Yep, and they proudly wave their 'fled from' country's flag in their new country, and sometimes even demand a day to celebrate their 'fled from' country in their new country.
That's why calling them "refugees" or "asylum seekers" is just made up BS to make it sound worse than it is. Most of these people are not coming from war-torn countries.
Then they won't be upset going back there permanently.
Hey, it’s a holiday!
If they came in on a rickety boat, send them back the same way and keep the adventure alive
Yep, and they proudly wave their 'fled from' country's flag in their new country, and sometimes even demand a day to celebrate their 'fled from' country in their new country.
How about we never allow them in to begin with?
Thank you, Sir.
Seems that common sense isn't so common, these days.
I agree, industrial grade stupid is tough to overcome.
That's why calling them "refugees" or "asylum seekers" is just made up BS to make it sound worse than it is. Most of these people are not coming from war-torn countries.
YEP, I do trauma Holidays, NOT{
That should be a one way ticket.
LOL, where's the "x10" upvote button when you need it.
I know a few
Probably to see family.
Sounds like a great trap. Just revoke their papers once they leave the country. Problem solved.
Umm... if you go "vacation" somewhere, and return unharmed at your own will, you're not a refugee, you're a fraud. Change my mind.
WTF like "I'm terrified to be in my home country, but the summers are so nice."
easy fix, ban them from returning and put a warrant out for their arrest for fraud if they return
Yeah and we pay for it.
Revoke their passport on return trip
Same here in Alaska