Notice that, unlike "resident Joe Biden", Donald Trump actually signs his executive orders personally.
Joe Biden used E-signature on his more recent Presidential pardons... and probably used E-signature on his executive orders the same way.
There is no way of telling if Joe Biden himself e-signed the documents... or someone else e-signed his name for him, then hit PRINT. Those were all electronic documents.
Donald Trump takes responsibility... and there is NO DOUBT about what he signs.
As with all things, the devil is in the details. It depends on how the law was written/amended to handle e-signing, and how the courts view it. Ultimately, it stands until it is challenged in the courts. Then it depends on how they rule on it.
Time to get rid of the Esignature. If you can't manage to actually sign you name for things worrh millions or even billions then use thr old fashioned POA. There has got to be a check in between human decisions and that which can easily be hacked
Notice that, unlike "resident Joe Biden", Donald Trump actually signs his executive orders personally.
Joe Biden used E-signature on his more recent Presidential pardons... and probably used E-signature on his executive orders the same way.
There is no way of telling if Joe Biden himself e-signed the documents... or someone else e-signed his name for him, then hit PRINT. Those were all electronic documents.
Donald Trump takes responsibility... and there is NO DOUBT about what he signs.
Well then wouldnt all his executive orders and pardons be null and void. I would imagine legally it would require an actual signature.
As with all things, the devil is in the details. It depends on how the law was written/amended to handle e-signing, and how the courts view it. Ultimately, it stands until it is challenged in the courts. Then it depends on how they rule on it.
It should be challenged. We need it to be made clear that other people can sign on our behalf, because that's not a security risk at all.
Right you are H2O!
AND that is a VERY big Tell on the Joe Xiden Signatures...Question is:
Because if he didn't or (somebody else signed them) then we are talking fraud beyond the Outer Limits!!~!!!!!!
Just sayin'1!!!
Absolutely on target eagle! It's going to be interesting...
Time to get rid of the Esignature. If you can't manage to actually sign you name for things worrh millions or even billions then use thr old fashioned POA. There has got to be a check in between human decisions and that which can easily be hacked
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J1D is posting with an M134 minigun today!
Your New Post button is gonna overheat!
I've been keyed up since the crash last night...went straight into overdrive digging...I need a beach chair & a Margarita! 🏖️🩴🍸
What is the deal with that poster-sized EO??
Thanks mod frens! 🫡