The good ole days!! I told my 12yo son about life in the 80s and explained to him how we had to fast forward a cassette tape and guess where a song would be. FF, REW, FF some more, etc til we hit the right spot for a song we wanted. Needless to say, his head exploded. His generation will never know the struggle.
Or when it would get stretched from the seek and find and your favorite sings got wonky I actually searched forever for the right intro to a song only to realize it was just my warped tape that made it sound so cool
I had a tape deck in my first car that provided top inch training as a world class cassette surgeon of the highest caliber. At least twice a week it would turn my precious mix tapes into a spaghetti nightmare. I lived in a relatively isolated place so my patients outcomes often determined my ability to cope with teen girl angst.
3 puns! Dogefather for sure. Oregon. Pretty good. Moses? It's Sunday and I'm already doing penance for Ashland's Jesus one.
Can someone send the nitter post for Andrea Mitchell's Faulkner quote? I would love to read the comments. And please make it today. Not tomorrow.
The pencil. I am amongst the 3.
I'm more of an 8-track guy.
Love me a good 8 track...and later on.. a pencil.
The pencil is way more powerful than many know!!!
All 3 are on this board. 😂
I was going to say the same exact things; I must be psychotic, or is it psychic?
You have an excellent mind.
Me, too, me, too - I know about the pencil!!
Just finished and loved them all. Thanks Uncle!
The cassette surgery 😂😂😂
I can't wait until my kids or grandkids ask me what that meme is all about.
This the need for the pencil
Thank you again.
Especially good today!
The cassette being operated on was hilarious. I guess I’m one of the three people that gets this!
The good ole days!! I told my 12yo son about life in the 80s and explained to him how we had to fast forward a cassette tape and guess where a song would be. FF, REW, FF some more, etc til we hit the right spot for a song we wanted. Needless to say, his head exploded. His generation will never know the struggle.
When we first got a DVD player, my husband asked my son how do you rewind them. My son never got over that.
Or when it would get stretched from the seek and find and your favorite sings got wonky I actually searched forever for the right intro to a song only to realize it was just my warped tape that made it sound so cool
Same here.
I had a tape deck in my first car that provided top inch training as a world class cassette surgeon of the highest caliber. At least twice a week it would turn my precious mix tapes into a spaghetti nightmare. I lived in a relatively isolated place so my patients outcomes often determined my ability to cope with teen girl angst.
Elon viewing the videotape for the perp, and arrest him.
Sums up the current situation perfectly
Always a highlight of the day🐸💖👌
Thanks for the humor!
The time traveler meme is funny on a whole new level.
Yes! My fav!
They get better each week! Thanks Uncle! 👏
I’m a baby boomer. That picture describes what our parents told us as they lived through the great depression and WWII.
"Bald eagle attacks government drone and send it to the bottom of Lake Michigan." My immediate thought: "Are there guns down there?"
The hiding government