Elon - "All this time, they kept the water from the people of California" (BREAKING: The LA Times, the largest news site in California, just released an article confirming that President Trump's orders are entirely responsible for the massive new water flow into Californian cities.)
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
" The LA Times, the largest news site in California, just released an article confirming that President Trump's orders are entirely responsible for the massive new water flow into Californian cities.
The next time you Liberal Californians turn on your showers or drink water, please take a moment to thank God for giving you Trump to undo the damage the Democrats have done to your state."
AMEN! And next time you go to the polls, think of that beautiful water & your beautiful land and “flush” those demonrat progressive liberal commie rat 💩 bastards, that have ruined your state, down the toilet. Vote red so bigly it would be impossible to cheat. Make your state red and thriving again! 🙏🇺🇸🐸
worded perfectly.
Someone said the other day that WATER is AMAZING at PUTTING OUT FIRES!
Can't remember who it was....
liberals are mad about that shit but they will soon learn and vote the other way
Hey we’re not all liberals out here. Hopefully Trumps demand for voter ID will wash away all the dirt for everyone to see and hear that California is MAGA Red..!!
No link to the LA Times article, and I cant find it. Please delete if you cant find a link either.
Thanks to OP for providing the Sauce
Is this good enough ? 🙂
Trump tells US government to override California water policies if necessary
Wow! From the LA Times and the Guardian nonetheless.
Hell must have frozen over for them to have actually reported the truth.
Especially considering it was their nemesis Trump who made it happen...
Further down the article they talk about farmer water portfolios, like they can only have so much each year.
I think these scum people will be surprised when trump says no, don't slow the flow.
LA Times has changed recently.
The man in charge has publicly stated they will no longer be biased in favor of lefties.
Thanks fren, perfect.
The comments to the article are so freaking predictable! If Trump does it then it must be horrible, my goodness how I’d like to smash their sniveling liberal faces!
I am finding myself much less patient these days and quickly wanting retribution and violence for all of the injustice. Their time is up
The Californicators become the Californicated....
Money laundering 101…. Restrict water, stop controlled burns and brush removal… allow wild fires to rage…. Request federal (FEMA) emergency relief funding….
Insurance companies drop coverage - the elites come in & buy the property for pennies on the dollar....
Mike Pence is opposing everything Trump does. What a traitor.
Agenda 2030 and climate hoax program and the UN control protocol. All must be eradicated
Trump 45~47 does mean Tweets and talks mean to people who are not doing the work needed for the American citize. But it works.. Some times hurting feelings is the only way to get things done.
They're still coping in the comments saying it screws over summer farmers, when that's bullshit because all the excess was dumped into the ocean anyway, completely wasting it.
The article says releasing water from lake success, I was there last week, and that lake was almost empty.
No crops, no food, not just for California.
But, but, but....what happens to the little fishy.....
I'm curious of what we will find on the shores as the water continues to flow.
Fucking criminal. People behind denying the water should be locked up.