78 Baseball - Everything we thought we knew is not what we thought (twitter.com) 💊 BASE BAAL RED PILL 💊 posted 7 days ago by sacip 7 days ago by sacip +83 / -5 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I am curious... when was Freemasonry hijacked by the cabal? Has Freemasonry always been evil? And, what percent of Freemasons know that it is evil?
Both were probably founded together. Freemasons, according to their "Bible" ("Morals and Dogma") equate Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed. That alone should tell anyone, at least any Christian, they should have nothing to do with the organization.
George Washington wrote a letter about the masons being infiltrated so that far back.
I have been asking this question as well
We need answers
That is a BIG question. Start digging and set aside a week or two of reading kek
Always. Since the beginning. Mackey will provide insight here