Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
I was able to turn $1,500.00 into eighteen bucks through crypto trading.
I'd like to give some good advice but I think I'd better to keep my secrets to myself.
I had 100 dollars worth of bitcoin in my cart when it was 3 dollars. Decided against it because I didn’t understand the wallet thingy totally at the time.
Went to 80 dollars the next day. I thought that was crazy and didn’t buy.
So…. Not giving my advice either.
Mask keiser said put 10 cents on bitcoin, use a ledger and than me when you’re a millionaire in 10 years. I said this guy is CRAZY.
Also got fleeced out of $700’signal group.
You give a whole new meaning to a handshake account Dick Touchings.
I bought 5 bitcoins! I bought them for $75 each and sold them for $175, thought I was a pimp making $500 on crypto 🤦♂️
I’m confusion… how is $500 purchased years ago worth $80 when the current price is ridiculously higher then a few years ago?
My bad… I assumed you were talking about Bit Coin and not some random alt coin.
Most crypto fail.
I ly BTC, eth, and a handful of others haven't crashed.
Plus tons of shit coins and scam coins.
Betcha' those "tighty whiteties" were a lil' tight down there after that gig, eh????
XRP has 6x’d since we bought