I was suspended in the great purge years ago. I didn't post very much but followed a lot of Q people (among others). I can read other posts but nothing else. I've appealed the suspension a few times with no success. I can't come up with a good reason why this is still the case but I'd like to think there is a reason. I'd love to hear other theories on why many of us are still suspended. Thanks!
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Still banned, did a few appeals with no results. Had to make another account. I was banned for sharing the NY Post Hunter laptop story. Possibly for sharing some other Q stuff as well, not really sure, was never given a specific reason.
Same here, exactly, except I got banned after posting photos of peaceful Jan 6 protesters.
I fell into a Bette Midler trap. I used her exact same verbiage that she had for Trump, and it got me banned. I know there were many who fell into the same trap.
yes I'm still banned. I posted quite a bit when Q was around and would send us to Twitter...lots of Q sent me! & some JFK Jr info.
I appealed once, but that was enough, can't grovel🤠 figured if it's meant to be, they'll unblock me.
Most of us just got new accounts. X is part of the battlefield, so it's a good thing to be on it
Strategic reinstatement.
These old accounts are information flood gates that can be opened when needed--releasing all their research, comments, memes, etc.
Twitter is still maintaining its status as a core social network and that is critical. If the unawakened get scared before they can be awakened, that's no good. Maintaining some narrative balance there is critical so malinformed people keep coming back and getting exposed to truth.
If your account has not been re-instated it's probably an operational reason--not a policy reason.
Thanks. That makes sense.
My banned account also reposted a lot of Q info. As well as everything else we had learned as a group from 2018-2021.
Same here Banned after J6 for repeatedly tweeting #twitterisasshole (seems pretty tame) but after three appeals, still banned. I was followed by General Flynn so maybe that had something to do with it 🤷♂️
I have requested, repeatedly, for an explanation of why I was permanently suspended and I never get a reason, just generic blathering.
I re-activated my account when POTUS came back on. The only post I have been able to make was retweeting his post about J-6. It won’t let me follow any more accounts, says I’ve reached my daily limit.It won’t let me comment, says I might be a bot. It lets me ❤️ a post or comment but that is just recently. I’ve been to their help and they said try changing my password. Did that, nothing. I gave up. Just use it to read posts I’m linked to. It’s probably enough, but annoying.
Probably banned 3 accounts, it doesn't matter just recreate new account ... Small account though, but I just use to browse and share barely any comments
Still banned after sharing DJT's tweets on Jan 6. They said I was spamming.
Can you ask Gronk 3.0 how to get unbanned? By putting your name into the matrix maybe, just maybe you break through the noise. No Sarc/ just wondering
It didn't give me any useful information that I already didn't know but it was worth a try. Thanks.
Good point. I'll try that.
I got banned for noticing too much. Not going back though, there appears to be a huge number of bots / shills and feds there.
same. nothing even that egregious either just some noticing
I did some appeals and still perma-banned. My "crime" was reposting a J6 meme they didn't like. But I made a second account.
Same,same. I appealed 3 times,and nothing not even an answer as to what i did wrong. Yes I was meme bombing, but they were tasteful and not offensive. I still think it was because I had Q in my bio and linked alerts.
Perma banned 3 years now
Banned since March 2017. Won't tell me why and the five times I have requested an evaluation and reconsideration the negative reply was instantaneous. Therefore, It must be an automatic response from a computer program.
Same happened to me. Before Elon bought it, Twitter had me on an IP ban along with my phone and email. So out of curiosity I signed up for a new account (post Elon) with the same old contact info, et voila! I'm in
Me too, but I never tried to appeal it. The only reason I want it back is so I can properly delete it.
I found a guy who said he could unsuspend the account, but it cost $80. Got antsy and did not follow through.
Since 2020 January 5
I’m still banned, because I said Corey Booker is a punk ass bitch. That’s it.
I got banned for flaming libs. Got it re-activated when Elon took over and was re-activating banned accounts. I think I’m still shadow banned though as I never get any views or likes on anything I post.
My dad is banned. He never even posted there, nor does he do anything nefarious online. We sent in an appeal once and never heard back.
I do. As soon as I joined I made one comment, nothing earth shattering of course. Suspended. I just don't get it. Thats only been a few months ago too, never wanted one. No biggie I guess, I am read only. 🙃
I self-suspended about year ago because I was getting too pissed at schills and knew that, if I continued, I would say something I couldn't take back.
Yes, suspended on January 10th 2021, was never able to get that back with 3 appeals. I gave up and started a new account in September 2023 with the presidential election coming.
I just went and put in my old account name and oddly enough there is an account name exactly that looks to be a bot account that says they joined in 2019 but has 0 posts and follows no one but has 1 follower. I had that account for 10 years. Who exactly sets up these bot accounts? Is it Twitter/X?
Yep. I do have a new account, and my old one was linked to so many purged accounts that I don't really care about getting it back.
Not sure if y'all recall, but there was a guy on TikTok who said "find out who I am" and that his memories had been erased. I posted an open message naming his TikTok account number on Twitter, and within hours my very old account (never had any problems) was hacked from Dresden, Germany and Rhode Island. Pretty sure SOMEONE was watching for communications to the guy who posted that TikTok video, and wanted to intercept them.
Since they changed the email/phone I had linked to my account I could not access it ever again and Twitter perma-banned the whole account within a week.
Was it the guy with the curl of hair in the front of his hair and he is American military?
That's the one!
I have always had my account on Twitter/X intact, but I was shocked when I was banned for life on Truth Social for posting a picture of Barack & Big Mike Obama that, admittedly, was in poor taste. Thing is, what ISN'T in poor taste when it comes to the Obamas?
I was banned for Q related posts, tried appealing a few times and gave up. Appealed AFTER Musk bought it and was denied again.
Yes! After appealing several times with no response, I finally just created a new account with my alternative email. You can create a free email account on Gmail or Protonmail. It doesn't fix the issue but it's a workaround.
Banned sometime during Biden's first term for calling him a traitor. Never had any appeal process whatsoever and all my emails to them were completely ignored. The reason for the ban - they said I was a Bot.
My account has been banned and I only posted "Jesus is king" next day banned. No reason, just said that it appears to be a fake account. I had the best name too. @Qanonnauki
Never had an X account nor Facebook account life goes well without
Yep, I got 2. Both are when Jack was still there.
Yep something about a death threat to cankles…. In Minecraft of course
I did. Permanent suspension the same day as President Trump back in Jan 2021. I tried in vain to get it reinstated. Even after Elon bought Twitter. No luck with any appeal ever. I tried making a brand new Twitter/X account after Elon bought it, 2 times, and it removed me again each time, saying that I was against the rules for trying to avoid a ban. Ironically I was still on X with a business account! I finally succeeded in creating a new X account about 2 years ago, using a completely different email address, then linking back to my cell phone AFTER. Then immediately paying for the Blue Check. That finally worked! I think I outwitted them. I've been on for 2 years now, no problems.
Still banned. I have appealed a couple of times without any luck. Banned on Jan 6th 2021 but hadn't posted anything in weeks. I've never been told what rule that I allegedly violated.
General Flynn had followed my account after my first tweet on Q posts just a week after Q first started posting.
I just kept making new accounts and right now I have two active accounts. I never aS able to recover two of my other accounts.
I quit X after Elon banned and shadow banned a bunch of people during the Great Christmas H1B Freakout of 2024.