Silver - the only metal that is used in so many industries in fully destructive ways that it becomes rarer over time. It has been artificially deflated for decades upon decades. It is overdue for a correction that will make gme moonshots look like a bottlerocket.
The really have no choice but to manipulate it down because they are all over weight, quite literally, on paper silver. Their is no physical silver to back up their paper holdings.
I hope so. I'm 100% invested into physical silver. GameStop apes can do their purple circle thing and I wish them well but I prefer something I can hold
Ok fine, GOOD FOR YOU, I hope the best for you, however, what’s your problem with others? GREED? The Bible says that greed is a selfish desire for more, often money or power, that can lead to evil and destruction
Silver to Gold ratio 90-1. Breakout incoming.
Silver - the only metal that is used in so many industries in fully destructive ways that it becomes rarer over time. It has been artificially deflated for decades upon decades. It is overdue for a correction that will make gme moonshots look like a bottlerocket.
Consider how much silver goes into missiles and other weaponry ......
For instance, it is said that a Tomahawk missile contains 500 ounces of Silver. Nuclear missiles and energy production requires silver. Lot's of it.
And it dwarfs industrial demand. .....
Where is the US demand for silver coming from? Mexico for at least 40%.
Given the stakes, there is an incentive to manipulate the price lower or keep the price controlled.
The really have no choice but to manipulate it down because they are all over weight, quite literally, on paper silver. Their is no physical silver to back up their paper holdings.
I hope so. I'm 100% invested into physical silver. GameStop apes can do their purple circle thing and I wish them well but I prefer something I can hold
Me too!!!!!
Same phenomenon as GME. It’s a silver squeeze. Their is no physical silver to back up their paper holdings
Yep. I've been buying actual silver for years. Now several hundred Oz's
And what happens if they audit Fort Knox and the golds not there. Does that trigger gold much higher
I have heard gold will go up to bitcoin numbers and silver to go ten times the price of gold.
Read up about the Hunt brothers and manipulation of the silver market before you buy lots of the metal.
Silver people are so cute, always hoping silver will be worth as much as it was nearly 50 years ago.
I’ll stick with Bitcoin. Let’s see which provides a better return over the next 5 years.
Yes, let’s! Your comment set you up nicely to eat some crow.
It’d be funny if they decided to go to a silver backed bitcoin monetary system.
Check the chart histories of each…youre the one who is going to eat crow AND be disappointed you didnt have any Bitcoin
Ok fine, GOOD FOR YOU, I hope the best for you, however, what’s your problem with others? GREED? The Bible says that greed is a selfish desire for more, often money or power, that can lead to evil and destruction