Yes a fairly long one so everyone around thr world can see his reptile face as evidence pours on daily . God I hope this guy goes to prison for life at the very least !
If only the boy who died during Schitt's rape of him at the Stanfard Hotel could be traced back through the child trafficking funnel to the country he came from. Seem to recall mention of him having been a Haitian child. This won't happen... but, remember, there was a witness at the hotel when cross-dressed Schitt came out of the room into the hall saying the boy was dead. And the witness was suicided. Calling on whistleblowers. To take this out of the 'hearsay' category.
He also likes to sodomize and murder kids.
He and Ed Buck had a thing they like to do, but old Schiffty hasn't gotten the Buck treatment yet. I'm hoping that is still in the works.
Me too . Arrest him , then hang him !
He should be drug through the streets, real slow.
After his fair trial
Yes a fairly long one so everyone around thr world can see his reptile face as evidence pours on daily . God I hope this guy goes to prison for life at the very least !
You are too kind. He deserves to be hoisted , not a swift military hanging.
AHHHH LAD...he needs to be hoisted on the highest yard arm and left there to rot - in the sun!!!!!!
The genius here is, if it were not true, Schiff would sue for defamation , but oh no, no, no, that pesky discovery.
This this...that filthy little pervert needs justice.
Wow, Elon would not be saying that if he didn't have ample proof. Can't wait to see it ALL.
Remember when Q showed people in different countries? Was this people like Schiff accepting bribes?
If only the boy who died during Schitt's rape of him at the Stanfard Hotel could be traced back through the child trafficking funnel to the country he came from. Seem to recall mention of him having been a Haitian child. This won't happen... but, remember, there was a witness at the hotel when cross-dressed Schitt came out of the room into the hall saying the boy was dead. And the witness was suicided. Calling on whistleblowers. To take this out of the 'hearsay' category.
How about ms piggy?