Is this stupid bitch actually that tone def?
"They've been living in the US some for decades and are good citizens"
WHAT???!! No, you fucking stupid cunt, they're NOT citizens!
I've heard the same talking point a few times now, about how these deportees would only make a fraction in Mexico compared to the US.
Well, the cost of living is much lower in Mexico and I'm not sorry that US dollars are no longer going to artificially support the Mexican economy through remittance payments.
Trump should immediately tax all remittance payments at 100 percent.
If Leftist think a 100 percent tax is fine on ammunition, they should embrace it for remittance payments.
Just have the government build some houses out in the desert for the newcomers. They have building skills, they just need the lumber and nails. How hard could it be? do provide untenable relief for the laughter that has ensued with this clip...OMG!!!!!
IF Mexico wanted to do SOMETHING for their people, they would clean up the corruption of all the government entities, take care of the "coyotes" and the drugs, just maybe they might be: "Like a Good Neighbor, Mexico is there"!!!!!!
But it's an economy enhancing invasion!
You should have thought about that when you first let them in to "pass through or traverse" your country. Now you are reaping your harvest.
why should the law breakers be allowed amnesty? although I might (maybe, possibly) could be misunderstanding your tone...
Catch and deport them all and let God sort it out.
much agreed
Is this stupid bitch actually that tone def? "They've been living in the US some for decades and are good citizens" WHAT???!! No, you fucking stupid cunt, they're NOT citizens!
Civilians would have been a better word.
Non Violent Illegal Aliens would be a better description.
Regardless of the terminology. They broke the law and need to be deported.
19 million more coming.
BUT ----- in Mexico ------- they speak Mexican.
I'm sure Catholic Charities and other NGOs will find accommodation for them ...
They just got their tax payer funding cancelled by Trump!!
That's why I posted that reply. Gonna be hard to do 'charity' when there's no $$$
I've heard the same talking point a few times now, about how these deportees would only make a fraction in Mexico compared to the US.
Well, the cost of living is much lower in Mexico and I'm not sorry that US dollars are no longer going to artificially support the Mexican economy through remittance payments.
Trump should immediately tax all remittance payments at 100 percent.
If Leftist think a 100 percent tax is fine on ammunition, they should embrace it for remittance payments.
Just have the government build some houses out in the desert for the newcomers. They have building skills, they just need the lumber and nails. How hard could it be?
Doesn’t 🇲🇽 need “good standing” people? Love them, embrace them. They’ve overstayed American hospitality and taken advantage long enough
Pre-Covid 56% of illegals were Mexicans, they are the biggest drug dealer by far and 13th largest economy in the world fattened by the USA so F them
If they’re illegal then they are not good standing citizens! Those who are here legally aren’t the ones leaving.
Time they got a taste of their own medicine.
But they could handle the MILLIONS passing thru to the north? Just not when they are headed south?
A crisis, their crisis of their making. So, get busy, Mexico. do provide untenable relief for the laughter that has ensued with this clip...OMG!!!!!
IF Mexico wanted to do SOMETHING for their people, they would clean up the corruption of all the government entities, take care of the "coyotes" and the drugs, just maybe they might be: "Like a Good Neighbor, Mexico is there"!!!!!!
So, is Mexico a giant one-way street? It seems to work well enough in at least one direction.
We have sent like 3,000?