Sep 18 1947 Cia Established by Zionist puppet Truman
May 14, 1948 Israel Established
Dec 13 1949 Mossad Established
It is LESS likely that CIA was infiltrated by Israel and MORE likely that it was established with Israeli agents from the get go.....they may not have officialy been called MOSSAD for a couple years later but that is what they were in effect.
They didn't need infiltration. This is how "five eyes" works. isreal is just the black bag side of their entire operation. we gave them whatever they wanted.
The KGB infiltrated the CIA. A lot. And man... they were really good at it.
The infamous single (sometimes double) downvote is now a useful tool pointing out the comments (like yours) most likely to shed light on important, truthful awakening material. I’m enjoying the irony.
The ones that are funny to me is when someone asks a legit question ( that doesnt just auto fall in line with sentiment) and it gets reflexively
That doesn't surprise most. Look what is happening now. Look how many MUCH lower on the food chain are defying President Trump.
The nuclular weapons is no surprise.
Am I only one recalling a world in uproar due to a nuclear material deal between France and Israel. Sure seems like it. It was tied into the Operation Noa executed in dec 1969.
World pressure on France canceled the deal. However same night operation Noa commenced supposedly a break in happen in the port of Cherbourg bunker where this material was supposedly stored.
Jack Ramm was supposedly involved. A polish jew. Real name unknown.
coincidence ?
Sep 18 1947 Cia Established by Zionist puppet Truman
May 14, 1948 Israel Established
Dec 13 1949 Mossad Established
It is LESS likely that CIA was infiltrated by Israel and MORE likely that it was established with Israeli agents from the get go.....they may not have officialy been called MOSSAD for a couple years later but that is what they were in effect.
Explains how cia and Mossad worked together on 9/11
How do?
Michael spring man said cia gave visas to the hijacker’s.
The dancing Israelis work for Mossad saying they were there to document the event.
Do you have the video?
They didn't need infiltration. This is how "five eyes" works. isreal is just the black bag side of their entire operation. we gave them whatever they wanted.
The KGB infiltrated the CIA. A lot. And man... they were really good at it.
Truman’s bones need to be dug up and impeached. Same as Wilson. And LBJ
The infamous single (sometimes double) downvote is now a useful tool pointing out the comments (like yours) most likely to shed light on important, truthful awakening material. I’m enjoying the irony.
Nice observation.
The ones that are funny to me is when someone asks a legit question ( that doesnt just auto fall in line with sentiment) and it gets reflexively
That doesn't surprise most. Look what is happening now. Look how many MUCH lower on the food chain are defying President Trump. The nuclular weapons is no surprise.
I agree with something Candace said on this topic. 'The CIA and Mossad are hand in hand and have been for a long time'
How Israel Got Their Nukes
Am I only one recalling a world in uproar due to a nuclear material deal between France and Israel. Sure seems like it. It was tied into the Operation Noa executed in dec 1969.
World pressure on France canceled the deal. However same night operation Noa commenced supposedly a break in happen in the port of Cherbourg bunker where this material was supposedly stored.
Jack Ramm was supposedly involved. A polish jew. Real name unknown.
Saving Israel for last
I think the "last" part is coming out, finally!!!
Lookup Mordechai Vanunu.
We did that to him.
It's infuriating.
Where's the source? Have not seen this anywhere.
James Jesus Angleton