I've seen this video and a couple others like it with the same girl and it just shocks me how easily she talks about it. How do you "unlearn" something this horrific. She will be scarred for life. This must end and I pray it is soon.
Yes, I believe it is the same girl and yes, the way she talks makes it all seem so normal. As I stated earlier, I am hoping someone gets her away from that evil and can re-educate her.
I don't think she will be scarred at all. I see she was raised by pure evil that captured her innocence and utterly destroyed it. TO HER EVERYTHING SHE WAS DOING AND WITNESSING WAS NORMAL! This is the intent and focus, to make pure evil, By the innocent to do the harm and evil of their will. Imagine the farm or factory that produced this child. They were steeped in the evil to a point whare they were taught this is normal. SHE WILL NEVER BE NORMAL, SHE WILL ALWAYS BE A CANNIBAL ABLE TO INFLICT HORROR ON INFANTS. And eat them. This was the Satanist driving force to corrupt the innocent. The black church must be made illegal and persona non gratta.
I remember her and her brother telling all about their fathers church. A satanic ritual of child sacrifice. Satan doesn't act alone. He has many followers and many are in powerful positions!
The girl in the video, along with her younger brother, eventually recanted everything she said in the deposition. Their mother brought them to the police because of the way they would act after visiting their father (divorced). I can only imagine the fear their father (and probably others) put into them to change their story. I saw the original deposition at the start of PizzaGate.
If this information was all dumped like we wished. People would block it out. It’s too far a leap. The constant teasing and dripping of info is annoying but this must be done right. The public must have an idea that this is possible before they accept Epstein and the entire rotten temple this planet sits upon.
Info like this was common place on the old internet. Why would big tech remove and memory hole crimes against children?
She ruled that the youngsters' "fantasy" accounts of abuse stemmed from "relentless emotional and psychological pressure" by Draper and Christie who beat them into concocting stories.
Pictures today emerged of glamorous yoga teacher Draper and Christie, who has a criminal record including violence, dishonesty and drugs offences, cavorting semi-naked in a cannabis field.
Tests on Draper's son and daughter, aged eight and nine, showed they had both ingested cannabis in the months before being into taken care.
OMG. Please Father, make it stop.
Help them not hide from the truth but give the strength to handle the far worse that is being revealed Father. Amen
I've seen this video and a couple others like it with the same girl and it just shocks me how easily she talks about it. How do you "unlearn" something this horrific. She will be scarred for life. This must end and I pray it is soon.
I've seen the one with the boy and girl but I haven't seen this one. Is this the same girl from the other video?
The way she talks leaves no doubt that she's talking about things that really happened. There's no indication that she's lying at all.
Yes, I believe it is the same girl and yes, the way she talks makes it all seem so normal. As I stated earlier, I am hoping someone gets her away from that evil and can re-educate her.
Old tape. Like all PTSD , learn to live with it.
I don't think she will be scarred at all. I see she was raised by pure evil that captured her innocence and utterly destroyed it. TO HER EVERYTHING SHE WAS DOING AND WITNESSING WAS NORMAL! This is the intent and focus, to make pure evil, By the innocent to do the harm and evil of their will. Imagine the farm or factory that produced this child. They were steeped in the evil to a point whare they were taught this is normal. SHE WILL NEVER BE NORMAL, SHE WILL ALWAYS BE A CANNIBAL ABLE TO INFLICT HORROR ON INFANTS. And eat them. This was the Satanist driving force to corrupt the innocent. The black church must be made illegal and persona non gratta.
I guess I was thinking along the lines of getting her away from that evil and re-educating her.....at least that is my hope.
I don't know how much more I can take.
Ask and you may find out:
"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." --- Luke 17:21 ---1599 Geneva
The YT video is just a small snippet from a 2hr video on Bitchute.
Alisa & Gabriel Eyewitness Testimony of Murderous Satanic Sex Cult in Hampstead, London Sep. 2014
If you want to Dig deeper...
This video will lead to the bigger fish in her circle.
I remember her and her brother telling all about their fathers church. A satanic ritual of child sacrifice. Satan doesn't act alone. He has many followers and many are in powerful positions!
this is what demonic possession looks like. one of the many faces of SRA.
The girl in the video, along with her younger brother, eventually recanted everything she said in the deposition. Their mother brought them to the police because of the way they would act after visiting their father (divorced). I can only imagine the fear their father (and probably others) put into them to change their story. I saw the original deposition at the start of PizzaGate.
Yeah a couple of pot heads seen Pizzagate taking off and thought they could use that to gain custody. If anything this helped kill Pizzagate.
If this real as a society we are FUCK
Spoiler alert. We. Are. Fucked.
If this information was all dumped like we wished. People would block it out. It’s too far a leap. The constant teasing and dripping of info is annoying but this must be done right. The public must have an idea that this is possible before they accept Epstein and the entire rotten temple this planet sits upon.
Info like this was common place on the old internet. Why would big tech remove and memory hole crimes against children?
Download that video please I can’t right now
I believe this was taped in the mid 80's if I remember correctly.
No. The date is in the video. How do you people miss obvious shit?
I don't think the age of the video is important, a lot of people haven't seen it.
What's the point of seeing a video with all context stripped if not to disseminate a known hoax for clicks?