Why should I leave? Change the f*cking government.. Stop the voter fraud. We're not voting for public pooping, releasing convicts, misdemeanor shoplifting up to $949.00. We didn't vote for Newscum. We did vote to recall him.
My friend said we should move to North Carolina. What would have happened to us? The Deep State sent a hurricane there.
You shouldn't leave, anon (imho). Cali needs to be cleaned up and the cancerous left eradicated just like everywhere else. Once disclosures start reaching the sheeple and the evil turds trying to destroy the state are hamstrung and removed, voting made secure, etc - Cali will once again thrive and blossom.
With censorship dying along with FNM's demise, truth will reach even those misguided souls still brainwashed. When enough people see the light, the herd mentality most of these leftists embrace will have them running from the evil left. Imagine when the misguided souls finally understand that people like Nan and Gavy have been deliberately destroying their lives all this time while cooing sweet words and rigging elections. It's just a matter of time.
It's a beautiful state with wonderful people (I lived there for several years) and it's renaissance in our new Golden Age will be remarkable. If we - by God's grace and guidance - can clobber a millennia old evil cabal that's been entrenched longer than we've been alive, we can certainly remove the cancerous individuals from our midsts and bring our land back to the beauty, light and promise it was always meant to be. It won't be easy, much work ahead for us, but we're in this war to win and, if it be God's will, we'll prevail. In the meantime just stay safe.
I was born in Santa Monica, 1954. Lived in West Los Angeles for 30 yrs. then 7 near San Francisco. Moved to Colorado in ‘96 when kids started beating up other kids at Chatsworth Hi for other kids Jordan’s and backpacks. Brought us to beautiful Co and have never regretted 1 moment. Except for the state being overrun with people fleeing CA the last 10 years. CA is no longer the beautiful paradise of old and will never be again. “Shake and bake”, then the horrendous floods will arrive when the rain water has no vegetation on the hills to stop the runoff. I lived thru PCH being flooded more times than I can remember. Sorry for the government you have but I honestly don’t think it’s ever going to change. Leave while you still can find a better place.
People think fleeing will save them and then when the mind virus infects the state they fled to, then what? Flee to another state? Eventually you'll find yourself backed into a corner.
Those who legislate in such a way are doing it intentionally in order to cast off the chaff of resistance, leaving only the ones who support and enable it to say yes to whatever's cooked up in their state's capital.
I agree. I'm tired of my tax dollars going to fund their rebuilding endeavors. Let them pay for it themselves or just don't build homes in the middle of dead fall. Idiots.
The Dems spend the money on setting fires in California. These are not "wildfires".
Agree…fire bugs paid by democrat run NGOs
They will never learn or change. Get out while you can!!!!
Why should I leave? Change the f*cking government.. Stop the voter fraud. We're not voting for public pooping, releasing convicts, misdemeanor shoplifting up to $949.00. We didn't vote for Newscum. We did vote to recall him.
My friend said we should move to North Carolina. What would have happened to us? The Deep State sent a hurricane there.
Fix the problem. The California Mafia.
You shouldn't leave, anon (imho). Cali needs to be cleaned up and the cancerous left eradicated just like everywhere else. Once disclosures start reaching the sheeple and the evil turds trying to destroy the state are hamstrung and removed, voting made secure, etc - Cali will once again thrive and blossom.
With censorship dying along with FNM's demise, truth will reach even those misguided souls still brainwashed. When enough people see the light, the herd mentality most of these leftists embrace will have them running from the evil left. Imagine when the misguided souls finally understand that people like Nan and Gavy have been deliberately destroying their lives all this time while cooing sweet words and rigging elections. It's just a matter of time.
It's a beautiful state with wonderful people (I lived there for several years) and it's renaissance in our new Golden Age will be remarkable. If we - by God's grace and guidance - can clobber a millennia old evil cabal that's been entrenched longer than we've been alive, we can certainly remove the cancerous individuals from our midsts and bring our land back to the beauty, light and promise it was always meant to be. It won't be easy, much work ahead for us, but we're in this war to win and, if it be God's will, we'll prevail. In the meantime just stay safe.
Great points! 🐿
I was born in Santa Monica, 1954. Lived in West Los Angeles for 30 yrs. then 7 near San Francisco. Moved to Colorado in ‘96 when kids started beating up other kids at Chatsworth Hi for other kids Jordan’s and backpacks. Brought us to beautiful Co and have never regretted 1 moment. Except for the state being overrun with people fleeing CA the last 10 years. CA is no longer the beautiful paradise of old and will never be again. “Shake and bake”, then the horrendous floods will arrive when the rain water has no vegetation on the hills to stop the runoff. I lived thru PCH being flooded more times than I can remember. Sorry for the government you have but I honestly don’t think it’s ever going to change. Leave while you still can find a better place.
If this crap isn't stopped in CA, it will eventually infect all the other states. Just like cockroaches in one part of a house moving around.
People think fleeing will save them and then when the mind virus infects the state they fled to, then what? Flee to another state? Eventually you'll find yourself backed into a corner.
Those who legislate in such a way are doing it intentionally in order to cast off the chaff of resistance, leaving only the ones who support and enable it to say yes to whatever's cooked up in their state's capital.
Exactly! 🦔
They want FEMA to pay for it.
Fuk them.
FEMA is a criminal cartel.
Aka money laundering- rinse repeat
I agree. I'm tired of my tax dollars going to fund their rebuilding endeavors. Let them pay for it themselves or just don't build homes in the middle of dead fall. Idiots.
Burn Baby Burn.
It is not dumb, poor policy, nor incompetency, it IS deliberate.
Not a penny for your state
You cannot fix stupid. Crabs in a bucket.
COMPLETE IDIOTS...good God almighty 😱 😱 😱 WTH?