Adam Schiff was good friends with Ed Buck ... A man that raped young black men using drugs. He'd subsequently throw them away when finished. I believe is is responsible for three known murders.
Adam Schiff is also associated with the Liddle Kidz foundation which, and you can see this for yourself, practices therapy for kids by touching/massaging them.
I wish Adam Schiff would have at least one person in the press to ask him about his involvement with Buck and an organization that prides itself on massaging kids.
Schiff has mostly dark black irises ... He's a demon. May he be obliterated. He's a satanic version of Mr. Rogers.
Thanks for your self assessment Shiffhead. So what are your thoughts on Kash?
Adam Schiff was good friends with Ed Buck ... A man that raped young black men using drugs. He'd subsequently throw them away when finished. I believe is is responsible for three known murders.
Adam Schiff is also associated with the Liddle Kidz foundation which, and you can see this for yourself, practices therapy for kids by touching/massaging them.
I wish Adam Schiff would have at least one person in the press to ask him about his involvement with Buck and an organization that prides itself on massaging kids.
Schiff has mostly dark black irises ... He's a demon. May he be obliterated. He's a satanic version of Mr. Rogers.
Tell us, PencilNeck, what happened at the Standard Hotel
Now you know why Trump called him Liddle Adam Schiff.
Kash Patel, a name to remember.
They more he’s against someone, the more the American people should be for. So..thanks for the heads up shifty. Kash it is.
That’s pretty damn racist of Schiff.
White man putting down a brown man. How dare you! Oh wait, it's a lefty speaking.
Schiff, you deserve everything you have coming to you, and MORE!
Mr. Potato head speaking to Mr. Ed (talking horse)