You are hereby ordered to cease and desist what you are doing and BY COURT ORDER must continue to knowingly make fraudulent payments.
Literally, a court order to commit crime? And AUTOMATICALLY null and void. You cannot order someone to commit a crime. This is known as an "unlawful order" and is must be ignored.
Hmm, I wonder about that. Is it possible they or someone close to them are engaged in a little fraud themselves?
Covid PPP loans, unemployment, questionable government grants, disability fraud, SNAP, tax evasion, Medicaid ect ect. ? Maybe they are shady government contractors or maybe they are indirect beneficiaries of the wasteful spending.
I know someone losing his mind over illegal immigration deportation. Let's just say he benefits by all the cash going to illegals because a tidy sum ends up in his pocket.
I agree with Cara below. While I'm sure it is some of that, it is mostly just brainwashed people thinking the government is doing so much good and "how can you cut off USAID which helps millions of poor people around the world??"
Keep an eye on them, sure, but the ones to really watch are going to be the ones really screaming about it. I tend to agree that a lot of it is brainwashing, though.
Those I know who are opposed to looking into this just don't trust Trump and his team, based on years of brainwashing by the corrupt media into believing that the bad guys are the good guys and vice versa.
I know someone who's been convinced that it's terribly dangerous for Elon to have access to her social security number, which I'm sure she's happily given out to hundreds of random people over the years in various applications.
Someone was shocked that Trump looked at “known child trafficker” Matt Gaetz for a position.
Couldn’t justify how it was known that he was guilty of that other than having been told.
At some point, stupidity won’t be an adequate excuse, but we aren’t there yet.
“Are you really so stupid that you haven’t noticed that all this child trafficking, that we’ve been telling you about for 20 years, and that’s been going on for who-knows-how-much-longer than 60 years, that everyone else but Nixon covered up, and even Nixon couldn’t out it, so do you really, really think, that the guy who is finally outing all this decades-old nightmare, is going to hire a pedophile to run the DOJ? Have you not noticed who is fighting the traffickers? M
Are you REALLY that stupid? How gingerly do you have to be fed information in order to compensate for your total absence of critical thinking ability?”
I’m sorry, these people have me upset by how steadfastly they refuse to look at anything for themselves.
One of the two arguments I've heard on Reddit is "Musk is a businessman so this is a conflict of interest" as if that negates the fraudulent behavior somehow. The other is that "Musk is an unelected bureaucrat who was given too much power" which accurately describes most 3 letter agencies and the thousands of people they employ... It's like they have a gigantic mental block
That's why the typical American who retired only gets $1,000 a month. That's poverty levels. And, every year we hear how social security is going broke. Which adds more stress and uncertainty to retired people.
In the meantime, most people have to rely on social security when they retire bc the value of the dollar (savings) has been inflated away by endless printing of a fiat dollar. The whole thing is a racket where the people get poorer and the criminals get richer and richer. I'm so grateful it's finally being exposed.
It does indeed! And no problem. I have a deaf friend and didn't realize seeing similar spellings doesn't work the same as when we are hearing the similarities spoken. I posted a funny story about a waitress that won a work contest where the manager verbally told them the prize was a Toyota, and he went to give her the prize and it was actually a toy Yoda. (Deceived, she was.) When you say them out loud, "Toyota" and "toy Yoda" sound virtually the same.
If someone on the Team ever eyes this page may I make a suggestion. The numbers are so incomprehensible it really doesn't mean anything to the average American. Might I suggest breaking these numbers down to how much is owed by each tax payer to pay for the grift and they watch it go UP, UP ,UP each day. You now owe $27,506.45 to cover their fraud.
Use some of the money to dig a long channel into the Arid parts of the Country from the Oceans. Have a.massive work project that allows American workers to earn $250k each so the work is spread out between people. Use this money as a retirement nestegg or down payment for a home.
none of us here are schocked...lets just see how bad it is..........
Sir, we're surrounded by balls...
100% certain means he has already seen it all?
That's what I would read into it
"We have it all."
There is waste and fraud everywhere and we are cleaning it up.
How dare the judges and activists prevent us from cleaning it up!
District Court judge...
Literally, a court order to commit crime? And AUTOMATICALLY null and void. You cannot order someone to commit a crime. This is known as an "unlawful order" and is must be ignored.
The people benefiting from the fraud will fight to keep it.
And it's incredible how many average citizens come out on the side of fraud and waste. (We shouldn't' be looking into this!!!)
Hmm, I wonder about that. Is it possible they or someone close to them are engaged in a little fraud themselves?
