Apes still HODL? Buying dip? Mine are DRS at CS. Surprised there are no recent posts on this relevant GAW / Q topic. Please share your thoughts.
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No loss if you don't sell. Holding. They have billions in the bank earning millions in interest.
Buying more when I can to average down.
Staying away from options right now because the market is fugazi.
Always darkest before the dawn. Moon still on GME's dance card.
I like what you say. Fugazi new term to me. Google says fake and uncertain... is that about right?
Foo Gaye Zee is the proper pronunciation...
Now THAT'S Italian!
Who ate all the gobbagool???
Google's AI twat breaks it down for the wonder bread
"Gabagool" is a New Jersey Italian-American slang term for capicola, a type of cured ham, arising from the pronunciation of the Neapolitan dialect word "capocollo" (or "capuocuollo") through the influence of southern Italian dialects and immigrant communities."
Buy the dip.
That is all you need to know.
I have a lot of gme,and Monday I bought call options on silver mining companies. I think it will breakout first.
Also I'm a retard, do your own research.
I'm glad we can use the word 'retard' again! I miss that word.
Just not on reddit,so the guys on supperstonk use regard.
Why would they keep propping up $GME? Who are the buyers? Why do they hang on when the stock goes up? Don’t fall in love with a stock if it hits a significant high. Do you think the big boys hold or sell? Or will they sell now at least a portion and take profit and then buy in when it dips ….because it will. They would have you believe that they just hold TSLA OR MSFT through all of the ups and downs - they don’t.
Who is "propping up" GME? 👈 search $GME on twitter and you will find hundreds of screen shots confirming that the big buys during trading hours are all routed to the Dark Pools so it doesn't lift the "published" share price.
With $4.8 Billion in the bank, the stock price can't go below ~$10 /share. The maths doesn't allow it.
Lots of very large institutions are INCREASING their GME holdings. Cramer and the media that is influenced by the hedgies say the opposite. Why?
My thought is that they are trying to tank the markets to blame it on Trump.
If that is true, Trump is helping them with his Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde act.
It's March. https://greatawakening.win/p/142BTCB4Iz/march-madness-big-week-coming-qs/c/
GME's actual business is a loser.
Companies that lose money get punished in bear markets.
However, twice when "somebody" pumped the stock price up, Cohen cashed in by doing secondary offerings.
That put a bunch of cash on the balance sheet, even though it did nothing to make the underlying business better (so far).
Today, the ONLY "profit" is from the interest earned on that cash in the bank. The operating business loses money.
The only thing they are doing with that interest income is subsidizing the business' losses and paying down current liabilities (mostly, accounts payable). OK, but that does not build a business.
Looks to me like Cohen wants to buy bitcoin, in hopes that it will bail him out.
He doesn't seem to have much of a plan to improve the actual business, though.
Nice of you to mention their 4.5 billion they have in the bank. And clearly he is waiting for a crash,to buy companies cheep.
And buying bitcoin is a headfake.
This^ Same with DJT. Own whatever, all of the stocks the TV hates will probably do just fine.