It happened to be a bonanza which I own. The door popped open. He was already probably over weight with 5 people aboard even though there are six seats. Guessing he got too slow trying to come back to land or was messing with the door and lost situational awareness. Happens too often. Last I heard they were all alive.
Exactly what happened I believe. Happens too often. Mines popped open on takeoff several times. Usually on takeoff when you get moving fast enough for the air pressure to be lower on the outside than the inside. Doesn’t change how it flies but it’s noisy and distracting and has lead to many unfortunate accidents.
Strange - I just got to Rochester Minnesota a little while ago and the Loechl’s here. Tell me that a small plane crashed here tonight, as well. Looks like the pilot is OK.
Plane (looked like missile) crash in PA around the time of the helicopter hitting the plane planting at Raegan. Oxygen tank for patient transport was reported being 1/4 mile away.
7/10 Plane crashes are targeted kills
I wonder who was the target of this one?
It happened to be a bonanza which I own. The door popped open. He was already probably over weight with 5 people aboard even though there are six seats. Guessing he got too slow trying to come back to land or was messing with the door and lost situational awareness. Happens too often. Last I heard they were all alive.
Jeez... thanks for the extra info
I read that the pilot was talking about the door being open, so sounds like he was distracted.
Exactly what happened I believe. Happens too often. Mines popped open on takeoff several times. Usually on takeoff when you get moving fast enough for the air pressure to be lower on the outside than the inside. Doesn’t change how it flies but it’s noisy and distracting and has lead to many unfortunate accidents.
Strange - I just got to Rochester Minnesota a little while ago and the Loechl’s here. Tell me that a small plane crashed here tonight, as well. Looks like the pilot is OK.
Here's the latest.
Lemme guess… found a portable oxygen cylinder .25 miles away 🤡
😮 miracle… 🙄
Context? I don’t get the reference.
Plane (looked like missile) crash in PA around the time of the helicopter hitting the plane planting at Raegan. Oxygen tank for patient transport was reported being 1/4 mile away.
OMG Manheim in mayhem!