Elon Musk's Team Locks Government Workers Out of Federal Agency Computer Systems Responsible for Hiring and Payroll as Trump Ove...
The Trump-Musk revolution in Washington is officially underway, and the entrenched deep state bureaucrats are shaking in their boots.
From the article,
The Trump-Musk revolution in Washington is officially underway, and the entrenched deep state bureaucrats are shaking in their boots.
The Trump administration has reportedly blocked access to the federal government’s hiring and payroll systems.
Through the new advisory body Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), Trump tasked Musk with spearheading this much-needed purge of the inefficient, taxpayer-funded leviathan that has spent decades growing out of control.
Now, Musk’s team is moving at lightning speed to reclaim control over the government’s human resources agency, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), making it clear that the days of unaccountable, left-wing bureaucrats running Washington are over.
It's almost as if Twitter takeover was just the smaller scale practice run for Doge
Elon! You Magnificent Bastard. You said you would "work your ass off" at the inauguration and you, like our amazing POTUS kept your promise. Thank you!!!
Good, retain the evidence, now they can’t cover their tracks. How many ‘ghost” employees? How many duplicates employees? How many paychecks deposited into one account? How many employees working at one address? How many illegal aliens on the payroll? How many terrorists on the payroll?
Exactly. Let the turn up for “work”, now they can’t delete anything, who’s I guess was accidentally “not backed up”.
Not as if they were doing anything to start with anyway.
Elon fir the win.
Musk has turned out to be just the weapon Trump needed to drain some of the more swampy areas of the Federal Government.
This really is gonna happen sooner than we think huh
ka-BOOM !!!
...this is very amusing...
That photo of Elon should be captioned Ta-Dah!
Old IT Pro here...The early days of the Internet certainly brought it's challenges to the workplace - like shutting off the Internet but keeping email on the ones watching prawn at work... (Early firewalls sucked) and I mean the kind where you can never look that mofo in the eyes ever again...
Can see them now toddle in ...uh yeah uh...is the net down?
"Take a seat..."
Jesus...(More like, but I couldn't, "y'all need to find Jesus")
I never thought I'd get tired of winning! It's happening so fast I'm out of breath between laughing and running to keep up.
Know what you mean every day 5-10 new things happen and I have to be locked in every day to keep up!
I have wonder how many persons over 90-100 years old collect Social Security? I have wonder how many persons Out of the US collect Social Security?
When you control hiring, and the purse strings, you control the company
Now we know why Trump made friends and influenced people in Silicon valley. They can’t hide the evidence from the private sector real deals.