Kinda makes me lean towards Roman aristocratic paternalism, at this point, obviously their contribution is not going to be articulated reason. Make the Senate Great again
I'm anti-"educate" the normies. They don't know bc they don't want to know and don't care. Their obedience is the only thing required and votes every year. Nothing is gained by not acting because of their dead weight. Their "awakening" likewise is counterfeit. What actually happens is the perception of authority shifts and their loyalties with it.
That why this time around its not "Awakening" we are after but "Great Awakening"
When just their perception of authority of specific ideology shifts, it doesn't do much. But when their whole reality is shattered and it feels like its gonna hurt them directly really hard, then they will wake up and never go back to sleep.
Many of us here were normies at one point or another. It was just the "wake up call" thats different. 95% people will wake up, the rest will become zombies.
The best and most detailed documentary that I have seen is called "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" It's 9 episodes and it's about 8 hours long... All these types of photos and witnesses that I haven't seen anywhere else are in it.
I guess I missed that lesson, I am super curious about this now... I can dig but feel free to enlighten on the Aerosmith connection if you feel obligated...
I read somewhere that not only was George H. W. Bush present at the Texas School Book Depository, as one of the principal overseers of the assassination, but that his teenage son, George W. was also present.
W. would have had no role to play that day. But his presence there would confer upon him a degree of insider status that would presumably guarantee his future and his loyalty to the cabal. It's quite possible that both Bushes joined the rank of potential Presidents that fateful day.
Yes, I read a book (can’t remember the name) about Mafia ties to assassination and a shooter in the sewer and escaped through Canada… I want to say it was Meier Lansky east coast boss in Miami…
Info is safe somewhere else, pretty dynamit stuff I known about for 2 decades. No way I could do waht I just did. We shall see. I need one more piece to the puzzle
Those who are willing.. are rewarded with bigger positions! Brings to mind Saddam Hussein! Who did he try to assassinate? Why did Donald Rumsfeld honor him! Why are all these Hollywood people given presidential honors? Literally honoring those who are top on the evil scale!
All of this is cool and all but common knowledge for 30 years or more.
Lots of people don't know the basics.
Exactly ..
Kinda makes me lean towards Roman aristocratic paternalism, at this point, obviously their contribution is not going to be articulated reason. Make the Senate Great again
Common knowledge is not the same as official knowledge that can be down to normies
I'm anti-"educate" the normies. They don't know bc they don't want to know and don't care. Their obedience is the only thing required and votes every year. Nothing is gained by not acting because of their dead weight. Their "awakening" likewise is counterfeit. What actually happens is the perception of authority shifts and their loyalties with it.
That why this time around its not "Awakening" we are after but "Great Awakening"
When just their perception of authority of specific ideology shifts, it doesn't do much. But when their whole reality is shattered and it feels like its gonna hurt them directly really hard, then they will wake up and never go back to sleep.
Many of us here were normies at one point or another. It was just the "wake up call" thats different. 95% people will wake up, the rest will become zombies.
Exactly this! ☝️
Its HW. I've seen that picture before Trump
What was in the envelopes…🤔
Ahhhh. That would certainly do it.
The best and most detailed documentary that I have seen is called "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" It's 9 episodes and it's about 8 hours long... All these types of photos and witnesses that I haven't seen anywhere else are in it.
Also great info here:
Yes ..that was good..
This image was in his Aerosmith "Drean On" video. You had to know a couple of things to"Fully" appreciate that video.
I guess I missed that lesson, I am super curious about this now... I can dig but feel free to enlighten on the Aerosmith connection if you feel obligated...
I actually downloaded it. Aerosmith asked for it to be taken down.
Actually paramount posted a rumble to it
I read somewhere that not only was George H. W. Bush present at the Texas School Book Depository, as one of the principal overseers of the assassination, but that his teenage son, George W. was also present.
W. would have had no role to play that day. But his presence there would confer upon him a degree of insider status that would presumably guarantee his future and his loyalty to the cabal. It's quite possible that both Bushes joined the rank of potential Presidents that fateful day.
Yes...I've seen a photo of GB in Dallas looking like a lost teenager..
George bush sr.? .
What was the name of the magazine started by JFK Jr?
Important point bb... 👏
I’m doubt he actually pulled a trigger but I bet this weasel was in on it.
He was quoted in an interview that he didn't remember where he was on the day JFK was shot. Yet this pic.........
It was a long time ago, who remembers where they were the day Kennedy was shot? The answer is everyone.
I was 5 and I remember. I was in Richardson, Texas and all of my adults lost it. Terrible.
Me, too....changed my life..💔🤬
Yes! EVERYONE IN THE WORLD knows where they were when JFK was shot, but NOT GHWB...they think we are stupid.
Has anyone here ever heard anything regarding a backup sniper team in the sewers ?. Specifically a mopster team from East Canada ???
Yes, I read a book (can’t remember the name) about Mafia ties to assassination and a shooter in the sewer and escaped through Canada… I want to say it was Meier Lansky east coast boss in Miami…
Do you recall anything about Holland ?
No sorry… this book was considered total conspiracy at the time- I wish I could remember the author.
OK, thanks
I don't....
Yes! Read there were 8 shooter's; behind the fence, in the building opposite School book depository, 2 in sewers on opposite sides of the road...
Yup I am aware. Focusing on a specific team. If I am right I will tell all that I was told. Involves a physical location never been looked at.
Info is safe somewhere else, pretty dynamit stuff I known about for 2 decades. No way I could do waht I just did. We shall see. I need one more piece to the puzzle
Be careful WC...🙏
Box is open now :)
Yes ..
Ever hear of timberwolf, how about Dylans song?
Poppy Bush
Here is the video referenced.
Go around the 1m 10s mark
Thanks Paramount!
Those who are willing.. are rewarded with bigger positions! Brings to mind Saddam Hussein! Who did he try to assassinate? Why did Donald Rumsfeld honor him! Why are all these Hollywood people given presidential honors? Literally honoring those who are top on the evil scale!
Yes...a spiderweb of evil 🕸️
That is Daddy Bush... source: from Texas we know that how corrupt the Bushs are