A lot of the "trends" that get pushed to the front page here are obviously done by bots, so I'm not sure if all of you are actually falling for this or not, BUT...

You do realize that the ivermectin push still accepts their evil premise that there even is a "pandemic", which there clearly isn't, because it's only ever been the common cold, right?

So we're just going to go from them requiring the vax to them requiring ivermectin? Probably less dangerous, but the concept is just as evil. Just stop playing their game already. Arguing about how masks don't work = accepting the premise. Just like arguing about the vax vs. ivermectin...

Come on people, stop being slaves...

EDIT: Dear God, you people...Ok, no one's forcing you to take Ivermectin? No one was forcing you to take the vax in the beginning either. Do you STILL not understand how this process works?

Also, I never said Ivermectin is "bad", did I...? Of course not, but the bots want to turn this discussion into that, predictably.

Stories about people rushing to vet clinics and pet store to buy Ivermectin to the point of them being out of stock? That's insane...what for? It's still "them" trying to get you to accept their premise that there even is a pandemic to go out and buy this for.



So we have started on our little goat farming journey (you know SHTF preparedness) and I’m looking to use ivermectin injections for our goats. Goats are wormy little bastards. Lol. Anyway, I asked for some tips etc in the herd animals site I’m a member of and I got the typical “ask a vet” response. 🙄 don’t get me wrong, I get it and I don’t resent the attempt at help. Besides she gave me a nifty pic to tell if the goats have worms so that was very helpful. Anyway, it was mentioned that using it monthly as a preventative will make the worms resistant to it. Being I know a bunch of folks on here know probly quite a bit more about ivermectin than I do, what are your opinions on parasites becoming resistant if I were to give it to them monthly when I give them their selenium supplement? Also, does anyone know if it’s safe to use on pregnant or lactating goats? Suggestions on dosing too. And yeah, we do have some for human use. 😂

Follower of this board, rare commenter (sorry!). But I’ve learned a lot so thank you! The media bash on Ivermectin convinced me that it must be a good cure for the “Cobra” as my grandma calls it. Ordered some just to be safe.

Got the call from school today and sure enough, my kids a close contact. Not worried. But he’s got a stuffy nose and I’ve had some aches and sore throat/sinus issues in the last 24 hours.

Broke out the horse paste - for my horse and all the animals that share the barn - they like some honey on top of the apple flavor. Momma and papa had a chaser of whiskey. Few hours later and the horses are doing good. Even seeming to show a slight improvement.

Will do again in 48 hours as recommended and report back!

Good Ivermectin study I found (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by malooch ago by malooch

I’ve heard some people say “1 click per 50LBS”, but what I haven’t heard being discussed is how often for not being sick and with being sick.

Some said they were not sick and took it as a detox but never mentioned the dosage.

I plan to get the actual pills but would wanna know how to use the paste as a last resort, just in case I absolutely need to


Local news where I live (KS) is reporting an influx of people to the hospital due to overdosing on "muh horse medicine", something about not being able to calculate proper dosages and riddled with "animal de-wormer" I'm sure. I don't watch the local news (or any "news" for that matter), and the couple times I've seen it in the past I thought I had accidentally tuned in to CNN/MSDNC so that should probably tell you everything you need to know right there. Anybody else seeing local anti-Ivermectin propaganda?

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