Harvesting the energy of the young and innocent to feed the demons... been happening for a long time. Human sacrifice still exists but in more hidden forms such as abortion, doctor malpractice, poisoned food, EMF, the slow kill.
This is beautiful. And so simple. Is there evil in the world? Yes. Is there a named force of evil and deception. Yes. What’s the name? Satan. What is the opposite of Satan?
She nailed it 100% on the head. And yes, we need our country to go back to God. All of us have to ask God to come into our lives and to help us and to help us save our country.
Yes exactly. We all must unite in the body of Christ. God took the first step to save this country but now it’s up to us to show we have faith in him so he can finish his plans. HE will not do it without us and POTUS and his team can not do it without HIM. It is all of ours responsibility to come together and stop fighting our own. United we stand but divided we fall. We need to focus on God and give HIM all the glory. We would not be here today if it was not for HIM. We owe it to him to fully submit to HIM. This is also a time for confession. I suspect many Americans both left and right have got caught up in criminal activities that this administration potentially can expose and this may actually push people further to the precipice where they will finally bend the knee to Christ as only he can save their souls. Q said this is biblical. Some will be lost forever we will have to cut our losses with those who refuse to change their ways. This could be how we get down to that 4-6%. We are definitely not there yet. But I feel we are about to see a reckoning and a coming to God from all walks of lives in the coming future as evil gets exposed to the light. God is good 🙏
Harvesting the energy of the young and innocent to feed the demons... been happening for a long time. Human sacrifice still exists but in more hidden forms such as abortion, doctor malpractice, poisoned food, EMF, the slow kill.
And all of their evil is for nothing except for an eternity separated from God.
Not a good business decision.
What we need are chairs.
Electric ones .... ⚡⚡⚡
This is beautiful. And so simple. Is there evil in the world? Yes. Is there a named force of evil and deception. Yes. What’s the name? Satan. What is the opposite of Satan?
I think Man is the answer myself.
Ironically the one thing that the enlightenment ran full speed away from in it’s closing years. Obsessed as it was with Logic, Reason, and Science.
She nailed it 100% on the head. And yes, we need our country to go back to God. All of us have to ask God to come into our lives and to help us and to help us save our country.
Yes exactly. We all must unite in the body of Christ. God took the first step to save this country but now it’s up to us to show we have faith in him so he can finish his plans. HE will not do it without us and POTUS and his team can not do it without HIM. It is all of ours responsibility to come together and stop fighting our own. United we stand but divided we fall. We need to focus on God and give HIM all the glory. We would not be here today if it was not for HIM. We owe it to him to fully submit to HIM. This is also a time for confession. I suspect many Americans both left and right have got caught up in criminal activities that this administration potentially can expose and this may actually push people further to the precipice where they will finally bend the knee to Christ as only he can save their souls. Q said this is biblical. Some will be lost forever we will have to cut our losses with those who refuse to change their ways. This could be how we get down to that 4-6%. We are definitely not there yet. But I feel we are about to see a reckoning and a coming to God from all walks of lives in the coming future as evil gets exposed to the light. God is good 🙏
Just don't ask the government to do it for you.
Bless this lady and may God keep her and her family safe. May it lead her to Jesus.
Goes all the way back to the Canaanites and prior. It's the foundation of psychopathic ruling oligarchy's through all of human history.
Everyone's known all that since the Greeks though.
Folks are afraid to say what needs to be said.
Transitioning isn’t medicine. It’s child abuse and torture.
shhh. its secret stuff that only a select few know about. Rich people are just as bad as poor people it turns out.
When did the culture flip from assuming that wealth conferred nefarious depravity? Normal assumption of poor people since at least the Romans.
I was being sarcastic. I just see a lot of wealth worship a.d worship of the wealthy here. Especially the ultra wealthy. Its sad. You get it, though.
Sure so my question is not rhetorical, what do you think about that?
80's to now
Hahah exact overlap of when the Reagan (really Poppy Bush) pentagon pivoted the christian population toward the Right via their pastor councils.
prosperity gospel didnt help the situation thats for sure
I still have a problem believing that this once Channel4 and BBC raving lefty loon found god and became somewhat normal.
Although I've never tried wedlock to a billionaires daughter...,so theres that.
sexual assaulter to christian preaching podcast pipeline.