Wuhan Bioweapons Scientist Blows Whistle: Covid Was 'Engineered' to Depopulate - Slay News
A leading scientist from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology has spoken out to blow the whistle by claiming that the U.S. taxpayer-funded Chinese lab "engineered" COVID-19 as a "bioweapon" to reduce the population of humans around the world.
Is slay news legit?
I believe so. I have not heard anyone said otherwise.
Thank you
They are like “your news wire” and “the peoples voice”
theres no way they are legit. Bo way they can pay the bills producing the garbage they put out. They have to being bankrolled (prolly by USAID)
I have seen other unsubstantiated hopium articles from them. I take them with a grain of salt and do not share
C19 was designed to specifically kill whitey.
He's too much of a pain in the ass and in the way of global domination.
Think it was to target whitey?
Brothers may not see it, but there's been a war against the white man for a while now. Just look at mainstream - anything to make them look like weak buffoons - every commercial etc.
Workplace - Good luck getting hired. Even with DEI winding down.
C19 tho? Oh that's just crazy talk...Is it? Read the link below regarding gain of function and who was targeted. (The tweet/threadreader link)
Every "conspiracy theory" so far has been proven true...
in my extensive research the long term goal was always depopulation and that mission was aided by creating division among blacks & whites, men & women, Christians & muslims, gay & straight, etc. just like with all of the vaccines, it's to harm as many as they can.
if you look into the CDCs own study, they sought to bury, own the side effects of the MMR vax, it was statistically more harmful to black boys then white boys and more harmful to boys in general than girls. recognizing any "study" can be propaganda, my discernment suggests this one is plausible given how many years ago the study was done and how under wraps it's been kept for all these years
oh wow, quite a rabbit hole
Yes it is...
And bring the salt shaker just in case...
Are any of the whitey's chosen, or, does it not discriminate?
No idea.
I really hate that chosen bullshit...
God thinks everyone else is an unworthy asshole then?
This is one reason I absolutely hate religion in any form.
Ok, so the boosters were to speed up the killing process?
I believe that it will inevitably come out that each new version of the vaccine does incorporate new diseases. Thus the weakest part of everyone's body will be affected eventually. I begged my younger brother to refuse the vaccine, but he said he had no choice; the VA mandated the vaccine or he would be refused oxygen he needed to live since agent orange damage from serving in VietNam. I consider his death from the vaccine as murder.
killing or at least maiming/harming. the vaccines that they want us to inject our babies with dont generally kill, but rather harm them to the extent that they aren't likely to have a healthy relationship and offspring....as a result of autism, constant medicating, sexual preferences, etc
it seems the convid vax was more harmful with significant deaths resulting from hard-to-pinpoint causes....turbo cancers, heart diseases, etc
hopefully some day, and soon, we'll know the absolute truth thanks to Q/Trump without having to speculate
We know they were working on MRNA shots for COVID going back to 2015 and the CEO of Moderna said 2019/2020 were going to be huge revenue years for them before it happened.
Seems more plausible that it's another money laundering scheme. Make a flu that can be claimed to be deadly, get everyone to buy their shot, repeat.
I do think either COVID was leaked by accident due to incompetent lab techs, or on purpose by a smaller cabal to stop President Trump.
Yes. We know.
Do you remember the Deagle population projections? They showed the US lost around half it's population. Most of the western countries lost a large percentage of their population in their forecast.
When folks started pointing it out they took the projections down.
They knew.
Oh yeah. I do remember that.
Most normal people have never heard of Deagle, and don't understand the significance of this. It's astounding that something like half of the US population would be gone didn't set off alarms. What will deaths AND deportations do to our population. Its will be interesting to see.
Yea, hearing more and more sirens, sad, for them.
My family all took it. Sad too.
COVID 19 itself was not such a virulent/deadly disease/infection/condition. The survival rate was generally over 99%. A great percentage of deaths assigned to COVID 19 had other causes. My understanding is that COVID 19 was a way to get people to take a damaging shot. Fear-porn is what drove most people to take the shots. Not fear for their health, but fear of not being able to work, go to school, travel, etc.
I have people who don't need it for their work or schools taking them so it's zombie nation.
I remember the reports of car crash victims being tested for COVID and listed as COVID deaths.
That said, most flus have deaths from pneumonia and other stuff, not the flu itself, but those conditions are still caused by the flu. So some of that is legit.
Convid = Trojan Horse for Vaxx
With all the fraud surrounding Convid, it probably didn't even exist.
Here we go!!!
I want to slam my family members but I won't. They have been told.
Something something with a feather
Covid has never been scientifically proven to exist.
The mRNA bioweapon was developed to depopulate and "covid" was used as fear porn to manipulate the masses.
Oh we know that. I have been saying that even as we started. For about 2 weeks, I was stupid enough to mask but after that...
Coast to coast am, Art Bell and Chuck Harder For the People has been saying this for years, including Alex Jones