FEMA is literally the children and grandchildren of Nazi concentration camp guard cunts (SS in America). Most brutal and vicious FBI psychopaths get "promoted" to FEMA. FEMA was intended to literally be Concentration Camps 2.0 for America to exterminate all Patriots and allow Fascist takeover after the Communists get destroyed [right now, Weimar-to-Nazis 2.0 repeated with grandchildren of the Reich from transplanted actual Nazis (families moved under Truman) children/grandchildren put in place by George HW Bush Sr. & Jr.]. This is why it must be terminated.
CORRECTION: "FEMA Leadership" under Biden. Check it yourself. Unreasonable number of leadership positions held by people from families tied to Nazi Germany. Many were given modified family names in early 30s when the first "transplant infiltrators" arrived. Peons in FEMA may not know and are just getting used for evil, in many cases.
The videogame "Deus Ex" warned us all the way back in 2000, the villain's righthand man was the director of FEMA and had the POTUS under his control after secretly infecting him with their engineered plague (and that was just the intro cutscene.)
I’ve said this for along time. Government should empower the states. Empower the resources already there. State needs manpower, military. State needs resources, done. We don’t need more government agencies. We need support. Let Americans help America. You’ll get stuff done this way. And as everyone comes together, it brings people together on a larger scale. America, United. Just need a leader. And we have one.
There is a good idea behind FEMA but it was lost a long time ago. The states should control their own emergency management instead of the FED controlling it. So turn it over to the states and let each state name their Emergency Management Groups.
Slightly off-topic, but seeing this impending change of affairs brought me to think of something similar for NASA. The Artemis program, as directed by Trump, was supposed to have landed a man on the Moon by 2024. Nada. And NASA has slow-walked the program so much, it looks really like they were hoping it would fall into the Memory Hole, and they could continue with their works welfare program to tinker, propose, fly the occasional test flight, and squander assets and talents by making no progress toward the goal. Right now, it looks like China may get there before we do.
My fantasy is for Trump to call a meeting of all the NASA hierarchy, chief administrator, center administrators, etc., in a big auditorium and tell them something like: "Well, boys, when I was here before, I gave you the task of getting to the Moon by 2024. I see that you have failed, and are really not very close to having anything accomplished. You have now joined a vast brotherhood of Apprentices: You're fired."
I don't know what the answer is, but it is clear that we have the Wrong Stuff in place. When you are trying to replicate the capability of half a century ago, you first replicate the mission and the system architecture. You need to assure safety, performance, and reliability. Then do the mission. A number of times. THEN (and only then) you can start tinkering by changing the mission, or altering the architecture---but only one change at a time. NASA has saluted, "Yes, Sir!" and gone on to change every fucking detail they could dream up. And introduced some extra magic in the form of a "Gateway" space station, without which landing on the Moon would be impossible. "I'm too scared to actually go to the Moon...but I'm not too scared to take your money and feed you bullshit about how good it's going to be." Put that way, it sounds like the admission of a prostitute with the clap.
Sorry. This travesty of space travel makes me grind my teeth.
There must be a valid reason for the foot dragging... either we are not being told the truth about the moon landings or we were obfuscated to believe something else. I always wanted to know why the original feed from the lander could only be viewed on a special monitor and that is what was broadcast...Does nasa have the original recorded broadcast? Im not saying we didn't go to the moon, I'm questioning was that the real feed.
On Artemis? Simple. NASA has become a sinecure, not a goal-oriented activity. In industry, we had a term we used for technical staff that existed only to have a job to tinker with their preferred hobbies. We called them "rice bowls," because only for them would the staff exert themselves. That and they have an ungainly design based on 40 to 50-year-old technology, very expensive to manufacture, and an insufficiently-funded test program. They have also dreamed up a very difficult way to perform the mission, and a complicated, entirely new architecture element (the "Gateway" station) that will be the weak point of getting to the Moon's surface. All because they were not satisfied with regaining the ability to do what we did, but wanted to do More (so as to be more impressive). They are dead in the water. The launch vehicle has only been launched twice, the manned capsule test flown (unmanned) once, and not even a published design for either the Gateway station or the Musk lander. So, to answer your implied question...there is a credible reason for the foot dragging---but it is not valid, in my view. They are just making it impossible through inventing frivolous requirements and keeping it out of public attention in order to hide their sloth.
