I remember reading articles from farmers that said federal agents would show up to their farms and say your birds are infected with bird flu. You must kill all your birds. They said no one ever showed up before to talk to them, or collect any birds. They were forced to act on that order by the government and kill all their animals.
Some farmers even tested their birds on their own and said the birds were healthy.
The agents also told them the government would compensate them for their losses. Of course that didn't happen.
I live near San Francisco, and an 18 count box of eggs was $19.00 last week at the store.
Bird flu, huh? Are bald eagles getting sick? Turkeys in the wild, or crows, hummingbirds, parrots, or even ducks? This is a problem invented by the deep state to inflate our food prices. Is there bird flu in South Africa? Nope, because those folks are so hungry they eat anything they can catch. They don't really care if the bird has an imaginary disease. What matters most is their day to day struggle and worrying about a designer flu virus in America is not a priority. This is one more example of the deep state trying to take down America.
In Africa they eat monkeys and call it "Bush meat". They don't care about disease because that's were Aids came from. Of course, that's because the whole continent has no food and no water.
Aids came from a bio lab in a Louisiana . Our government is or was in the creation of making all kinds of agents with gain of function . Ukraine was the CIA playground for labs. Fauci was carrying out orders on Aidsvand Covid
They started killing chickens a couple years ago and it seems we are now feeling more of the shortage. I remember there were farmers who got paid more to kill their chickens, then what they would have made selling their product.
I remember farmers saying that they were told to kill all their birds and never got compensated. Thousands of birds. Feds would just show up and tell them their birds were infected and must be killed.
because THEY keep burning down chicken farms..
Too complicated for normies.
A) eggs are traditionally a great cheap source of protein for poorer folks.
B) turns out eggs contain nutrients that help fight covid.
C) poor people aren’t going to starve themselves or avoid covid cures, or vote retarded unless someone traps them into it.
D) something something always Trump’s fault
I remember reading articles from farmers that said federal agents would show up to their farms and say your birds are infected with bird flu. You must kill all your birds. They said no one ever showed up before to talk to them, or collect any birds. They were forced to act on that order by the government and kill all their animals.
Some farmers even tested their birds on their own and said the birds were healthy.
The agents also told them the government would compensate them for their losses. Of course that didn't happen.
I live near San Francisco, and an 18 count box of eggs was $19.00 last week at the store.
My chicken coop just got bigger
That's an eggzalent idea! 🐥
A 17 count box is gonna cost $1.99
They DID have a 17 count box. It was $1.50.
Bird flu, huh? Are bald eagles getting sick? Turkeys in the wild, or crows, hummingbirds, parrots, or even ducks? This is a problem invented by the deep state to inflate our food prices. Is there bird flu in South Africa? Nope, because those folks are so hungry they eat anything they can catch. They don't really care if the bird has an imaginary disease. What matters most is their day to day struggle and worrying about a designer flu virus in America is not a priority. This is one more example of the deep state trying to take down America.
Remember when chicken feed for the back yard coup was stopping egg laying?
I do.
Agenda 21 - Depopulation of the earth by 90-95% = 7 billion dead people
In Africa they eat monkeys and call it "Bush meat". They don't care about disease because that's were Aids came from. Of course, that's because the whole continent has no food and no water.
Aids came from a bio lab in a Louisiana . Our government is or was in the creation of making all kinds of agents with gain of function . Ukraine was the CIA playground for labs. Fauci was carrying out orders on Aidsvand Covid
Bird Flu Hoax that began under Biden.
They started killing chickens a couple years ago and it seems we are now feeling more of the shortage. I remember there were farmers who got paid more to kill their chickens, then what they would have made selling their product.
Our tax dollars at work.
Those fuckers need to start handling money like it is THEIR money, not OTHER PEOPLES’ money.
Way past being sick of their stupid shit. DOGE needs to kick into high gear to help get rid of this nonsense.
I remember farmers saying that they were told to kill all their birds and never got compensated. Thousands of birds. Feds would just show up and tell them their birds were infected and must be killed.
Bird flu has been around for 100 years. Destruction of our food supply is only about 4 years old.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To buy some level 4....
I pay $3.00 per dozen for chicken eggs, and 4.00 per dozen for duck eggs from my local farmers. I won't ever buy eggs in a store.
I'd have to spend $100.00 to get to a farmer. 🐣
Damn near a hundred food processing plants (chicken farms etc) burned down during the dem depop effort. https://100percentfedup.com/full-list-all-food-processing-plants-that-have/
Yes. One food processing plant was destroyed when a small Cessna plane flew into it. This was no accident. The Cessna was remote controlled.
Kissinger on food: https://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-control-oil-and-you-control-nations-control-food-and-you-control-the-people-henry-a-kissinger-91-48-12.jpg
Kissinger on war and slavery: "Slavery is even more fun and satisfying than the mass murder of war". https://earthcoinage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/b1d24b98324a1d54ab2ce3a6012a9255-1024x886.jpg
Thanks for the Memories - The memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1387735999i/920701.jpg
Don’t forget bird flu! Killed a lot of chickens
The Bird Flu was fake. It was an EXCUSE to kill chickens. Just like this new Bird Flu is fake.
I know that they’ve been killing birds. That makes sense they’d blame bird flu
They want us to starve.