The problem is that the whole dump was in pdf, which are images. this means one has to open each one and look for oneself. There was a thread on /pol yesterday, where someone was scanning the pages and extracting the text. That's going to take some time. But when that's done, we will be able to search everything (dude already published the first tranche yesterday, on catbox.) For now, it is a hit-and-miss exercise.
Meanwhile, there are lots of pepes finding interdasting stuff, such as this page:
And with that…let’s say someone finds the writings that Bush Sr. was one of the main people involved, responsible for, the killing of JFK. Will that now be history rewritten? Will the news follow up(they won’t)? Where are the officials to back up this new information? I feel this was just a data drop to shut up the “theorist”. New information won’t go anywhere above public researchers most likely. Can’t see how people are happy about this data drop.
Wish they'd hired Glenn Beck to roll this out. Give him the whole cache of documents, a blackboard, and single piece of chalk, and THEN we'd get an education.
I an understand your impatience, but there are 70 000 pages
A good reader might attempt 50 pages an hour. And at that pace there may only be a couple or three hours in the tank, and one will need to eat and sleep.
So, 1400 hours = 58 days or so, if reading 24/7. OF course, no-one can achieve that, but given that the whole world is looking with lots of eyes, I would say that it would be a little faster, but not much.
Then if one was to actually analyze and categorize the content, then it is going to take a lot longer.
Several people have scanned, or are scanning the pages, so they are searchable, so that one could use AI to read faster, for example. But then, must verify, because AI is essentially stupid.
I know. But as a former educator, longing for the collective consciousness of the world's population to melt upon coming to learn the truth? This feels far too much like Lucy pulling away the football - again.
I hear ya re: surviving. Our food prices just jumped 25% in the last month. Compare that to a 5% pay-rise (almost a year ago), because the government has decided that is the inflation rate.
I'm not telling you what to do dear fren, I am saying that one can either have patience, and let us all (pepes) look at selected documents as they 'come up' - i.e., a passive approach, which is totaly fine; or you can atively participate, and go and find a document of interest to talk about. This place helps, because JFK files is a recognized genre of posts, so my advice is sensible for psychologial reasons: posting up a find, and initiating a conversation about it, not only helps your score, but can create feelings of gaining some sort of control and battling impatience. Furthermore, it will temper one's patience - making the project more realistic in one's mind.
IMO, some of the documents are painting a geopolitical picture more than anything - sort of secondary stuff - but, spooks are tricksy, this is why we have extensive threads about symbolism. They talk in code half the time.
But there are some very interesting finds, and there will be more. My thunk is that it will still take a couple of years - just to put a guesstimate time-frame on it. There are lies, and whoppers, and we have a duty to future generations to figure it all out.
All extant hypotheses will have to be vetted anew, evaluating all the evidence from ALL the docs, which will be a phenomenal effort. God Bless anyone who undertakes it.
I believe the proofs have already been done over all these decades, and now that the docs are in the public domain, the proofs can and will be released! Obviously it is too much for the average anon or autist to come up with from scratch . . .
Who has been holding the files, the FBI or the CIA? Either way do you really think that after 60 years someone inside those organizations saw into the future and knew that certain pages would be detrimental to either institution? Thus when the dust settles i bet there will be missing information, most notably who ordered the shooting and how was LHO recruited to be the patsy. Heck, even the Secret Service had a reason to make sure the files never saw the light of day. Too many fingers in that cake mix for it to come out tasting delicious.
From il Donaldo Trumpo tweet saying, 'THE CIA KILLED KENNEDY, BY THE WAY!!!', I think this is more than a joke. Also, I just posted a tweet of RFK, Jr insinuating the same thing
.. I think the big drop is related to this when the digging is done. Maybe Israel involvement too. (For the record, I am NOT one of those who don't like Jews or see them as any worse or better than anyone else.)
One should not have to explain oneself - it's a reaction against being labelled something dirty for pointing out that some Jews are not like the others.
