CIA had a huge propaganda organisation even then. The ANC was forced onto the country despite the presence of much better Black political parties, Inkatha Freedom Party being one of them
Why should honest farmers have to retreat? The Globalists are trying to start a Race War and they are using SA as a flassh point. Remember all the anti-white Rhetoric originates from the Cabal and it's Henchmen. Maybe they are going All-In because their funding is drying up and they need to move things forward at a quicker pace?
Sorry took me awhile to find this one again. When Banks & Counties withdraw liquidity the are doing it to cause a collapse to buy up assets on the cheap. It's not "honest farmers" that are the targets, it's Whites. Leaving less competition for those who would rule the world (typical psychopaths). Most will tell you BDS started in 2001. But it's success was proven much earlier:
"When the House of Representatives introduced its sanctions legislation in 1985, Chester Crocker, the assistant secretary, called this the “path of madness.”"
"BDS is the main component of the “Durban strategy,” which was adopted by dozens of NGOs at the 2001 UN Conference Against Racism held in Durban, South Africa, and crystallized the strategy of delegitimizing Israel as “an apartheid regime” through international isolation. From this foundation, pro-Palestinian groups expanded their efforts to promote economic and cultural boycotts of Israel, particularly the call for boycott of Israeli academic institutions."
Did I Forget to mention that the SAHRC(Which is a joke because they actively go after whites for any perceived racist incident and NEVER go after any other race group( gets some of its funding from.......................USAID🤬
I HOPE you are keeping a list of those in South Africa that need to be held to account, I am,in Australia.I think we will all get some help from the US but at the end of the day we are going to have to remove our own trash.
WTF. I'm worried for every white farmer there. I understand wanting to weather the storm to protect the land, but your life is worth something, too. Anyone in SA that needs a place in America, don't hesitate to ask.
I read that there was not many true African natives in SA when the Europeans immigrated there back in 1653 or some date around then. The African continent is not the sole property of African native peoples. Especially in light of the value that Europeans brought with them.
Some more information. There are some caves around the southern end of Africa that, according to one theory, was where the last humans lived after a cold period killed the rest. These small groups survived and flourished into what we know as humanity. I hope to visit these caves in the future.
Agreed. South Africa should be free of Boers and financial aid from any other country especially the U.S.
Grow your own food and raise your own animals. Wonder how long that will last before complete collapse? U.S needs industrious people that don't beg for free handouts.
Remember when we let the leader of a criminal organization out of prison and gave him the Nobel Prize so we could start this slippery slope?
yup often wondered why he was so revered.
He was revered because the entire Western MSM said we all need to fall down and worship him.
CIA had a huge propaganda organisation even then. The ANC was forced onto the country despite the presence of much better Black political parties, Inkatha Freedom Party being one of them
Read Anthea Jeffery's book "People's War" to understand how ANC caused about 20 000 deaths in their rush to power.
I Remember well...
Then they went to celebrate in a luxury restaurant and ended washing the dishes when their USAID payment card was denied.🤭
I believe these people will shamefully pretend this did not happen somewhere in the future… until then, you’re in my prayers.🙏🏻
Thank you my man...
Allow the farmers into the USA and let these dumb F'ers starve.
Why should honest farmers have to retreat? The Globalists are trying to start a Race War and they are using SA as a flassh point. Remember all the anti-white Rhetoric originates from the Cabal and it's Henchmen. Maybe they are going All-In because their funding is drying up and they need to move things forward at a quicker pace?
Why was BDS used to start this against them ?
Please expand.
Sorry took me awhile to find this one again. When Banks & Counties withdraw liquidity the are doing it to cause a collapse to buy up assets on the cheap. It's not "honest farmers" that are the targets, it's Whites. Leaving less competition for those who would rule the world (typical psychopaths). Most will tell you BDS started in 2001. But it's success was proven much earlier:
"When the House of Representatives introduced its sanctions legislation in 1985, Chester Crocker, the assistant secretary, called this the “path of madness.”"
Who & then why, may have been a better question.
BDS and the Durban Strategy
"BDS is the main component of the “Durban strategy,” which was adopted by dozens of NGOs at the 2001 UN Conference Against Racism held in Durban, South Africa, and crystallized the strategy of delegitimizing Israel as “an apartheid regime” through international isolation. From this foundation, pro-Palestinian groups expanded their efforts to promote economic and cultural boycotts of Israel, particularly the call for boycott of Israeli academic institutions."
I’m sure if we went back and looked, we would find the whole end apartheid movement was funded by…(drumroll)…USAID.
Did I Forget to mention that the SAHRC(Which is a joke because they actively go after whites for any perceived racist incident and NEVER go after any other race group( gets some of its funding from.......................USAID🤬
It goes so deep doesn't it.
More than we can Imagine, I Think...
I HOPE you are keeping a list of those in South Africa that need to be held to account, I am,in Australia.I think we will all get some help from the US but at the end of the day we are going to have to remove our own trash.
I am sure your list is longer than mine! ALL my SA relatives have now left or died and I never got to visit BUT in the brave new world I will.
Visit ....👌🙏🏻
The semitic cabal is practicing white genocide down in SA.
They want to perfect it
Before they bring the same thing to the white western world (aka America, Europe, Australia)
It's why they have imported Millions of 3rd world shithole people (well, fighting aged men) to be their future boots on the ground.
White genocide is their goal
WTF. I'm worried for every white farmer there. I understand wanting to weather the storm to protect the land, but your life is worth something, too. Anyone in SA that needs a place in America, don't hesitate to ask.
Southworth African racist government should be ended.
Im Hoping Trumps intervention and policies can help us lead to 'self determination' for the whites....The Country is Huge, Plenty space...
I read that there was not many true African natives in SA when the Europeans immigrated there back in 1653 or some date around then. The African continent is not the sole property of African native peoples. Especially in light of the value that Europeans brought with them.
I posted this links in another thread, but in case you don't see it I shall post here too:
Thank you!
Some more information. There are some caves around the southern end of Africa that, according to one theory, was where the last humans lived after a cold period killed the rest. These small groups survived and flourished into what we know as humanity. I hope to visit these caves in the future.
Correct, The only people who were here before anyone else was the Khoisan peoples
Are they fighting to get land back from the Boers?
Go can't 'get back' something that wasn't yours in the first place....
Get the whites out of there with all their belongings and reduce SA to the rubble it was when the whites came to shore.
It is only fair.
And American Marxists of both races stood up and cheered.
I wonder if the mistake is calling it human rights, as in reality these are the divine rights of man.
And this is what the "reparations" narrative is all about.
Agreed. South Africa should be free of Boers and financial aid from any other country especially the U.S. Grow your own food and raise your own animals. Wonder how long that will last before complete collapse? U.S needs industrious people that don't beg for free handouts.
The ANC government is a generally stupid gang:
I have no idea how significant these numbers are, but it certainly involves a big chunk of the farming community:
I feel the same way about commies, pedophiles and traitors as this guy feels about people committing no crime except for being born.