An an older American, and having never HEARD of this Kyle person, I can truthfully say that this is precisely why I don't follow pop culture, not even American pop culture. That was the longest 1 minute of mindless drivel I've heard in a long time and just supports my opinion that all pop culture is crap.
So I'm a man of the 90s. The 1890s, and that is all I need in terms of music, culture, literature, and philosophy.
Liberals are against the Death Penalty and Lethal Injection... unless the medical community, media and government tells you it's for your own good. Then everyone is pressured into taking a lethal injection... and it's OK.
Glad it worked out well for him
they did say it's effective...
They did.....they did say that.....and they're the experts.
He should die just for that song
I stopped after 17 seconds, painful and shameful.
An an older American, and having never HEARD of this Kyle person, I can truthfully say that this is precisely why I don't follow pop culture, not even American pop culture. That was the longest 1 minute of mindless drivel I've heard in a long time and just supports my opinion that all pop culture is crap.
So I'm a man of the 90s. The 1890s, and that is all I need in terms of music, culture, literature, and philosophy. sucks...
...then you die...
I don't celebrate anyone suffering because the fell under the Covid jab spell unless they pushed it knowing it was harmful.
Well, maybe just a little bit, if it was Rob Reiner, or Cher Bono.
Most of the establishment were in on it and got exemptions or saline, some were just useful idiots like this clown.
Liberals are against the Death Penalty and Lethal Injection... unless the medical community, media and government tells you it's for your own good. Then everyone is pressured into taking a lethal injection... and it's OK.
Vaxxed and near death. Was it worth it?
Now he knows it was scandal lol Darwin Award right there
He told people to get something that harmed them and then it harmed him. Is there a problem here because I don’t see it. Sounds like justice.