It's not even that. I see too much that groups all people together when I see it more as a deep state issue in Israel and a cia type issue with the Mossad, more than an attack on my neighbors in nyc or people I grew up with. You're right though. I shouldn't feel the need to explain myself.
There are whole organizations in America hunting for people who are to be deemed antisemetic. I mean, look at what they did to David Irving, who was a historian, tracing archives, just finding the truth-type thing. His work busted some of the myths we were told when children. So REEEeeeeEEE
So it's no surprise that we now perceive that we need to guard our speech.
I'm still hoping to find out if the fatal shot(s) came from INSIDE the car by someone in the front seat (and if so - who's that guy?) or from outside the car (and if so - who's pulled the trigger?).
Also hoping that we get a REAL autopsy report (not something fabricated by the cover-uppers) describing the true details about the gunshots, such as the caliber of bullets, approximate distance the shots were fired from, the angles they were shot from, etc.
Jack Ruby had a fake passport that he used to travel to communist Czechoslovakia and Cuba. That means a communist affiliate killed Oswald. A mafia linked communist.
That alone is evidence enough to open conspiracy investigations.
It hasn't finished yet, its just starting. Hunters laptop, Epsteins files, Pelosi's laptops, Wieners laptop, the Dems server that is somewhere in Ukraine, and of course, Brunson!
The problem is that the whole dump was in pdf, which are images. this means one has to open each one and look for oneself. There was a thread on /pol yesterday, where someone was scanning the pages and extracting the text. That's going to take some time. But when that's done, we will be able to search everything (dude already published the first tranche yesterday, on catbox.) For now, it is a hit-and-miss exercise.
Meanwhile, there are lots of pepes finding interdasting stuff, such as this page:
And with that…let’s say someone finds the writings that Bush Sr. was one of the main people involved, responsible for, the killing of JFK. Will that now be history rewritten? Will the news follow up(they won’t)? Where are the officials to back up this new information? I feel this was just a data drop to shut up the “theorist”. New information won’t go anywhere above public researchers most likely. Can’t see how people are happy about this data drop.
Heard that was forged tho?
You are gunna hear that about every piece of info that will ocme out.
Wish they'd hired Glenn Beck to roll this out. Give him the whole cache of documents, a blackboard, and single piece of chalk, and THEN we'd get an education.
This slow drip is for the birds.
I an understand your impatience, but there are 70 000 pages
A good reader might attempt 50 pages an hour. And at that pace there may only be a couple or three hours in the tank, and one will need to eat and sleep.
So, 1400 hours = 58 days or so, if reading 24/7. OF course, no-one can achieve that, but given that the whole world is looking with lots of eyes, I would say that it would be a little faster, but not much.
Then if one was to actually analyze and categorize the content, then it is going to take a lot longer.
Several people have scanned, or are scanning the pages, so they are searchable, so that one could use AI to read faster, for example. But then, must verify, because AI is essentially stupid.
I know. But as a former educator, longing for the collective consciousness of the world's population to melt upon coming to learn the truth? This feels far too much like Lucy pulling away the football - again.
Then start looking for yourself - you have the skills.
Some of us out here are devoting every bit of energy and resources to simply surviving.
I love you, Sadness. And I'm very glad you're here.
But if you're going to start telling me what to do when you don't know jack about me or my situation? Then I've got to stop liking you.
I hear ya re: surviving. Our food prices just jumped 25% in the last month. Compare that to a 5% pay-rise (almost a year ago), because the government has decided that is the inflation rate.
I'm not telling you what to do dear fren, I am saying that one can either have patience, and let us all (pepes) look at selected documents as they 'come up' - i.e., a passive approach, which is totaly fine; or you can atively participate, and go and find a document of interest to talk about. This place helps, because JFK files is a recognized genre of posts, so my advice is sensible for psychologial reasons: posting up a find, and initiating a conversation about it, not only helps your score, but can create feelings of gaining some sort of control and battling impatience. Furthermore, it will temper one's patience - making the project more realistic in one's mind.