We were told the truth about the Moon landings. My God, there is hardly a human activity more copiously documented. I wish you would learn more about it, so you would obtain the answers to your questions. Yes, it was the "real feed." Does it occur to you that a special-design vacuum-rated TV camera might not be exactly standard broadcast equipment? And that the techniques for patching from one communication system to another were very primitive in those days? What would make you question if it was the "real feed"? Were there any notorious liars presenting information to the public? As for the original recorded broadcast, look it up on the internet or ask NASA. It is hardly conceivable that they would go to all the trouble for that shot and not record it. It seems one can hardly avoid seeing a clip of that transmission in background news stories.
Not to mention that amateur radio hobbyists were able to pick up the signals from Apollo coming back to Earth. Did NASA fake those as well if it was filmed in a studio?
5 days into his "official" term & he has done more that the resident & the kenyan did in 12 years.
Did more good than they ever did, the Keyan and the Resident were not there to serve us to begin with.
Be thankful for that
Nasty evil people in FEMA. A LOT of them.
FEMA is literally the children and grandchildren of Nazi concentration camp guard cunts (SS in America). Most brutal and vicious FBI psychopaths get "promoted" to FEMA. FEMA was intended to literally be Concentration Camps 2.0 for America to exterminate all Patriots and allow Fascist takeover after the Communists get destroyed [right now, Weimar-to-Nazis 2.0 repeated with grandchildren of the Reich from transplanted actual Nazis (families moved under Truman) children/grandchildren put in place by George HW Bush Sr. & Jr.]. This is why it must be terminated.
CORRECTION: "FEMA Leadership" under Biden. Check it yourself. Unreasonable number of leadership positions held by people from families tied to Nazi Germany. Many were given modified family names in early 30s when the first "transplant infiltrators" arrived. Peons in FEMA may not know and are just getting used for evil, in many cases.
Uhmmm we can see your handshake
Zionist Jews = Nazis = Satanists. Yes, the "fake Jews" murdered real Jews and real Christians in concentration camps. And they continue to do so...
The videogame "Deus Ex" warned us all the way back in 2000, the villain's righthand man was the director of FEMA and had the POTUS under his control after secretly infecting him with their engineered plague (and that was just the intro cutscene.)
And liars
The FEMA camps go away too? Let’s recycle those guillotines as well!
I’ve said this for along time. Government should empower the states. Empower the resources already there. State needs manpower, military. State needs resources, done. We don’t need more government agencies. We need support. Let Americans help America. You’ll get stuff done this way. And as everyone comes together, it brings people together on a larger scale. America, United. Just need a leader. And we have one.
Well posted! 👍❤️🇺🇸
There is a good idea behind FEMA but it was lost a long time ago. The states should control their own emergency management instead of the FED controlling it. So turn it over to the states and let each state name their Emergency Management Groups.
Worlds most dangerous phrase:
"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Is that why they're suddenly helping people in western NC? They're trying to appear helpful & necessary?
I have a neighbor who is moderately high up in FEMA. She's really far left, super condescending and tried to embezzle $$ from our HOA.
They aren't sending their best.
They probably are though.
Get rid of is my choice.But it in the hands of the local people.
Next up: the ATF?
I have zero use for FEMA from first hand experience - useless as tits in a boar hog
As effective as a parachute made of lead
States MUST control their own disaster control units. Get rid of FEMA!!!
