I feel like sometimes I'm so different from others, just because I choose to think for myself? It's so weird to me... How can so many be so brainwashed? How can Reddit be such a custerf*ck of incorrect word salads, that can seem so far out there and so illogical that it wrinkles our brain a bit? How is it that so many people can drink the kool-aid willingly and fight for those who are doing some of the worst crimes imaginable?
I know that's the agenda, and the media is a big part of the problem, if not most of it...
But then there is you. The critical thinker. The one who researches and finds information from various sources, in order to make an informed and educated decision. Not taking things at face value, and putting your head together with others on GAW, in order to find out what is really going on, rather than following the others like sheep.
I have to say, it's so refreshing to have boards like this one. We've lost many of the research platforms in the past (man I miss Voat), and every day I have gratitude for those of you who are here, bringing the much needed information (no matter how tough) to the surface for all of us to digest.
Without the Frens, the Anons, the Meme Lords and the Autists... we'd be lost.
I guess this is just an appreciation post at heart. We owe a lot to our Digital Soldiers, as Flynn would call you.
Thank you all for being here. We're in for the ride of our lifetime.
Grab your popcorn 🍿🍿🍿
Agreed. Covid really opened my eyes. I felt like I was in an episode of The Twilight Zone...
People had the most idiotic masks on. The narrative kept changing, and the people kept changing their stance along with it, like sheep. First it was airborne, then on our counters, then killed by the sun, then not, one mask, two masks, booster after booster after booster...
I tried my best to talk reason, and was pushed away by many. I lost friends and family.
I never budged though. And I feel the only significant difference between me and them, was the ability to critically think for myself.
u/indigo5d This is well said. I like your username. We may be kindred spirits.
There are no coincidences ✌️
This is why I have never bought the whole kumbaya we’re all gonna hold hands and be reunited. We are psychologically and morally different than these people.
We cannot co exist with them. They are godless heathens who are driven by envy.
They don’t even know what a woman is. How the hell can we function with people like that?
😆This is great. Thanks!
EDIT: Why was it deleted? For those wondering it was an archive link to some of the last VOAT posts. 🤔
Just deleted it
But, yet it appears again to likely disappear. Bookmark quickly.
I miss VOAT.
It has been indeed one crazy f**king show! It is so amazing that, while pure HELL to endure, the last four years came and went and [so far] the reprisal for us toppling some of their most sacred towers has been peashooters and rubber band guns.
Propaganda explains it all. Here's the best primer I've found: "The Century of the Self" by BBC documentarian Adam Curtis. You'll thank me later.
I appreciate you. I put it on my watch later list.
I miss VOAT too 😢 😪
I believe our ad hoc groups have been essential to the overall victory (still in process). The propaganda machine is being slowly and steadily destroyed. Apparent progress is quite a bit behind actual progress.
There’s a meme post about how women and low testosterone men form opinions based on social safety rather than fact.
They probably are thinking critically about the consequences of wrong think and how other people would react to holding a certain belief
Then they choose the one that provides the most social safety
This happens on both sides. Do you think EVERY conservative woman bases their belief entirely on fact, or do they just correctly see one form of safety over another?
Might be more about your ability to not care about factual truth than you do care about what other people think of your opinion.