far detached from the concerns of people who aren’t in that social class. They aren’t concerned about making Rent that week. Or how they’re going to afford X medical treatment. Hell CEOs get Hundreds of Millions even if they run the company into the ground. The old “Golden Parachute”.
And in particular in Modern Day. Many of our Business Elites, with some exceptions, don’t feel any sort of connection to their country or the people there in. Even the ones who are ostensibly on ‘our side’. Which is part of what spurred the H1B debacle over Christmas. The average person is viewed as an interchangeable cog. The cheaper they can get that Cog. The better. And a Country is an Economic Zone they can extract value from. Rather than a nation with a distinct people, history, and culture worth preserving.
Thanks for the clarification. I agree with your depiction of the mega wealthy and even moreso the true elites. I would be pressed to argue the contrary for at least the vast majority of them, and yeah the H-1B debate was a great illustration of that.
Elon is either really deep cover WH, or a textbook ‘groomed elitist tech-bruh cult-of-personality’ BH, ‘al-a gates, zuck, etc., built for deception.
I remain undecided, but my scale tips to BH. Mainly due to muh-brain-chip + +.
Not sure it matters that we know for sure (WH -V- BH). However, it is always worth questioning and discussing as things progress. I have a feeling it will become painfully obvious pretty soon either way.
Yeah the brain chip and the chain of events that led him to seeing that as a "necessity" have always been a bit of a red flag for me.
I agree with your overall assessment, I think it will become very obvious where he truly stands over the course of this next term
Incredibly revealing that the billionaire elitist heard “YouTube editor” and thought “oh that must be the real boss who makes the decisions”. That’s fucking hilarious. He owns a social media platform but doesn’t understand even the basics of how the new media economy works. Makes sense I guess, given that he accidentally stumblefucked his way into buying Twitter against his will.
All that's missing from your post is "full stop", or "Sigh. No, Elon is not an elite gamer. Here's why it matters".
Why is it that every liberal think themselves as clever but comes off like a ranting, hysterical woman?
Guess I answered my own question.
Sir why are you arguing with a mirror.
I was under the impression it was a woman.
Nonetheless, point taken.
Is this a daily dilemma for you?
Ha I just reread it. I thought you said minor, not mirror. And yes, misreading something is a daily dilemma.
However, I never responded to you in the first place unless that's your sock
"I thought you said a minor" loll no I was making a snarky comment. I wasn't sure you were if you were responding to me or the other person.
And even in the case of you responding to the other person, I felt you comparing them to a liberal woman was uncalled for so basically said you were describing yourself.
But that other person was an obvious troll.
Hence my response
What are you on about?
Cowards downvoting with no ability to provide substance or refute any arguments.
Have an upvote.
Have another
So? Do you have anything of substance to put forth that would enlighten me on why this is a non-issue?
Exactly what I thought lol.
Great well thought out post. Elon is only focused on his goals. He even bluntly says the reason he is backing President Trump is because it will help him get to Mars. He is a chaotic neatral character type. We can only trust him when our goals align.
I'm also playing Path of Exile 2 and there is Zero chance he got his character to that level with how little time he has. I've played quite bit and I'm only level 60. The game takes time and can be very challenging.
There are more important issues than Elon's "gaming cred."
I get what you're saying, but if you read my post you would understand that is not the point of it at all.
Also let me show you why that logic is flawed. So if "There are more important issues than Elon's "gaming cred"". Then why doesn't Elon himself uphold the same sentiment? Because his recent posts and actions state otherwise, at least for him.