Do you guys have the SES? State emergency services like we do in Australia
Yes, all 50 states. For example, in California there's California Governor's Office of Emergency Services. In Texas there's Texas Division of Emergency Management, and so forth. Each department can work independently under its respective state laws.
EBS, Emergency Broadcast System and local systems for emergency management.
FEMA created by Jimmy Carter. Why does it all make sense now?
God I love this man
Slightly off-topic, but seeing this impending change of affairs brought me to think of something similar for NASA. The Artemis program, as directed by Trump, was supposed to have landed a man on the Moon by 2024. Nada. And NASA has slow-walked the program so much, it looks really like they were hoping it would fall into the Memory Hole, and they could continue with their works welfare program to tinker, propose, fly the occasional test flight, and squander assets and talents by making no progress toward the goal. Right now, it looks like China may get there before we do.
My fantasy is for Trump to call a meeting of all the NASA hierarchy, chief administrator, center administrators, etc., in a big auditorium and tell them something like: "Well, boys, when I was here before, I gave you the task of getting to the Moon by 2024. I see that you have failed, and are really not very close to having anything accomplished. You have now joined a vast brotherhood of Apprentices: You're fired."
I don't know what the answer is, but it is clear that we have the Wrong Stuff in place. When you are trying to replicate the capability of half a century ago, you first replicate the mission and the system architecture. You need to assure safety, performance, and reliability. Then do the mission. A number of times. THEN (and only then) you can start tinkering by changing the mission, or altering the architecture---but only one change at a time. NASA has saluted, "Yes, Sir!" and gone on to change every fucking detail they could dream up. And introduced some extra magic in the form of a "Gateway" space station, without which landing on the Moon would be impossible. "I'm too scared to actually go to the Moon...but I'm not too scared to take your money and feed you bullshit about how good it's going to be." Put that way, it sounds like the admission of a prostitute with the clap.
Sorry. This travesty of space travel makes me grind my teeth.
There must be a valid reason for the foot dragging... either we are not being told the truth about the moon landings or we were obfuscated to believe something else. I always wanted to know why the original feed from the lander could only be viewed on a special monitor and that is what was broadcast...Does nasa have the original recorded broadcast? Im not saying we didn't go to the moon, I'm questioning was that the real feed.
On Artemis? Simple. NASA has become a sinecure, not a goal-oriented activity. In industry, we had a term we used for technical staff that existed only to have a job to tinker with their preferred hobbies. We called them "rice bowls," because only for them would the staff exert themselves. That and they have an ungainly design based on 40 to 50-year-old technology, very expensive to manufacture, and an insufficiently-funded test program. They have also dreamed up a very difficult way to perform the mission, and a complicated, entirely new architecture element (the "Gateway" station) that will be the weak point of getting to the Moon's surface. All because they were not satisfied with regaining the ability to do what we did, but wanted to do More (so as to be more impressive). They are dead in the water. The launch vehicle has only been launched twice, the manned capsule test flown (unmanned) once, and not even a published design for either the Gateway station or the Musk lander. So, to answer your implied question...there is a credible reason for the foot dragging---but it is not valid, in my view. They are just making it impossible through inventing frivolous requirements and keeping it out of public attention in order to hide their sloth.
We were told the truth about the Moon landings. My God, there is hardly a human activity more copiously documented. I wish you would learn more about it, so you would obtain the answers to your questions. Yes, it was the "real feed." Does it occur to you that a special-design vacuum-rated TV camera might not be exactly standard broadcast equipment? And that the techniques for patching from one communication system to another were very primitive in those days? What would make you question if it was the "real feed"? Were there any notorious liars presenting information to the public? As for the original recorded broadcast, look it up on the internet or ask NASA. It is hardly conceivable that they would go to all the trouble for that shot and not record it. It seems one can hardly avoid seeing a clip of that transmission in background news stories.
Not to mention that amateur radio hobbyists were able to pick up the signals from Apollo coming back to Earth. Did NASA fake those as well if it was filmed in a studio?