Consider yourself lucky. It's pretty sad. I hear about it from the parents & none of them are happy about it, of course. They are all from the same circle of friends who believe in the vax & all the things the left legacy media says, so I've been sort of avoiding them in general these days. Basically, I just see them at funerals, but they are clearly on the up tick in those circles.
One in particular, I was probably the closest unrelated adult to her when she was very little. Totally adorable in the way that only girls are, etc. At the receiving of her father's funeral, I was talking to her sister when saw her for the 1st time in maybe 20 years & gasped. Her sister said: "You'll get used to it"
I never will though, because I want to honor who she really is without caving in to this destructive new trend going around that she got sucked into. She basically looked like a very ugly woman. But she's still the little girl I knew & so we talked for quite a bit, actually. I always addressed her by her real name & pronoun & was never corrected. We hugged & that was it. Her it-friend (IDK what to call it, not a boyfriend & not a girlfriend) but her it-friend kept trying to be part of the conversation but I just ignored it. (From talking to her mother in the past I figured out that it was her enabler) I feel good about my interaction. I'm happy I stood my ground (it had, of course, run through my mind beforehand - I know I have to stand my ground and address her by her real self - because that's the only morally correct thing to do - even if it would make a scene, even if I was ushered out of the funeral, I was planning to stand my ground) It's the right thing to do for her & for everyone. Luckily it went very smooth.
I of course minimize how much I see any of that crowd but I had to go to the funeral.
I don't either, but there was one at our voting location (and I'm in a ruralish bedroom village) for a few years. Dressed like a lumberjack but had long hair, makeup, jewelry, tits (fake?), and painted nails. Gave me the creeps.
I know 3 trans.. men to "women". Two of them very recent, but their mental issues are old. The third one had mental issues from way back as well, and unfortunately fell in with a fellow who badly influenced him.
I know two “trans people” who aren’t trans by a long shot but attended the University of Michigan and succumbed to the woke virus. Two handsome young men, brothers at that, are now living as women 🥺
Daughter of a summer acquaintance grew up, went out west to the Land of Fruit & Nuts, now she's a "man".
Mom's a narcissist, divorced, remarried. Dad remarried and made a new family. So she lacked a stable man figure in her life.
So weird to see her when she comes back to visit. Everyone plays along with the new name and pretend world that this poor delusional girl lives in. I just can't.
Just one thing, there is No such thing as 'trans'. It is called insanity.
Almost sounds like she’s saying “trance,” which would be fitting
And I don't know a single trans person.
Consider yourself lucky. It's pretty sad. I hear about it from the parents & none of them are happy about it, of course. They are all from the same circle of friends who believe in the vax & all the things the left legacy media says, so I've been sort of avoiding them in general these days. Basically, I just see them at funerals, but they are clearly on the up tick in those circles.
One in particular, I was probably the closest unrelated adult to her when she was very little. Totally adorable in the way that only girls are, etc. At the receiving of her father's funeral, I was talking to her sister when saw her for the 1st time in maybe 20 years & gasped. Her sister said: "You'll get used to it"
I never will though, because I want to honor who she really is without caving in to this destructive new trend going around that she got sucked into. She basically looked like a very ugly woman. But she's still the little girl I knew & so we talked for quite a bit, actually. I always addressed her by her real name & pronoun & was never corrected. We hugged & that was it. Her it-friend (IDK what to call it, not a boyfriend & not a girlfriend) but her it-friend kept trying to be part of the conversation but I just ignored it. (From talking to her mother in the past I figured out that it was her enabler) I feel good about my interaction. I'm happy I stood my ground (it had, of course, run through my mind beforehand - I know I have to stand my ground and address her by her real self - because that's the only morally correct thing to do - even if it would make a scene, even if I was ushered out of the funeral, I was planning to stand my ground) It's the right thing to do for her & for everyone. Luckily it went very smooth.
I of course minimize how much I see any of that crowd but I had to go to the funeral.
Me, either Shali!
Unfortunately I do.
I don't either, but there was one at our voting location (and I'm in a ruralish bedroom village) for a few years. Dressed like a lumberjack but had long hair, makeup, jewelry, tits (fake?), and painted nails. Gave me the creeps.
Didn't see
he, her, it last time we voted.It's called Munchausen by Proxy
I bet they all have vegan cats as well.
The sick cunts know what they're doing.
didn't she come out as a lesbian when filming sex in the city?
I don't know any trans kids, we have a toddler and go to playgroups etc.The woman lives in a liberal bubble.
Unfortunately I do.
When someone identifies as a cat, they really ARE a cat!
Same level of intelligence... I suppose you're right.
Belief makes it real.
These faggots have kept Tinkerbell alive for generations while we've just turned our backs
I know 3 trans.. men to "women". Two of them very recent, but their mental issues are old. The third one had mental issues from way back as well, and unfortunately fell in with a fellow who badly influenced him.
It sounds like Child Protective Services needs to visit her, her family, and her friends.
When I was growing up, if any of my friends wore something remotely similar to woman’s clothes, we called them a fag and he never wore it again.
Today you’d be kicked out of school for that for Suppressing his Inner Woman …
Yes, I grew up in a different generation for sure. I’d probably face charges today too.
She’s in the club so of course they’re all trans.
I know two “trans people” who aren’t trans by a long shot but attended the University of Michigan and succumbed to the woke virus. Two handsome young men, brothers at that, are now living as women 🥺
Actress Cynthia Nixon: "My kids are insane, my sister's kids are insane, every kid I know is insane...".
There I fixed it for you.
Daughter of a summer acquaintance grew up, went out west to the Land of Fruit & Nuts, now she's a "man".
Mom's a narcissist, divorced, remarried. Dad remarried and made a new family. So she lacked a stable man figure in her life.
So weird to see her when she comes back to visit. Everyone plays along with the new name and pretend world that this poor delusional girl lives in. I just can't.
Perversion breeds more perversion, of course.
So... join them then you lunatik