I’ve been very sick this week with what I thought was a cold and now is appearing as a flu, I’m 10 weeks pregnant. My husband is suspicious of it being Covid. We have ivermectin it’s the paste form. A chart we found on here gave it a C grade! I’m 5ft 1in and about 129lbs. Dose anyone know if it’s safe for pregnancy and what the proper dosage amount is? We are not vaccinated and we will never be!


For those who have taken? I got 12 mg tabs....



NOTE: Have a friend who went to PCP. They were willing to prescribe Ivermectin but pharmacist at one of the big chain pharmacies would not fill. Said they were protecting their license.


My wife tested positive for covid and I've been sick as hell too since Thanksgiving so I assume I have it too (if it really exists).

I tried Duravet Ivermectin horse paste using the dosages posted by fellow pedes. Also taking vitamin c and zinc.

The first day I thought it worked as my 102 fever wasn't there the next morning. However it came back strong later in the day and it seems to be a cycle of no fever when I wake up then a fever later in the day.

What I found is the Ivermectin upset my stomach with nausia and a lot of diarrhea.

My fever is still here and im coughing a lot due to bad post nasal drip.

My wife only took aspirin and alleive yet today she seems fine. No coughing and no fever. She still has Congestion.

I know everyone's experiences are different but I atleast want to share mine with it. I guess there's some people it just doesnt work on. Sharing this info so you can make an informed decision.


A friend’s horse started taking it 3 days sunday, Monday and today. Started to get a rash today. Heard anything about this? He had a fever, sore throat, coughing. Tested positive Saturday Says he is 100% today. Symptom free Not sure it’s from the paste, multiple friends have taken it with no problems All have had good results


My husband and I are over COVID now and I want to thank everyone who gave me advice. I took vitamin D, C, Quinine, antihistamine daily before getting covid, Ivermectin weekly after a more aggressive initial frequency to try to alleviate vaccine symptoms. After getting COVID I added in Bayer and black cumin. Edited to add that we both took zinc.

I also was vaccinated.

I'm pretty surprised that my husband and I both got fairly strong cases with fever and headaches being our most severe symptoms. Some lingering symptoms were fatigue and body aches. All in all we had a few bad days and then it was over.

I'm so grateful that we have a small rural hospital that allowed us to get monoclonal antibodies even though we didn't qualify due to a "shortage". Bigger hospitals seem to have a lottery even for people who quality. I think the antibodies made all of the difference. The fever and headaches were pretty bad. My husband got up to 103.5 and I had the worst fevers the night after getting antibodies. I was a little concerned that my oxygen % got down to 94% but after the antibodies I stopped testing and I am fine now. Honestly, it's hard to tell but I am not sure ivermectin helped me. Edited to add that we both had chills. It certainly didn't keep me from getting covid and also didn't help me once I tested positive in any noticeable way ... I guess I hoped I wouldn't need the antibodies.

I'm not sure what to make of it all but I am glad it is over!! Thank you for your advice -- I increased our dosages and added a few meds. I don't think I would have considered the antibodies if it weren't recommended here.

posted ago by BQnita ago by BQnita

My horse was feeling down. On his last leg. Lost his sense of taste and smell. Threw all to OTC meds at him and he just wouldn't get better. 5 days of the horse paste and he’s trotting around the barnyard like a colt. Screw big Pharma. FLCCC protocol rocks.

posted ago by skanon ago by skanon

It was time to deworm the horses. Grabbed a package of the durvet brand ivermectin (apple flavored). I've never bought or given them apple before, but last time I went to the store that was all they had because everyone's been buying it, lol. I didn't think anything of it and bought a case.

Just opened the box and the syringe inside was not sealed inside a clear plastic bag. Lifted off the syringe end cap and no tamper resistant aluminum seal is present which you peel off revealing the contents of the syringe. The contents of the syringe look like yellow petroleum jelly instead of a white paste.

I open every new box I bought, and they're all the same. All absent of proper safety seals. I'm not giving this shit to my horses. The unflavored type is never packaged nor looks this way.

Is this normal? (I'm thinking no, and taking it back for a refund or exchange.)


Democrats are literally parasites. If they encouraged it, it would have killed off their entire voter base and only left us, the non parasites to humanity ;)


Besides having prescribed by AmericanFrontline Doctors. What online pharmacy is the place to purchase ivermectin online?


If one is totally forced to “vaccinate” what would be the effects of the “vaccination” If one loaded up on ivermectin before and after the vaccine?

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