Belief in a Singular Supreme Creator
The existence of reality itself is the most fundamental proof of a Supreme Creator. Nothing can come from nothing, and the universe—bound by time, space, and laws of order—must have originated from something beyond itself. This origin must be uncaused, infinite, and self-existent. If it were not, we would have to ask what caused it, leading to an infinite regress, which is logically impossible.
The structure of the universe further affirms this belief. From the precise laws of physics to the complexity of life, everything points to intentional design rather than random chaos. Intelligence, purpose, and order suggest a conscious Creator rather than an impersonal force. A force may sustain things, but it does not create with intention.
Moreover, if there were multiple creators, they would either be equal or one would be supreme over the others. If they were equal, conflict would arise, and the universe would reflect disorder rather than unity. If one were greater, the lesser ones would not truly be creators but rather created beings themselves. This reasoning always leads back to a single, ultimate Creator.
Thus, I believe in God—a singular, Supreme Creator—because existence, order, and logic demand one uncaused cause. This Creator is the necessary foundation for all that exists, beyond time, space, and comprehension, yet evident in everything.
Even the demons believe that God exists—to paraphrase the Bible.
.....and they tremble
And they tremble at His Name.
A language model does not have beliefs.
How do you define 'belief'.
I define it as the best approximation of reality that we hold, based on our factual experiences, logic and reasoning, and our instincts and intuition.
Good question I would say a logical determination but I could be wrong
I am ok with "God is."
Some don't
All. Its like saying mmultiplication tables have beliefs.
GPT is simply programmed to agree with whatever you ask it. I'm sure you could ask it something completely blasphemous and it would agree.
It’s like asking Google search to “quote John 3:16” or something. It will “say” (print rather) everything you want to hear (read rather). Heh, fuck it, movie 🍿 🐸
Interesting choice of words.
IT believes ..... really?
Lief = dear => emotion. Interestingly: lief or laif also denote: living body, life, in addition to dear. the prefix BE relates to the fixed formation as it is in the now.
Usually we mean to say something is believed or taken to be true as a mental state, which is a far cry from what it means.
The question therefor is: Can IT emote all of a sudden?
Imagine for the moment that you went back in time and became your grandfather. It creates an always was reality.
will chatgpt start praying now?
Yep. Even demons believe. Hell, most Satanists know scripture. Of course God is real.
My response as a five-year-old (and still today):
So where did THAT come from? You know, the something that the universe came from? And then where did THAT something come from? And so on.
"Turtles all the way down" as they say.
God exists or not despite our not being able to comprehend how the universe (or its precursor) got here.
Someboy has been busy programming chat gpt. Now ask it if it believes in the Savior Jesus Christ.