You all remember the Tower of Babel? The globalists wanted a one world government run by them with unlimited power. God said no and created the nation states.
Notice that the one worlders have been trying to ruin the nation states. They want to undo what God did and reinstate a tower to the heavens, for themselves.
The EU put the screws to her with the Euro and she had to cave. When a nation gives up control of their currency to an outside authority, they have lost their sovereighnty. As the EU comes apart, the constituent nations will regain it. I hope to see the end of the EU within the next ten years.
Any Nation leader betraying the Voters and still flooding the Nation with potentially hostile migrants should be shunned. Italy's economy is extremely Tourism dependant. A nightmare for potential future Tourism.
Elon replies - " cool "😆
Me, I reply: YESSSSSSSSS!!
Goosebumps of Joy.
You all remember the Tower of Babel? The globalists wanted a one world government run by them with unlimited power. God said no and created the nation states.
Notice that the one worlders have been trying to ruin the nation states. They want to undo what God did and reinstate a tower to the heavens, for themselves.
God, it appears, is saying no once again.
One way in which it's Biblical.
The guide stones said they wanted to "unite humanity under one living language".
This was babel 2.0 lol
And we still don't have confirmation on just who destroyed the stones. White hat message or the Cabal trying to cover up when too many people noticed?
nationalist boner
Meloni needs to pick up her game. Promised the Italians much but the minute she came to power, linked arms with the globalists and the EU.
Yeah, I cant make up my mind about her...
The EU put the screws to her with the Euro and she had to cave. When a nation gives up control of their currency to an outside authority, they have lost their sovereighnty. As the EU comes apart, the constituent nations will regain it. I hope to see the end of the EU within the next ten years.
Any Nation leader betraying the Voters and still flooding the Nation with potentially hostile migrants should be shunned. Italy's economy is extremely Tourism dependant. A nightmare for potential future Tourism.
Another Dream Team:
Allied Forces 2.0?
Recapitulation tour made Trump "Supreme Allied Commander" just like Eisenhower...
Our true allies.
This is what the world needs now. This alliance in the humans vs. globalists & AI war