Covid PPP loans, unemployment, questionable government grants, disability fraud, SNAP, tax evasion, Medicaid ect ect. ? Maybe they are shady government contractors or maybe they are indirect beneficiaries of the wasteful spending.
I know someone losing his mind over illegal immigration deportation. Let's just say he benefits by all the cash going to illegals because a tidy sum ends up in his pocket.
Are they afraid these audits keep going?
I agree with Cara below. While I'm sure it is some of that, it is mostly just brainwashed people thinking the government is doing so much good and "how can you cut off USAID which helps millions of poor people around the world??"
OK but remember all this money is going into someone's pockets. Trillions of dollars, There is bound to be some screaming.
Keep an eye on them, sure, but the ones to really watch are going to be the ones really screaming about it. I tend to agree that a lot of it is brainwashing, though.
“Freedom is tyranny!!”
Oh Well , Got Money ?
Those I know who are opposed to looking into this just don't trust Trump and his team, based on years of brainwashing by the corrupt media into believing that the bad guys are the good guys and vice versa.
I know someone who's been convinced that it's terribly dangerous for Elon to have access to her social security number, which I'm sure she's happily given out to hundreds of random people over the years in various applications.
I bet she's unaware that China has had access to all that data for years....
I can't wait to see people coming out in favor of child abuse. Hopefully by then most everyone will be awake!
Someone was shocked that Trump looked at “known child trafficker” Matt Gaetz for a position.
Couldn’t justify how it was known that he was guilty of that other than having been told.
At some point, stupidity won’t be an adequate excuse, but we aren’t there yet.
“Are you really so stupid that you haven’t noticed that all this child trafficking, that we’ve been telling you about for 20 years, and that’s been going on for who-knows-how-much-longer than 60 years, that everyone else but Nixon covered up, and even Nixon couldn’t out it, so do you really, really think, that the guy who is finally outing all this decades-old nightmare, is going to hire a pedophile to run the DOJ? Have you not noticed who is fighting the traffickers? M
Are you REALLY that stupid? How gingerly do you have to be fed information in order to compensate for your total absence of critical thinking ability?”
I’m sorry, these people have me upset by how steadfastly they refuse to look at anything for themselves.
One of the two arguments I've heard on Reddit is "Musk is a businessman so this is a conflict of interest" as if that negates the fraudulent behavior somehow. The other is that "Musk is an unelected bureaucrat who was given too much power" which accurately describes most 3 letter agencies and the thousands of people they employ... It's like they have a gigantic mental block
The Bell Curve is real and 50% ARE below average (mean).
The roaches are coming out of the woodwork.
That's why the typical American who retired only gets $1,000 a month. That's poverty levels. And, every year we hear how social security is going broke. Which adds more stress and uncertainty to retired people.
In the meantime, most people have to rely on social security when they retire bc the value of the dollar (savings) has been inflated away by endless printing of a fiat dollar. The whole thing is a racket where the people get poorer and the criminals get richer and richer. I'm so grateful it's finally being exposed.
Me too and I don't give a damn who gets exposed. Bring it.
Sorry if I'm stating the obvious here, but cuz I'm deaf, I'm wondering if that sounded like, "Hairy Balls"?
It does indeed! And no problem. I have a deaf friend and didn't realize seeing similar spellings doesn't work the same as when we are hearing the similarities spoken. I posted a funny story about a waitress that won a work contest where the manager verbally told them the prize was a Toyota, and he went to give her the prize and it was actually a toy Yoda. (Deceived, she was.) When you say them out loud, "Toyota" and "toy Yoda" sound virtually the same.
Lol that's funny! I bet she got excited for nothing. Disappointed, she was!
I'm pretty good at understanding how it is said verbally when it is spelled differently. Like Bart's prank calls to Moe's Tavern,
"I'm looking for Amanda"
"Amanda who?"
"Amanda Huggenkiss" then Moe would yell out, "I"m looking for Amanda Huggenkiss" and of course, the whole tavern breaks out laughing!
lol, I thought of Mors too!!
That means it's TRILLIONS if USDs, AND he and Trump already have the receipts.
If someone on the Team ever eyes this page may I make a suggestion. The numbers are so incomprehensible it really doesn't mean anything to the average American. Might I suggest breaking these numbers down to how much is owed by each tax payer to pay for the grift and they watch it go UP, UP ,UP each day. You now owe $27,506.45 to cover their fraud.
Use some of the money to dig a long channel into the Arid parts of the Country from the Oceans. Have a.massive work project that allows American workers to earn $250k each so the work is spread out between people. Use this money as a retirement nestegg or down payment for a home.
Que, the JAWS music.