Was "the Precipice" a leftist term? See the following from Democratic Underground.
I can't get past this! As we get closer to the precipice aka the inauguration, I am feeling despair, fear and mostly anger.
I just can't get past what these [bleep] did to our country on November 5th and I am damn pissed about it. They threw away our democracy, they [bleep] on decency and they embraced pure [bleep] evil. To top it all off, they're gloating about it. The only thing that exceeds their ignorance is their arrogance.....
It goes on but ..
"The only thing that exceeds their ignorance is their arrogance"
DUde. Look in the mirror.
Translation: Democrats.
Translation: money laundering machine.
I think I screamed "We are a Republic you retard" about 30 times earlier.
Translation: Our Unelected Bureaucracy
Isn't is a total mind blower that the Left thinks we represent nothing but criminality and evil, and we think the exact same of them? That is one hell of a mirror
They sound lost in the darkness. What I don't get is how they can claim that killing the unborn is perfectly fine, but trying to stop it (and human trafficking) is evil.
The projection that the Left does on a daily basis in definitely mind blowing. The level of hypocrisy on the political Left, especially their elite, is immeasurable:
-Against the death penalty, but pro abortion, including late term -Promoting free speech, but censoring those who have opposing views -Advocating aggressive climate action, but using private jets -Criticizing the wealthy and calling for higher taxes, while taking advantage of tax loopholes. -Calling for criminal justice reform like ending cash bail and defunding the police, while calling for increased gun control and being able to rely on private security for protection. -Advocating for open borders and sanctuary cities, but opposing the forced relocation of migrants to affluent liberal communities. -Supposedly championing women's rights, but minimizing or completely ignoring concerns that trans-inclusive policies have on women's spaces. -Criticizing corporate power while accepting campaign and lobbying contributions.
The list goes on and on and it's all wrapped up in Projection, Deflection and Gaslighting.
They all but admit that they see their "leaders" as nobility and that they're too important to fly coach or just do teleconferencing like us serfs.
Sometime just for fun, tune into a leftist talk radio station (if you can find one -- lol).
It is like opposite day.
They say the exact same things as us, but just switch the parties and viewpoints.
It is totally bizarro world.
A few times I got texts or emails from Democrat campaigns and they use the same speech tactics and fearmongering as a lot of the WinRed texts use. It's just more jaring because even when they're in power and being flooded with "donations" they talk like they're out of money and paint themselves as the underdog.
The problem with them is they have zero evidence to support their claims other than the MSM's lies.
that could be...Q said the 'choice to know', so I always thought the precipice might be individual. And I'm sure that today was an individual precipice for Many liberals; will they change or keep being ridiculous.
If the 4 -6% Q referred to represents the number who will remain on the left, I find it hard to believe the number will be that low. I am not aware of anyone I know personally who has changed sides. Yet.
It would be fun to come face to face with the shitheads that write the drivel. kek
I know of a couple, they're of course nowhere near this "brave" in person.
DU? I didn't know that hellhole was still operating... Have they at least updated the goofy formatting?