IMO, some of the documents are painting a geopolitical picture more than anything - sort of secondary stuff - but, spooks are tricksy, this is why we have extensive threads about symbolism. They talk in code half the time.
But there are some very interesting finds, and there will be more. My thunk is that it will still take a couple of years - just to put a guesstimate time-frame on it. There are lies, and whoppers, and we have a duty to future generations to figure it all out.
Thanks for clarifying. Allow me to do the same.
When you've experienced as much catastrophe as I have, you grow tired of others' unsolicited directions and advice.
That said, I'm doing my best to be patient and hopeful. It's just hard is all. Sometimes a guy has to vent a little, you know?
All extant hypotheses will have to be vetted anew, evaluating all the evidence from ALL the docs, which will be a phenomenal effort. God Bless anyone who undertakes it.
yes ^
I believe the proofs have already been done over all these decades, and now that the docs are in the public domain, the proofs can and will be released! Obviously it is too much for the average anon or autist to come up with from scratch . . .
indeed, there will be some who are already dialed in.
Their is already enough info out their in books and such to convince the American people.
People don't even know the basics.
Not for a few generations, they do not know. Retell, rinse, repeat.
Who has been holding the files, the FBI or the CIA? Either way do you really think that after 60 years someone inside those organizations saw into the future and knew that certain pages would be detrimental to either institution? Thus when the dust settles i bet there will be missing information, most notably who ordered the shooting and how was LHO recruited to be the patsy. Heck, even the Secret Service had a reason to make sure the files never saw the light of day. Too many fingers in that cake mix for it to come out tasting delicious.
We have Israel Intelligence Agency and Jews unredacted?
Enough to implicate? Or just enough to further support the leading theory without implicating?
From il Donaldo Trumpo tweet saying, 'THE CIA KILLED KENNEDY, BY THE WAY!!!', I think this is more than a joke. Also, I just posted a tweet of RFK, Jr insinuating the same thing .. I think the big drop is related to this when the digging is done. Maybe Israel involvement too. (For the record, I am NOT one of those who don't like Jews or see them as any worse or better than anyone else.)
One should not have to explain oneself - it's a reaction against being labelled something dirty for pointing out that some Jews are not like the others.
It's not even that. I see too much that groups all people together when I see it more as a deep state issue in Israel and a cia type issue with the Mossad, more than an attack on my neighbors in nyc or people I grew up with. You're right though. I shouldn't feel the need to explain myself.
There are whole organizations in America hunting for people who are to be deemed antisemetic. I mean, look at what they did to David Irving, who was a historian, tracing archives, just finding the truth-type thing. His work busted some of the myths we were told when children. So REEEeeeeEEE
So it's no surprise that we now perceive that we need to guard our speech.
Waste of time! Remember when Trump said Ted Cruz dad was part of JFK shooting? I guess Trump was being sarcastic about that. Really let me down
I feel the same way.
I'm still hoping to find out if the fatal shot(s) came from INSIDE the car by someone in the front seat (and if so - who's that guy?) or from outside the car (and if so - who's pulled the trigger?).
Also hoping that we get a REAL autopsy report (not something fabricated by the cover-uppers) describing the true details about the gunshots, such as the caliber of bullets, approximate distance the shots were fired from, the angles they were shot from, etc.
This. Since seeing the grainy-but-zoomed-in film footage of what looks to be a shot from the front-seat passenger, I've been wanting the same answers.
Jack Ruby had a fake passport that he used to travel to communist Czechoslovakia and Cuba. That means a communist affiliate killed Oswald. A mafia linked communist.
That alone is evidence enough to open conspiracy investigations.
A bit yeah. More still to come.
I honestly don’t know but I did hear that more files are set to be released so who knows what will show up. I’m praying the truth will prevail.
It hasn't finished yet, its just starting. Hunters laptop, Epsteins files, Pelosi's laptops, Wieners laptop, the Dems server that is somewhere in Ukraine, and of course, Brunson!
Came across something that wasn't released yet. Is there more drops to come? (It is about an interview between President Lyndon Johnson and CIA Director John McCone.)