Just got back from Africa where I contracted African Tick Bite Fever. Went to 2 Drs today to get doxycycline and also asked for Ivermectin. I wanted to take my yearly dewormer and thought I could use my trip to Africa as a reason for Ivermectin. I was told by one that normally they would gladly but because COVID cases are on the rise, “they” are “cracking down on ivermectin.” Whatever the F that means.


So two questions-

  1. Who is eating and or selling the horse meat?
  2. Is that the real reason we were guided to ivermectin? To alert us to the fact that we're being fed horse meat?

Miracle Drug? The Vaccine-Injured Are Seeing Profound Results With Ivermectin

Why Is Ivermectin Helping?

  • Multiple anti-inflammatory mechanisms

  • Likely repolarizes some of the immune cells to a less inflammatory subtype

  • Tightly binds to the spike protein

Dr. Pierre Kory: "I've seen profound responses to it. I've seen patients sick for months, and by the second or third day, they'll tell me that they haven't had a day like that in many, many months."

@VigilantFox | Rumble | Full Video


Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows a good site to get consultation for ivermectin for non-Covid use. After reading about it's application in colon cancer prevention and given my increased risk, I'd like to speak to someone about getting on IVM. Obviously my doctor is not budging on it so I'm doing this on my own, but I'd like to at least consult a professional before I take IVM. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


There has to be some link. Thyroid issues should be rare. Big pharma has a customer for life it seems.


This info is from last fall and hasn't been updated. (I'll try to do so later today.)

These places are in India. None of them requires an Rx (just ignore that section on the form), and shipments take about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks to arrive. All three places provide shipment tracking info / links.

NOTE for doubters of meds from India: A substantial percentage of our generic meds dispensed to us here in the US are manufactured in Mexico, India and ...Chyna. Just ask your pharmacist to see the labels on the bottles from which he dispenses your next Rx.


This place seems to have the best prices and the best customer service. They also sell HCQ, DOXY, and a wide range of other generic meds. If you need something that's not listed, contact the Customer Service number below. (I ordered a 3 year supply of my heart meds for less than 1 yr costs me here in the US.)


NOTE: DO NOT ORDER FROM THE WEBSITE. It's aligned to India and shipments may be seized by the USPS. To be assured that the shipment comes via Singapore, call their Customer Service number in Florida -- 786-386-3826 -- and ask for Renold. The dude is solid and will give you price quotes, etc.

ALSO, if you need generic meds that aren't listed on the website, give him the names and he'll let you know if they can get them for you.



The order I just placed is being shipped from India, but others here report receiving shipments, via Singapore, using just the website. (No phone call required.) The prices for this source seem higher, and reports are that customer service is slow.



Other anons report all shipments are via Singapore / Europe, no seizure problems. Customer service may not be as responsive as the other two places.


Side note: the Dr. wants to meet with all of us at 10:30am on 5/27. Will update after the appointment.


It's like a bad cold, headache, and fever. It sucks but manageable. What is the product ivermectin that I should use?


Safety of oral ivermectin during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Published JANUARY 01, 2020


Before Covid or Ivermectin was a political issue it was shown as safe for pregnant women at normal doses and safe for others at at least 10x recommended dose

"This study was sponsored by a grant from Merck Research Laboratories, a division ofMerck & Co., Inc"


Download full PDF study from webarchive


"Ivermectin was generally well tolerated, with no indication of associated CNS toxicity for doses up to 10 times the highest FDA‐approved dose of 200 μg/kg.

All dose regimens had a mydriatic effect similar to placebo.

Adverse experiences were similar between ivermectin and placebo and did not increase with dose."

Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2002;42:1122-1133 ©2002 the American College of Clinical Pharmacology

"This study demonstrated that ivermectin is generally well tolerated at these higher doses and more frequent regimens."

"In summary, the safety profile generated in this study supports the use of oral ivermectin at the approved dose levels and at dose levels being considered for the treatment of head lice. Furthermore, a significant safety margin is demonstrated. However, studies in the pediatric population are necessary to confirm safety in children at higher dose levels.

The pharmacokinetic parameters are consistent with those previously established, with the exception of a slightly longer half-life. A significant food interaction was demonstrated.

We would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their considerable contributions to this study:

Mr. Manuel Pinto and the staff of Clinical Pharmacology Associates for their invaluable help with study conduct and patient recruitment,

Ms. Geraldine Bolden of Merck Research Laboratories for her excellent work in conducting the image analysis of the pupillometry transparencies,

Ms. Mitra Asgary of Merck Research Laboratories for her contribution in analyzing the pharmacokinetic samples, and

Dr. Stephanie Larouche, formerly of Merck Research Laboratories, for her encouragement and scientific guidance."


here are the author affiliations:

From Merck Research Laboratories, Blue Bell and West Point, Pennsylva-nia, and Terlings Park, United Kingdom (Dr. Guzzo, Ms. Furtek, Dr. Porras,Dr. Chen, Mr. Tipping, Ms. Clineschmidt, Dr. Sciberras, Dr. Hsieh) andClinical Pharmacology Associates, Miami, Florida (Dr. Lasseter).

This study was sponsored by a grant from Merck Research Laboratories, a division ofMerck & Co., Inc.

Dr. Lasseter has no financial interest in Merck & Co. Dr. Sciberras was employed by Merck & Co., Inc., at the time of the study. All other authors are currently employed by Merck & Co., Inc.

Submitted for publication March 5, 2002; revised version accepted June 30, 2002.

Ad-dress for reprints: Ms. Christine Furtek, Merck & Co., Inc., BLX-29, P.O. Box4, West Point, PA 19486.


Any trustworthy sites that don’t require rx or doctor info?

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